NETL Multiphase Flow Science Publications
This database is a comprehensive list of reports, presentations, and journal publications generated by the NETL Multiphase Flow Science program and MFS team collaborations. This information includes results from both MFS computational fluid dynamics modeling and MFS experimental research programs.
MFiX Publications and Citations
This database contains a non-comprehensive list of publications that
- cite MFIX via the original 1993 MFIX documentation: theory guide which covers the basic MFIX model or
- include MFIX in their abstract/title/keyword. Documents that describe later development in MFIX may be found in the documentation page and the development page (member’s area).
This list is primarily generated from the ISI WWW of Knowledge bibliographic database using the above criteria and from SciTech Connect. Most of the papers listed include discussions of simulation results generated with MFIX, but a few may only cite MFIX in passing.
If your paper is not listed below, please send us the citation details to vog.eod.lten.xifm@nimda.
MFiX Citations/Year