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Archives: Citations

Yu, Y. X. L., Y.; Chen, X.; Duan, F.; Zhou, Q. “Improvement of the Coarse-Grained Discrete Element Method for Frictional Particles,” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Vol. 60, No. 15, 2021, pp. 5651-5664.

Zhu, R. L., Wenwei; Li, Gengda; Huang, Yun. “Numerical analysis of a single particle impaction on a powdery layer with fine particles,” Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 233, 2021, p. 116398. (

Wang, S. S., Yansong. “Particle-scale study of heat and mass transfer in a bubbling fluidised bed,” Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 240, 2021, p. 116655. (

Khadilkar, A. B. K., James R.; Rozelle, Peter L.; Pisupati, Sarma V. “Integrated modeling methodology for ash agglomeration in poly-disperse fluidized beds using particle population framework,” Powder Technology Vol. 384, 2021, pp. 368-378. (

Niaki, S. R. A. M., J.; Chavez-Cussy, N.; Milioli, C. C.; Milioli, F. E. “Improving the accuracy of two-fluid sub-grid modeling of dense gas -solid fluidized flows,” Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 229, 2021, p. 12. (

Alobaid, F. A., Naser; Massoudi Farid, Massoud; May, Jan; Rößger, Philip; Richter, Andreas; Epple, Bernd. “Progress in CFD Simulations of Fluidized Beds for Chemical and Energy Process Engineering,” Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2021, p. 100930. (

Wang, S. Z., Kai; He, Yurong. “Insight into bubble-to-emulsion mass transfer of an isolated clouded bubble in an incipiently fluidized bed,” Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, p. 133642. (

Zhang, K. W., Shuai; Wu, Qiang; Wang, Tianyu; He, Yurong. “Investigation of bubble-to-emulsion phase mass transfer at non-isothermal conditions via a coupled CFD-DEM approach,” Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 231, 2021, p. 116284. (

Macedo, M. S. S., M. A.; Madeira, Luis M. “Process intensification for hydrogen production through glycerol steam reforming,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Vol. 146, 2021, p. 111151. (

Shao, Y. C. R., X.; Li, S. Q. “Mechanism for clogging of microchannels by small particles with liquid cohesion,” Aiche Journal Vol. 67, No. 7, 2021, p. 14.