Dear MFIX user,
We are pleased to announce the first release of the mfixgui (0.1 beta). The mfixgui has been designed to act as a front end tool that allows users to quickly set-up MFiX computational fluid dynamic models, run the developed models, and provide post-processing tools with the goal of making MFiX easy to use. The mfixgui is not required to run MFiX and does not need a valid MFiX source code to function. However, having a valid MFiX source code allows the gui to extract keyword documentation for error checking and documentation.
The GUI is written in pure Python, leveraging the strengths of Python for quick code development, extensive existing libraries, and flexibility. The GUI will run on any operating system that Python can be installed on including Linux, Windows, and Mac. Please see the documentation for further details and dependencies.
The source can be downloaded here.
Note: This is a beta release. As such, bugs are guaranteed. The intent is for the MFiX user community to explore the use of the gui and provide feedback about the design, layout, methodology, features, and bugs. Please send any gui related questions and suggestions to the vog.eod.lten.xifm@iug-xifm mailing list.
MFIX Development Team