Multiple Post-Doctoral Research Positions and Educational Research support positions are available with the Multiphase Flow Science Team in the NETL in-house research program. These opportunities will be available through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) program at the NETL Morgantown, WV location.
Post-Doctoral Research Opportunities
Educational Research Support Opportunities
Acceleration and Development of computational fluid dynamics computer codes. The MFS team is expanding its expertise in scientific code acceleration. Responsibilities would include performance testing, scaling analysis, algorithm development, code refactoring, etc. There is opportunity to help in guiding and planning of future development activities. An undergraduate or graduate degree in Engineering, Computer Science or related field is required. Experience in C, FORTRAN, and programming techniques for CPU/GPU architectures is desired. Please contact vog.eod.lten.xifm@sboj with any questions.
Development, enhancement, optimization, and verification of graphical user interface (GUI) for interaction and control of computational fluid dynamics software. Design and implementation of pre-processing and post-processing tools and enhancement of MFS products. An undergraduate or graduate degree in Engineering, Computer Science or related field is required. The GUI will guide users in setting up simulations as well as controlling and guiding large multi-core simulations. Additionally, GUI usage will target workflow management, design optimization, and in situ statistical analysis of simulation results. An undergraduate or graduate degree in Engineering, Computer Science, or related field with experience in Python development (including leading scientific packages like Numpy, Scipy, and Sympy) is required. Experience with the Qt library and FORTRAN is desired. Please contact vog.eod.lten.xifm@sboj with any questions.
The ideal candidate will hold a PhD degree in computer science, mathematics, or engineering and have experience in CFD, DEM, and/or molecular dynamics (MD) code development and/or multiphase flow experiments. Programming expertise in C++, Fortran, C, or another programming language is required. Experience with parallel computing, including MPI and OpenMP is required for development positions. Familiarity with MFiX and multiphase flow is not required.
The specific tasks may include: code profiling, algorithm development and implementation, writing reports/papers and making presentations to report the results of the research. The MFS team is geographically disperse making excellent communication skills a must.
NETL, part of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory system, is owned and operated by the DOE. NETL supports the DOE mission to advance the energy security of the United States. NETL implements a broad spectrum of energy and environmental research and development programs that will return benefits for generations to come. The MFS Team at NETL is a leader in the design of numerical modeling of gas-solids flows and simulations of devices of interest to DOE. The job location is at Morgantown, West Virginia research campus of NETL.
The Ph.D. must have been completed and granted by the university before starting the appointment. Applicants cannot have received the most recent degree more than five years prior to the date of application. Applicants must be U.S. Citizens or approved Foreign Nationals.
Opportunities exist for excellent performers to advance to full-time employment with the federal government, NETL contractors, and NETL University collaborators. These full-time employment opportunities will depend on job openings, citizenship status, and are filled by competitive employment solicitations.
Please submit questions and communicate your interest in applying by email only, along with a CV or resume to:
Please include the subject line ORISE Positions and area of interest. After pre-screening of resumes, qualified candidates will be contacted and referred to ORISE to continue the application process.