Mairaj Muhammad, Muhammad Zaman, Fei Li, Afsin Gungor, Atta Ullah, 'CFD simulation of liquid holdup in a three-phase countercurrent turbulent contact absorber', Powder Technology, Volume 416, 118203, 2023 (

Abstract: CFD study of a turbulent contact absorber (TCA) for Type I and Type II regimes is performed where Eulerian approach is used with closures from using Kinetic Theory of Granular Flow (KTGF). Liquid holdup (LHU), expanded bed height (EBH) and bed pressure drop were calculated to compare simulation results with experimental data. It is found that CFD can be used confidently to calculate these variables. EBH for Type I regime is more than Type II regime with increasing gas velocity. Slight increase in the EBH is noted with increase in liquid velocity for both regimes. LHU and pressure drop is remains almost constant for all gas velocity, but increases with increasing liquid velocity. It is concluded that the results of EBH, pressure drop, and LHU are in close agreement with the experimental findings. Simulation results are in better agreement with experiments as compared to the results predicted by relevant correlations.
Keywords: Computational fluid dynamics; Counter-current fluidization; Turbulent contact absorber; Fluctuating boundary condition; Liquid holdup