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Archives: Citations

Jordan Musser, Madhava Syamlal, Mehrdad Shahnam, David Huckaby, Constitutive equation for heat transfer caused by mass transfer, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 123, 17 February 2015, Pages 436-443, ISSN 0009-2509,

Tingwen Li, Validation of a 2.5D CFD model for cylindrical gas–solids fluidized beds, Powder Technology, Volume 286, December 2015, Pages 817-827, ISSN 0032-5910,

Ahmadreza Abbasi Baharanchi, Seckin Gokaltun, George Dulikravich, Performance improvement of existing drag models in two-fluid modeling of gas–solid flows using a PR-DNS based drag model, Powder Technology, Volume 286, December 2015, Pages 257-268, ISSN 0032-5910,

Molina, I., Burgisser, A., and Oppenheimer, C. (2012) Numerical simulations of  convection in crystal-bearing magmas: A case study of the magmatic system at Erebus, Antarctica, Journal of Geophysical Research, v.117, B07209.

Wei Xu, David S. DeCroix, Xin Sun, Mechanistic based DEM simulation of particle attrition in a jet cup, Powder Technology, Volume 253, February 2014, Pages 385-392. .

Verma, Vikrant, Johan T. Padding, Niels G. Deen, J. A. M. (Hans) Kuipers, Frank Barthel, Martina Bieberle, Michael Wagner, and Uwe Hampel. 2014. Bubble dynamics in a 3-D gas-solid fluidized bed using ultrafast electron beam X-ray tomography and two?fluid model. AIChE Journal 60, (5): 1632-1644.

Anna Trendewicz, Robert Braun, Abhijit Dutta, Jack Ziegler, One dimensional steady-state circulating fluidized-bed reactor model for biomass fast pyrolysis, Fuel, Volume 133, 1 October 2014, Pages 253-262.

Teaters Lindsey C., Battaglia Francine. On the Computational Modeling of Unfluidized and Fluidized Bed Dynamics J. Fluids Eng. 136(10), 104501 (2014).

Sweeney, Matthew R. A Numerical Determination of Debris Jet Length Scales and Depositional Structures in Diatremes. Master of Science Thesis, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2014.

Rangarajan D, Shiozawa T, Shen Y, Curtis JS, Yu A. Influence of operating parameters on raceway properties in a model blast furnace using two-fluid model. Ind Eng Chem , 2014,53,4983-4990. .