Aiming Deng, Tianqi Tang, Shanshan Sun, Yurong He, 'Particle coating growth behaviors in a spray fluidized bed based on Gas-Liquid-Solid Quasi-Three-phase DEM numerical simulation', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 476, 146480, 2023 (
Abstract: Wet granulation processes are widely used in chemical, food, pharmaceutical, and various other industrial processes. During the process of particle coating growth, particle fluidization state and liquid characteristics have an impact on the layer’s thickness and homogeneity. In this study, discrete element, liquid bridge, and droplet motion models were combined to investigate the impact of injection gas velocity, droplet diameter and injection liquid viscosity on the particle growth ratio and coating thickness distribution, and the particle growth mechanism was investigated. The particle growth area, which is the area where the number of coated particles exceeds 0, was significantly expanded by decreasing the droplet diameter and increasing the gas velocity at appropriate ranges. The frequency of droplet and particle collisions increased, and average relative liquid content decreased with increasing particle growth area. By accelerating the injection of gas and reducing the viscosity of the injected liquid, the fluidization condition of the particles, which primarily affected the particle cycle frequency, could be enhanced. The improvement of particle growth area and particle cycle frequency allowed more particles to participate in growth and improved the quality of the grown particles. The proportion of small particles dramatically grew while the proportion of large particles reduced. The standard deviation of particle diameter decreased, and particle growth became more uniform.
Keywords: Wet particle coating growth; Spray fluidized beds; Liquid bridge force; Particle growth area; Layer thickness distribution