Panxing Kang, Haizhuan Yuan, Luchang Han, Yefeng Zhou, 'Insight into hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics in a gas–solid spout fluidized bed from a multiple zone view', Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 221, 119800, 2023 (
Abstract: In this work, the hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics within a gas–solid spout fluidized bed were investigated from a multiple-zone view by employing the coupled computational fluid dynamic and discrete element method. Results show that both the axial and radial particle mixing rates are accelerated with the axial particle mixing rate much faster than the radial one when increasing the spouting gas velocity. Besides, the particle-scale and the multiple-zone heat transfer analyses show that the annulus zone makes the major contribution to inter-particle conduction with the particle–particle conduction and the particle–fluid-particle conduction heat fluxes taking up about 64 % and 73 %, followed by the fountain zone taking up about 28 % and 22 %, respectively. As for the particle–fluid convective heat transfer, the spouting and annulus zones make almost the comparative contributions being about 38 %, followed by the fountain zone being less than 24 %. Moreover, the full-bed time-averaged heat transfer analysis shows that the particle–fluid convective heat transfer plays a dominant role in the heat transfer process in the spout fluidized bed with the particle–particle conductive and the particle–fluid-particle conductive heat fluxes being about 0.1 % and 1 % of the particle–fluid convective heat flux. The results of this study can provide an efficient theoretical reference for the gas–solid flow-mixing-heat transfer processes optimization and intensification of spout fluidized beds.
Keywords: Spout fluidized bed; Particle mixing; Heat transfer characteristics; Multiple zone analysis; CFD-DEM; Numerical simulation