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ORNL Presents Results of Detailed Computational Study of Biomass Fast Pyrolysis at TCS 2018

ORNL researchers Emilio Ramirez and Stuart Daw presented the latest results of their work studying the effect of fluid bed pyrolysis reactor hydrodynamics on quality and yield of bio-oils from woody biomass under fast pyrolysis conditions.  The poster (PDF, 7.2MB) was provided at the 2018 Thermal and Catalytic Sciences Symposium held at Auburn University.  
ORNL collaborated with NETL MFS group members Tingwen Li and Mehrdad Shahnam in the use of the MFiX-TFM code to model detailed hydrodynamics and chemical reactions in a laboratory scale reactor.  ORNL's unique High Performance Computing (HPC) system, Compute and Data Environment for Science (CADES), was leveraged to speed up the model to solution.  Results from detailed predictions compared well to yields measured in the lab.  Simulation results were then used to provide input to low-order reactor models of the pyrolysis reactor. Linking MFiX with low-order models can offer benefits in speed and flexibility providing tools to guide industry in improving reactor designs for yield and scale-up.  
This work is sponsored by U.S. DOE, Bioenergy Technologies Office supporting ORNL and NETL efforts as part of the Consortium for Computational Physics and Chemistry. This work is also part of Emilio's doctoral studies at the University of Tennessee, Bredesen Center.
For details contact
Emilio Ramirez
PhD Candidate/Researcher
University of Tennessee
Oak Ridge National Laboratory