Navigating Modeling of Reacting Systems
C3M is a chemistry management software focused on computational modeling of reacting systems. The primary function of C3M is to provide direct links between reliable sources of kinetic information (kinetic modeling software, databases, and literature) and commonly used CFD software such as MFIX, FLUENT, and BARRACUDA with minimal effort from the user.
The software acts as a virtual kinetic laboratory to allow a CFD practitioner or researcher to evaluate complex, large sets of kinetic expressions for reliability and suitability and can interact with spreadsheet and process models. Once the chemical model is built within C3M, the software also allows the user to directly export the model to CFD software and/or a detailed report of all equations and values used to build the chemical model.
C3M is distributed as a Windows-based graphical user interface (GUI). To get started, download the Windows installer file from the C3M Downloads page, double click on it and follow the instructions. After installation, C3M can be launched from the Start> Programs> C3M menu, or by double-clicing on the C3M icon located on the Desktop (if the shortcut was created during installation). There are a variety of documents accessible from the “help” menu.
If you have any questions about C3M, please contact Dirk Van Essendelft or post a message on the Forum.