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Collaboration Discussions with CanmetENERGY of Natural Resources Canada

Allan Runstedtler, Group Leader (Modelling) at CanmetENERGY, visited NETL on August 14th. Mr. Runstedtler is the Canadian lead on Advanced Computing in a collaboration between CanmetENERGY and NETL, which falls under a larger DOE - Canada agreement that was put in place last fall by Secretary Moniz. Mr. Runstedtler took a tour of NETL laboratory facilities and participated in collaboration discussions with several NETL researchers from the multiphase flow science team. CanmetENERGY and NETL have been collaborating on advanced computing tools for research in fluidized bed combustion systems. This collaboration was initiated through a personnel exchange between CanmetENERGY and NETL where we exchanged modeling expertise on coal-based energy systems during FY 2014; CanmetENERGY shared its experience with the coal characterization software, PC Coal Lab, while NETL provided training on the multiphase computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, MFIX. As a part of the continuing collaboration, NETL will share its expertise in the neural net model within C3M code and uncertainty quantification in multiphase CFD models, and CanmetENERGY will share its high pressure gasifier data and expertise in PC Coal Lab, oxy-fuel model, and reduced order modeling. For more information on CanmetENERGY please visit their website at
