Archives: Citations

Benyahia S., Syamlal M., O’Brien T. J. Evaluation of boundary conditions used to model dilute, turbulent gas/solids flows in a pipe. Powder Technology. 2005 Aug 23;156(2-3):62-72.

Benyahia Sofiane, Syamlal Madhava, O’Brien Thomas J. Study of the ability of multiphase continuum models to predict core-annulus flow. Aiche Journal. 2007 Oct;53(10):2549-68.

Brenner Thomas A., Fontenot Raymond L., Cizmas Paul G. A., O’Brien Thomas J., Breault Ronald W. Augmented proper orthogonal decomposition for problems with moving discontinuities. Powder Technology. 2010 10/25/;203(1):78-85. .

Brenner Thomas A., Fontenot Raymond L., Cizmas Paul G. A., O’Brien Thomas J., Breault Ronald W. A reduced-order model for heat transfer in multiphase flow and practical aspects of the proper orthogonal decomposition. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 2012 8/10/;43(0):68-80.

Breault R. W., Shadle L. J., Pandey P. Granular temperature, turbulent kinetic energy and solids fraction of cork particles at the wall in the riser of a CFB; 2005. In Cen, K (Ed.), Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology VIII (pp. 755-761). Hangzhou, China: Int Academic Publisers.

Boyalakuntla D. S. Simulation of Granular and Gas-Solid Flows using Discrete Element Method [Doctoral Dissertation]: Carnegie Mellon University; 2003. p. 184.

Breault Ronald W., Guenther Chris. Mass transfer coefficient prediction method for CFD modeling of riser reactors. Powder Technology. 2010 Oct 25;203(1):33-9. .

Bogere M. Final Technical Report on Dense Multiphase Flow Simulation: Continuum Model for Poly-Dispersed Systems Using Kinetic Theory. 2011. (NETL) National Energy Technology Laboratory. p. 25. .

Bockelie M., Swensen D., Denison M., Sarofim A., Senior C. Final Report on A Computational Workbench Environment For Virtual Power Plant Simulation. 2004. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Pittsburgh, PA, and Morgantown, WV, USA, Reaction Engineering International Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. p. 444.

Bockelie M., Swensen D., Denison M. Technical Report on A Computational Workbench Environment For Virtual Power Plant Simulation. 2001. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Pittsburgh, PA, and Morgantown, WV, USA, Reaction Engineering International Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: TRN: US200212%%38. p. 20.