Paul Kieckhefen, Swantje Pietsch, Moritz Höfert, Michael Schönherr, Stefan Heinrich, Frank Kleine Jäger,
"Influence of gas inflow modelling on CFD-DEM simulations of three-dimensional prismatic spouted beds",
Powder Technology, Volume 329, 2018, Pages 167-180, ISSN 0032-5910,
Abstract: In this contribution, coupled CFD-DEM simulations of a three-dimensional prismatic spouted bed with two tangential, parallel gas inlets are presented. Contact model parameters were calibrated. Simulations with different inlet conditions were performed, whereby an additional degree of freedom by merging the two inlets was found to match the experimentally observed bed behavior. Additionally, it was shown that the inlet slit pressure drop has an important influence on spouting stability. By adjusting the inlet conditions, calibrating the particle interaction model parameters and applying fluid-coarsening correction of the Beetstra drag model, an experimentally validated model was obtained.
Keywords: Spouted bed; CFD-DEM simulations; Particle contact model calibration; Inlet geometry