2017 Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science – Aug 8-10, 2017

Dear Colleagues,

You are cordially invited to participate in the U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory’s (NETL) 2017 Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science. The conference will be held Tuesday, August 8 through Thursday, August 10, 2017, at the Morgantown Marriott at Waterfront Place, Morgantown, WV.

This event brings together international leaders from industry, academia and government laboratories working in multiphase flow sciences to discuss current research projects and discuss future research and development needs in Multiphase Flow Science including gas-solid, liquid-solid, gas-liquid, and gas-solid-liquid multiphase flow. Industrial presenters are encouraged to attend and to share their experiences and specific applications in this area.

Tuesday August 8 and Wednesday August 9, 2017 will be dedicated to technical presentations. On Thursday August 10, 2017, NETL will provide a training session for the new GUI-based MFiX Software Suite that is scheduled for Summer 2017 release. We will also introduce the new Optimization Toolset scheduled for Fall 2017 release. The Optimization Toolset uses the MFiX Software Suite for simulation-based optimization of multiphase flow devices.

Please see below for the agenda:

We look forward to your participation in the 2016 NETL Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science.

The conference will cover topics in:

• Fundamental research in multiphase flows
• Advancements in CFD model development for multiphase flows
• Application of multiphase CFD to industrial systems such as gasification, combustion, fossil fuel extraction and utilization, chemical processes, etc.
• Novel measurement techniques in multiphase flows
• Application of uncertainty quantification techniques in multiphase flow simulation
• Optimization and reduced order modeling of multiphase systems

The workshop will be Open to the Public and Foreign Nationals may attend the meeting. Only publicly available information will be presented.

There is a Registration Fee of $130.00, which will cover continental breakfast and lunch each day and refreshments for morning and afternoon breaks. This fee will not be refunded after July 18, 2017. Please register for the workshop and make your hotel reservation at the following link:

Hotel Information
We have secured a room block at Morgantown Marriott at Waterfront Place, 2 Waterfront Place, Morgantown, WV 26501. Please contact the hotel directly (304) 296-1700 or Toll-Free at 1-866-782-9974 to make your reservation. The room rate for this meeting is $105.00 per night, plus tax. This special rate will expire on July 18, 2017. Parking is available at the prevailing rate.

Further information regarding the upcoming draft agenda, hotel, transportation, directions and registration are available on our website.

You may access the following link for local information:
If you have any questions or require more information, feel free to contact us at vog.eod.lten.xifm@pohskrow


William Rogers, Ph.D., P.E.
Multiphase Flow Science Team
Research and Innovation Center
U.S. Department of Energy
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Phone: 304-285-4272
Email: vog.eod.lten@sregor.mailliw

