Archives: Citations

Nicoletti P. A., Rogers W., Sams W. N., Syamlal M., Venkatesan S. MFIX. Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchanges. 1993. Morgantown Energy Technology Center Morgantown, WV, USA: ESTSC–000799SGIIP00.

Passalacqua A., Marmo L. A critical comparison of frictional stress models applied to the simulation of bubbling fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Science. 2009 Jun 15;64(12):2795-806.

Passalacqua A., Fox R. O., Garg R., Subramaniam S. A fully coupled quadrature-based moment method for dilute to moderately dilute fluid-particle flows. Chemical Engineering Science. 2010 Apr;65(7):2267-83. .

Passalacqua A., Fox R. O. Simulation of Mono- and Bidisperse Gas-Particle Flow in a Riser with a Third-Order Quadrature-Based Moment Method. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2013 Jan;52(1):187-98.

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Pannala Sreekanth, Daw C. Stuart, Finney Charles E. A., Boyalakuntla Dhanunjay, Syamlal Madhava, O’Brien Thomas J. Simulating the dynamics of spouted-bed nuclear fuel coaters. Chemical Vapor Deposition. 2007 Sep;13(9):481-90.

Pannala Sreekanth, Daw C. Stuart, Finney Charles E. A., Benyahia Sofiane, Syamlal Madhava, O’Brien Thomas J. Modeling the Collisional-Plastic Stress Transition for Bin Discharge of Granular Material. In: Nakagawa M., Luding S., editors. Powders and Grains 2009; 2009. p. 657-60.

Oyama T., Agblevor F. , Battaglia F., Klein M. Technical Report on Novel Fast Pyrolysis/Catalytic Technology for the Production of Stable Upgraded Liquids. 2013. Tech Virginia. p. 60.

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