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Archives: Citations

Hrenya C. M., Cocco R., Fox R., Subramaniam S., Sundaresan S. Final Technical Report on Development, Verification, and Validation of Multiphase Models for Polydisperse Flows. 2011. (NETL) National Energy Technology Laboratory, Colorado University Of. p. 559.

Igci Yesim, Andrews Arthur T., Sundaresan Sankaran, Pannala Sreekanth, O’Brien Thomas. Filtered two-fluid models for fluidized gas-particle suspensions. Aiche Journal. 2008 Jun;54(6):1431-48.

Hu Xiaoying, Wang Tao, Song Jinghui, Dong Changqing, Ieee. Research on wear mechanism of dense phase area in fluidized bed. 2012 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference; 2012.

Igci Yesim, Pannala Sreekanth, Benyahia Sofiane, Sundaresan Sankaran. Validation Studies on Filtered Model Equations for Gas-Particle Flows in Risers. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012 Feb 1;51(4):2094-103.

Inc. Advanced Fuel Research. Technical Report on Fossil fuel conversion — Measurement and modeling. 1997. Federal Energy Technology Center Morgantown, WV, USA, Advanced Fuel Research Inc. East Hartford, CT, USA: DOE/MC/30040–2; ON: DE98058980; TRN: AHC29819%%51. p. 216.

Igci Yesim, Sundaresan Sankaran. Verification of Filtered Two-Fluid Models for Gas-Particle Flows in Risers. Aiche Journal. 2011 Oct;57(10):2691-707.

Jalalinejad Farzaneh, Bi Xiaotao T., Grace John R. Effect of electrostatic charges on single bubble in gas-solid fluidized beds. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 2012 Sep;44:15-28.

Jung J. W., Gamwo I. K. Multiphase CFD-based models for chemical looping combustion process: Fuel reactor modeling. Powder Technology. 2008 Apr 21;183(3):401-9.

Joyce E. L. National laboratories` capabilities summaries for the DOE Virtual Center for Multiphase Dynamics (VCMD). 1997. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Los Alamos, NM, USA: LA-UR–96-4842; ON: DE97003590; TRN: 97:001683. p. 52.

Jung J. W., Gidaspow D., Gamwo I. K. Bubble computation, granular temperatures, and reynolds stresses. Chemical Engineering Communications. 2006 Aug;193(8):946-75.