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Archives: Citations
Igci Yesim, Pannala Sreekanth, Benyahia Sofiane, Sundaresan Sankaran. Validation Studies on Filtered Model Equations for Gas-Particle Flows in Risers. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012 Feb 1;51(4):2094-103.
Hu Xiaoying, Wang Tao, Song Jinghui, Dong Changqing, Ieee. Research on wear mechanism of dense phase area in fluidized bed. 2012 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference; 2012.
Igci Yesim, Andrews Arthur T., Sundaresan Sankaran, Pannala Sreekanth, O’Brien Thomas. Filtered two-fluid models for fluidized gas-particle suspensions. Aiche Journal. 2008 Jun;54(6):1431-48.
Razavi Behzad Saeedi, Hosseini Seyyed Hossein. Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies of Hydrodynamic Parameters in a Two-Dimensional Conical Spouted Bed. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 2012 Aug;24(8):3571-8.
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