Dear MFIX user,
We are pleased to announce the release of the new version of MFIX (MFIX2012-1). Please visit to download the latest version. Please see the release notes below that highlight the changes from the previous version.
Please send any software related questions to vog.eod.lten.xifm@pleh-xifm or administrative questions tovog.eod.lten.xifm@nimda.
MFIX Development Team
Changes from MFIX2010-1 (Date: 02/02/2010) to MFIX2012-1 (Date: 01/19/2012)
New features added:
- DMP Parallelization (MPI)
- SMP Parallelization (OpenMP)
- Mass inlet and outlet boundary conditions
- Heat transfer and DES reactive chemistry
- Cohesion van der Waals force calculation with/without Rumpf corrections to asperities on surface of particles
- Virtual mass
- Virtual mass force acts to increase the inertia of the dispersed phase, which tends to stabilize simulations of bubbly gas-liquid flows
- GHD (Garzo, Hrenya, and Dufty) granular kinetic theory
- The GHD model solves mixture momentum and granular energy equations instead of the individual solids phases equations
- Cartesian Grid cut cell technique
- Partial slip boundary condition
- K-epsilon wall functions
- Energy equation
- Geometry input from STL file and Gambit msh file (3D)
- Quadrature method of moments (QMOM)
- Solves moment transport equations for the particle phase [1]
Changes in existing features:
- Bug fixes and enhancements:
- Gfortran compilation: various format statement and line continuation were modified to accommodate gfortran
- Chi scheme
- Bug fix: ensure species mass fractions add to one
- Enhancement: vanishing species no longer degrade the 2nd order scheme to FOU
- Updated documents:
- Readme file [2]
- DEM documentation [3]
- Cartesian grid documentation [4]
- Summary of MFIX equations [5]
Under Development:
- MPPIC: Multi-Phase Particle in Cell
- Application of Cartesian cut-cell technique to DEM
- Variable solids density
Project Metrics:
- Change from 2010-1 Release:
- 50 new files
- Nearly 38,000 new lines of code (around 23,000 excluding comments and blank lines)
- 2012-1 Total count:
- Files: 519
- Lines: 181092
- Blank Lines: 23108
- Code Lines: 107651
- Comment Lines: 53285
- Statements: 80529