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Archives: Citations

Fan R., Fox R. O. Segregation in polydisperse fluidized beds: Validation of a multi-fluid model. Chemical Engineering Science. 2008 Jan;63(1):272-85.

Dartevelle S. Technical Report on From model conception to verification and validation, a global approach to multiphase Navier-Stoke models with an emphasis on volcanic explosive phenomenology. 2007. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Los Alamos, NM, USA: LA-14346; TRN: US200909%%265. p. 92.

Estep Joe, Dufek Josef. Discrete element simulations of bed force anomalies due to force chains in dense granular flows. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2013 3/15/;254(0):108-17.

Fan R. Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Fluidized Bed Polymerization Reactors [Doctoral Dissertation]: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; 2006. p. 197.

Faletra P., Clark T., Jones R., et al. Journal of Undergraduate Research, Volume III, 2003. 2003. Federal Energy Technology Center Morgantown, WV, USA. p. 157.

Holder G., Mathews J., Wilson T., et al. Final Technical Report on University/NETL Student Partnership Program 2006. (NETL) National Energy Technology Laboratory, University Of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. p. 39.

Holloway William, Benyahia Sofiane, Hrenya Christine M., Sundaresan Sankaran. Meso-scale structures of bidisperse mixtures of particles fluidized by a gas. Chemical Engineering Science. 2011 Oct 1;66(19):4403-20.

Holloway William, Sundaresan Sankaran. Filtered models for reacting gas-particle flows. Chemical Engineering Science. 2012 Sep 12;82:132-43.

Holloway William, Sundaresan Sankaran. Filtered models for bidisperse gas-particle flows. Chemical Engineering Science. 2014 Apr 28;108:67-86.

Holloway William, Yin Xiaolong, Sundaresan Sankaran. Fluid-Particle Drag in Inertial Polydisperse Gas-Solid Suspensions. Aiche Journal. 2010 Aug;56(8):1995-2004. .