Lattanzi, A. M., Fullmer, W. D., Myers, A., & Musser, J. (2024). Toward Polydisperse Flows With mfix-exa. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 146(4), OSTI ID: 2319222,

Abstract: In the presence of large size disparities, single-grid neighbor search algorithms lead to inflated neighbor lists that significantly degrade the performance of Lagrangian particle solvers. If Eulerian–Lagrangian (EL) frameworks are to remain performant when simulating realistic systems, improved neighbor detection approaches must be adopted. To this end, we consider the application of a multigrid neighbor search (MGNS) algorithm in the mfix-exa software package, an exascale EL solver built upon the AMReX library. Details regarding the implementation and verification of MGNS are provided along with speedup curves for a bidisperse mixing layer. MGNS is shown to yield up to speedup on CPU and speedup on GPU for the problems considered here. The mfix-exa software is then validated for a variety of polydisperse flows. Finally, a brief discussion is given for how dynamic MGNS may be completed, with application to spatially varying particle size distributions.
Keywords: mfix-exa, AMReX, bidisperse, polydisperse