Dear Colleagues,
Please "SAVE THE DATE" for the U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory’s (NETL) 2024 Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science. The conference will be held Tuesday, August 13 through Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at the Morgantown Marriott at Waterfront Place Hotel, Morgantown, WV.
This event brings together international leaders from industry, academia and government laboratories working in multiphase flow sciences to discuss current research projects and future research and development needs. For these meetings, multiphase flow science refers to gas solid, liquid-solid, gas-liquid, and gas-solid-liquid multiphase flows. Industrial presenters are encouraged to attend and to share their experiences and specific applications to help researchers better understand industry needs and priorities. Please visit our website for proceedings from past workshops.
The conference will cover topics in:
- Fundamental research in multiphase flows
- Advancements in CFD model development for multiphase flows
- Application of multiphase CFD to industrial systems such as carbon capture, renewable energy, gasification, combustion, chemical and biological processes, etc.
- Novel measurement and experimental techniques in multiphase flows
- Application of uncertainty quantification techniques in multiphase flow simulation
- Optimization and reduced order modeling of multiphase systems
- Machine Learning techniques for application to the study of multiphase flows
Call for Presentations
You are invited to submit a brief abstract for a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation. The presentation will be followed by a 5-minute Q&A session where the presenter will have an opportunity to answer questions from attendees. Please submit your abstracts by June 1, 2024, to vog.eod.lten.xifm@spohskrow. The final agenda will follow by July 15, 2024. Presentations in PDF format will be due by August 1, 2024. These PDF copies will be posted to our website as part of the workshop archive.
Please register at 2024 Multiphase Flow Workshop Registration. If you have any questions or require more information, feel free to contact us at vog.eod.lten.xifm@spohskrow.
MFiX Team