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Presentation at the AIChE Annual Meeting, November 2014 – CFD Model Validation of a Small Scale Carbon Capture Unit

Dear MFIX user,

A presentation was made at the AIChE Special Session: Festschrift for Professor Dimitri Gidaspow's 80thBirthday and Career Long Accomplishments. The presentation describes the use of the MFIX CFD code to support NETL's Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative and detailed validation experiments using NETL's multiphase flow experimental facilities. MFIX predictions are compared to very detailed experiments studying carbon capture using solid amine-based sorbents. Fixed and bubbling bed tests are compared to non-reacting and reacting simulations to validate hydrodynamic predictions and adsorption kinetics. To-date, results compare very well qualitatively, however more accurate values of sorbent properties will be needed for better quantitative comparison. Additional tests are underway to reduce the uncertainty of sorbent property values. A PDF version of the presentation can be found here.

MFIX Development Team
