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Archives: Citations

Guoqing Lian, Wenqi Zhong, Coupling CFD-DEM with cohesive force and chemical reaction sub-models for biomass combustion in a fluidized bed, Fuel, Volume 350, 2023, 128858, ISSN 0016-2361, (

Musser J, Almgren AS, Fullmer WD, et al. MFIX-Exa: A path toward exascale CFD-DEM simulations. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 2022;36(1):40-58. doi:10.1177/10943420211009293. (

Roberto Porcu, Jordan Musser, Ann S. Almgren, John B. Bell, William D. Fullmer, Deepak Rangarajan, MFIX-Exa: CFD-DEM simulations of thermodynamics and chemical reactions in multiphase flows, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 273, 2023, 118614, ISSN 0009-2509, (

Francesco Neglia, Fabio Dioguardi, Roberto Sulpizio, Raffaella Ocone, Damiano Sarocchi, Computational fluid dynamic simulations of granular flows: Insights on the flow-wall interaction dynamics, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 157, 2022, 104281, ISSN 0301-9322, (

Xu, Y.; Shahnam, M.; Rogers, W. A. CFD Simulation of Biomass Pyrolysis Vapor Upgrading over a Pt/TiO2 Catalyst in Fixed and Moving Beds; DOE.NETL-2022.3734; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2022; p 40. DOI: 10.2172/1886683.

Reyes-Urrutia, A.; Venier, C.; Mariani, N.; Nigro, N.; Rodriguez, R.; Mazza, G. A CFD Comparative Study of Bubbling Fluidized Bed Behavior with Thermal Effects Using the Open-Source Platforms MFiX and OpenFOAM. Fluids 2022, 7, 1.

Li, C, Gao, X, Rowan, SL, Hughes, B, Rogers, WA. Measuring binary fluidization of nonspherical and spherical particles using machine learning aided image processing. AIChE J. 2022; 68( 7):e17693. doi:10.1002/aic.17693

Oluwafemi A. Oyedeji, M. Brennan Pecha, Charles E.A. Finney, Chad A. Peterson, Ryan G. Smith, Zachary G. Mills, Xi Gao, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A. Rogers, Peter N. Ciesielski, Robert C. Brown, James E. Parks II, CFD–DEM modeling of autothermal pyrolysis of corn stover with a coupled particle- and reactor-scale framework, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 446, Part 2, 2022, 136920, ISSN 1385-8947, (

Musango Lungu, John Siame, Lloyd Mukosha, Coarse-grained CFD-DEM simulations of fluidization with large particles, Powder Technology, Volume 402, 2022, 117344, ISSN 0032-5910, (

Kotteda, V. M. K. S., M. “Study the thermal radiation effects in gas-solid flows with gray and non-gray P1 models implemented in MFiX,” Powder Technology Vol. 394, 2021, pp. 191-206. (