Archives: Citations

Mary Ann Clarke, Jordan Musser, “The MFiX Particle-in-Cell Method (MFiXPIC) Theory Guide”, DOE/NETL-2020/2115, NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2020; p. 28. DOI: 10.2172/1630414.

Deepthi Chandramouli, Huda Ashfaq, William A. Rogers, “Experimental and Simulation Analysis of Binary Mixtures of Biomass and Inert Material”, DOE/NETL-2020/2134; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2020; p. 44. DOI: 10.2172/1619201.

Tingwen Li, Yupeng Xu, “Computational Fluid Dynamics and Its Application to Fluidization”, In Essentials of Fluidization Technology (eds J. Grace, X. Bi and N. Ellis), 2020,  doi:10.1002/9783527699483.ch6

Yupeng Xu, Tingwen Li, Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Sina Tebianian, John R. Grace, Jamal Chaouki, Thomas W. Leadbeater, Rouzbeh Jafari, David J. Parker, Jonathan Seville, Naoko Ellis, “Development and confirmation of a simple procedure to measure solids distribution in fluidized beds using tracer particles”, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 217, 2020, 115501,

Yupeng Xu, Tingwen Li, Liqiang Lu, Sina Tebianian, Jamal Chaouki, Thomas W. Leadbeater, Rouzben Jafari, David J. Parker, Jonathan Seville, Naoko Ellis, John R. Grace, “Numerical and experimental comparison of tracer particle and averaging techniques for particle velocities in a fluidized bed”, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 195, 2019, Pages 356-366,

Liqiang Lu, Jia Yu, Xi Gao, Yupeng Xu, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A. Rogers, “Experimental and numerical investigation of sands and Geldart A biomass co‐fluidization”, AIChe Journal, Mar. 16, 2020

Xi Gao, Tingwen Li, William A. Rogers, Kristin Smith, Katherine Gaston, Gavin Wiggins, James E. Parks II, Validation and application of a multiphase CFD model for hydrodynamics, temperature field and RTD simulation in a pilot-scale biomass pyrolysis vapor phase upgrading reactor, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 388, 15 May 2020, 124279, (

Shuai Wang, Kun Luo, Jianren Fan, “CFD-DEM coupled with thermochemical sub-models for biomass gasification: Validation and sensitivity analysis”, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 217, 2020,

Subhodeep Banerjee; Rupendranath Panday; William Fullmer; William Rogers, “Developing a high-fidelity CFD model for CO2 separation by adsorption”, The 44th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy. The Clean Water Conference, June 18, 2019. Pages 1-22

Liqiang Lu; Xi Gao; Mehrdad Shahnam; William A. Rogers, “Hybrid drag model for the simulation of biomass fast pyrolysis”, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, WV Nov. 14, 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting. Pages 2-12.