Linbo Yan, C. Jim Lim, Guangxi Yue, Boshu He, John R. Grace, Simulation of biomass-steam gasification in fluidized bed reactors: Model setup, comparisons and preliminary predictions, Bioresource Technology, Volume 221, December 2016, Pages 625-635, ISSN 0960-8524,

Abstract: A user-defined solver integrating the solid-gas surface reactions and the multi-phase particle-in-cell (MP-PIC) approach is built based on the OpenFOAM software. The solver is tested against experiments. Then, biomass-steam gasification in a dual fluidized bed (DFB) gasifier is preliminarily predicted. It is found that the predictions agree well with the experimental results. The bed material circulation loop in the DFB can form automatically and the bed height is about 1 m. The voidage gradually increases along the height of the bed zone in the bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) of the DFB. The U-bend and cyclone can separate the syngas in the BFB and the flue gas in the circulating fluidized bed. The concentration of the gasification products is relatively higher in the conical transition section, and the dry and nitrogen-free syngas at the BFB outlet is predicted to be composed of 55% H2, 20% CO, 20% CO2 and 5% CH4.
Keywords: Biomass-steam gasification; Dual fluidized bed (DFB); Multiphase particle in cell (MP-PIC); OpenFOAM; Simulation