Hairui Lin, Yuxi Si, Jianjian Dai, Zhuohan Li, Yan Liu, Lijun Wang, Xi Gao, Youwei Cheng, 'Development and validation of filtered drag models for fluidization of low-density Geldart A particles', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 496, 153907, 2024 (

Abstract: Filtered drag models have been extensively developed and applied in coarse grid simulation of fluidized beds. However, existing filtered drag models were mainly developed using the particle properties of Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC), and these models were found to perform less satisfactorily in predicting flow fields for low-density particles. To broaden the applicability of filtered drag models, this study developed a novel filtered drag model tailored explicitly for low-density Geldart A particles. Additionally, this study investigated the differences in filtering outcomes using various filter types. Statistical analyses revealed significant differences between filters, particularly between the median and other filters. The statistical skewness distribution of the filtered quantity datasets can lead to differences in results between median and mean filters. After analyzing one-marker and two-marker models, it was found that filter type has a more pronounced influence on model performance prediction differences at small filter sizes, while it becomes insignificant at larger filter sizes. Validation studies in fluidized bed simulations found that the two-marker model established based on the Median filter performs best in predicting performance. It is also found that more substantial drag corrections are required in the extremely dense phase domain for low-density particle fluidization systems.
Keywords: Filtered drag model; Low-density particles; Geldart A particles; Fluidized bed; Two Fluid Model