MFiX Publications and Citations
This database contains a non-comprehensive list of publications that
- cite MFIX via the original 1993 MFIX documentation: theory guide which covers the basic MFIX model or
- include MFIX in their abstract/title/keyword. Documents that describe later development in MFIX may be found in the documentation page and the development page (member’s area).
This list is primarily generated from the ISI WWW of Knowledge bibliographic database using the above criteria and from SciTech Connect. Most of the papers listed include discussions of simulation results generated with MFIX, but a few may only cite MFIX in passing.
If your paper is not listed below, please send us the citation details to
Publication Year 2024
Suyang Pan, Jiliang Ma, Xiaoping Chen, Cai Liang, 'Combustion of an ammonia bubble with an oxygen bubble in a fluidized bed', Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 244, 122591, 2024 (
Florian Wéry, Laurien A. Vandewalle, Geraldine J. Heynderickx, Kevin M. Van Geem, 'catchyCFDEM: Open-source microkinetic modeling of heterogeneous catalysis in Eulerian-Lagrangian CFD applied to oxidative coupling of methane', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 498, 155247, 2024 (
Mohammad Pourhoseinian, Neda Asasian-Kolur, Seyedmehdi Sharifian, 'Comparative computational fluid dynamics analysis of fast pyrolysis of agricultural feedstocks across different biomass categories', Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 180, 107026, 2024 (
Yang Liu, Jiatong Liu, Xue Liu, Guohui Li, Lixing Zhou, 'Investigation on particle slug flow using large eddy simulation combined a particle kinetic energy model', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 494, 153112, 2024 (
Kenan Xi, Runqing Li, Xiazhi Li, Mei Li, Xiudong Xu, Yu Zhang, Hao Wang, Youjun Lu, 'Numerical investigations on cluster characteristics in the supercritical water circulating fluidized bed riser', Particuology, Volume 94, Pages 281-293, 2024 (
Kari Myöhänen, Hadi Bordbar, Artur Błaszczuk, Timo Hyppänen, Jouni Ritvanen, 'Assessing the impact of wet and dry flue gas recycling on heat transfer in oxygen-fired circulating fluidized bed furnaces', International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 131, 104033, 2024 (
Anjun Li, Liyun Zhu, Xiaoli Zhu, Zhenbo Wang, Xiaoyu Li, Peikun Liu, 'Particle scale modeling of heat transfer between mesoscale clusters and surfaces in fluidized beds', Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 60, 104634, 2024 (
Mohsen Zarepour, Donald J. Bergstrom, Raymond J. Spiteri, 'Identifying dominant flow structures in a bubbling gas-particle fluidized bed using the spectral proper orthogonal decomposition', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 293, 120048, 2024 (
Sofiane Benyahia, 'Simulation of heavy particles fluidized with non-Newtonian fluids', Powder Technology, Volume 433, 119261, 2024 (
Dazhao Gou, Yansong Shen, 'GPU-accelerated CFD-DEM modeling of gas-solid flow with complex geometry and an application to raceway dynamics in industry-scale blast furnaces', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 294, 120101, 2024 (
Sofiane Benyahia, Augusto Neri, 'Numerical study of deaeration of aeratable particles', Powder Technology, Volume 445, 120038, 2024 (
Tagir Kadyrov, Fei Li, Atta Ullah, 'Considering solid shear stress in MP-PIC simulation of a CFB riser', Particuology, Volume 89, Pages 79-87, 2024 (
Ruichao Tian, Jianlin Xie, Shuyan Wang, Xiaowei Li, Haoping Peng, Pengfei Yu, Yueming Guo, '3D CFD simulation of wet rough particles hydrodynamics in a pulsed fluidized bed using kinetic theory of rough spheres model', Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 35, Issue 11, 104680, 2024 (
Xiaoxue Jiang, Xiaobing Wang, Dong Li, Chongyong Su, Junfeng Gu, Ruichao Tian, 'Passive method of clusters regulation using internal rings in fluidized bed risers', Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 35, Issue 2, 104338, 2024 (
Dongjin Lee, Elle Lavichant, Boris Kramer, 'Global sensitivity analysis with limited data via sparsity-promoting D-MORPH regression: Application to char combustion', Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 511, 113116, 2024 (
Shouzheng Yuan, Yiming Zhao, Xiao Chen, Qiang Zhou, 'A corrected filtered drag model considering the effect of the wall boundary in gas-particle fluidized bed', Powder Technology, Volume 432, 119158, 2024 (
Yassir Makkawi, Baraa Mohamed, 'CFD modeling of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) waste fast pyrolysis in a fluidized bed-including experimental kinetics, validation, and remarks on the modeling approach', Renewable Energy, Volume 224, 120175, 2024 (
Zhen Wan, Hao Wang, Youjun Lu, 'Numerical simulation of polydisperse particle segregation based on a bubble-based drag model', Powder Technology, Volume 431, 119081, 2024 (
Xi Chen, Rongchao Li, Ye Tao, Yongqi Tong, Ao Li, Daofeng Mei, Haibo Zhao, 'Engineering design and numerical design for chemical looping combustion reactor: A review', Energy Reviews, Volume 3, Issue 3, 100100, 2024 (
Nastaran Samani, Roger Khalil, Morten Seljeskog, Jørn Bakken, Rajan K. Thapa, Marianne S. Eikeland, 'Experimental and simulation studies of oxygen-blown, steam-injected, entrained flow gasification of lignin', Fuel, Volume 362, 130713, 2024 (
Xiang Li, Hongchuan Jiang, Zhaoxing Su, Lianying Xiong, Cai Liang, Daoyin Liu, Lunbo Duan, Huichao Chen, Xiaoping Chen, 'Integrated attrition model of mechanical-thermal-reaction for CaCO3/CaO thermochemical energy storage', Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 257, Part A, 124247, 2024 (
Carlos Andrés del Valle, Vasileios Angelidakis, Sudeshna Roy, José Daniel Muñoz, Thorsten Pöschel, 'SPIRAL: An efficient algorithm for the integration of the equation of rotational motion', Computer Physics Communications, Volume 297, 109077, 2024 (
Ruochun Zhang, Bonaventura Tagliafierro, Colin Vanden Heuvel, Shlok Sabarwal, Luning Bakke, Yulong Yue, Xin Wei, Radu Serban, Dan Negruţ, 'Chrono DEM-Engine: A Discrete Element Method dual-GPU simulator with customizable contact forces and element shape', Computer Physics Communications, Volume 300, 109196, 2024 (
Fabio Ferrario, Valentina Busini, 'Statistical analysis of modelling approaches for CFD simulations of high-pressure natural gas releases', Results in Engineering, Volume 21, 101770, 2024 (
Christian C. Milioli, Fernando E. Milioli, 'Effect of particle Froude number on sub-grid effective drag, filtered and residual stresses in fluidized gas-particle flows', Particuology, Volume 95, Pages 36-48, 2024 (
Yuanhe Yue, Weiwei Zhao, Xiaolu Sun, Hanqiao Che, Runzhe Duan, 'A CFD-DEM study of a two-joint spouting flow pattern in a multiple rectangular spout fluidized bed', Powder Technology, Volume 435, 119351, 2024 (
Mohammad Reza Haghgoo, Donald J. Bergstrom, Raymond J. Spiteri, 'Identifying particle flow structures in a dense gas-particle fluidized bed', International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Volume 108, 109495, 2024 (
Qiang Guo, Jieyu Tian, Runsheng Huang, Christopher M. Boyce, 'Towards accurate modeling of vibration in CFD-DEM simulations of vibrated gas-fluidized beds without using a moving mesh', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 298, 120445, 2024 (
Xiaolin Guo, Chenshu Hu, Yuyang Dai, Hongbo Xu, Lingfang Zeng, 'Learning dense gas-solids flows with physics-encoded neural network model', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 485, 150072, 2024 (
Nazmul Hossain, Ralph Metcalfe, 'Introducing an efficient capped fluidized bed and quantifying its flow and heat transfer performance', Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, Volume 198, 109720, 2024 (
Rahim Shamsoddini, Bahador Abolpour, Hanie Abbaslou, Hossein Yarahmadi, 'SPH modeling and investigation of the effect of the carbon dioxide entry form on its absorption rate in a microchannel containing absorbent aqueous solution', Fuel, Volume 371, Part B, 132073, 2024 (
X. Jia, R.A. Williams, '3D-measurement of particles and particulate assemblies - A review of the paradigm shift in describing anisotropic particles', Powder Technology, Volume 447, 120109, 2024 (
Zhengquan Li, Yukun Wu, Yide Wang, Kaixuan Li, Pei Zhang, 'Simulation of non-spherical particles stirring process in stirred tanks', Powder Technology, Volume 434, 119345, 2024 (
Alireza Kianimoqadam, Justin L Lapp, 'Asynchronous GPU-based DEM solver embedded in commercial CFD software with polyhedral mesh support', Powder Technology, Volume 444, 120040, 2024 (
Sayyam Chopra, Baharak Sajjadi, 'A mechanistic analysis of particle flow in a pulsatile circulating dual fluidized bed for chemical looping technology based on CDF-DEM simulation', Powder Technology, Volume 435, 119260, 2024 (
Bo Wang, Han Zhou, Shan Jing, Qiang Zheng, Wenjie Lan, Shaowei Li, 'A data-driven model of drop size prediction based on artificial neural networks using small-scale data sets', Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 66, Pages 71-83, 2024 (
M. Dosta, D. Andre, V. Angelidakis, R.A. Caulk, M.A. Celigueta, B. Chareyre, J.-F. Dietiker, J. Girardot, N. Govender, C. Hubert, R. Kobyłka, A.F. Moura, V. Skorych, D.K. Weatherley, T. Weinhart, 'Comparing open-source DEM frameworks for simulations of common bulk processes', Computer Physics Communications, Volume 296, 109066, 2024 (
ZiTeng Yu, ZiXing Wang, HuiXiong Zhong, KeKe Cheng, 'Essential aspects of the CFD software modelling of biomass gasification processes in downdraft reactors', RSC Advances, Volume 14, Issue 39, Pages 28724-28739, 2024 (
Shuai Zhang, Wei Ge, 'Accelerating discrete particle simulation of particle-fluid systems', Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Volume 43, 100989, 2024 (
Wende Tian, Xiaomin Fan, Zhe Li, Zhe Cui, Bin Liu, 'Design and variable scale optimization of flare gas recovery process for hydrogen production', Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Volume 184, Pages 922-935, 2024 (
Jinnan Guo, Daoyin Liu, Jiliang Ma, Cai Liang, Xiaoping Chen, 'Particle residence time distribution and axial dispersion coefficient in a pressurized circulating fluidized bed by using multiphase particle-in-cell simulation', Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 69, Pages 167-176, 2024 (
Arno de Reviere, Jean-Pierre Gilson, Valentin Valtchev, Joris W. Thybaut, Maarten K. Sabbe, An Verberckmoes, 'Enhancing the catalytic performance of H-ZSM-5 in bio n-butanol dehydration by zeolite crystal engineering', Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, Volume 357, 124351, 2024 (
J.I. Córcoles, M. Díaz-Heras, P. Domínguez Coy, J.A. Almendros-Ibáñez, '3-D numerical simulation of the heat transfer of a fluidized bed with a horizontal tube bundle and Geldart D particles', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 225, 125406, 2024 (
Mohsen Zarepour, Cole Dutchyn, Donald J. Bergstrom, Lifeng Zhang, Raymond J. Spiteri, 'Largest Lyapunov exponent and Shannon entropy: Two indices to analyze mixing in fluidized beds', Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 210, Pages 59-70, 2024 (
Bing Han, Dileep Kumar, Yang Pei, Michael Norton, Scott D. Adams, Sui Yang Khoo, Abbas Z. Kouzani, 'Modelling of thermochemical processes of waste recycling: A review', Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Volume 182, 106687, 2024 (
Xiaolong Xing, Xiaoke Ku, Jianzhong Lin, Zhaosheng Yu, 'Influence of cyclone combustor structure on the motion behaviors of solid fuel particles', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 299, 120446, 2024 (
Ankush Raje, Ashlesha A. Bhise, Dadi Venkata Surya, Anirudh Kulkarni, 'Understanding the role of CFD in microwave-assisted pyrolysis for biomass conversion', Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Volume 179, 106477, 2024 (
Hairui Lin, Yuxi Si, Jianjian Dai, Zhuohan Li, Yan Liu, Lijun Wang, Xi Gao, Youwei Cheng, 'Development and validation of filtered drag models for fluidization of low-density Geldart A particles', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 496, 153907, 2024 (
Kuankui Guo, Zhengyuan Deng, Jiaying Wang, Jingtao Wang, Jesse Zhu, 'A modified drag model for the fluidization of nano-modulated Group C particles', Particuology, , , 2024 (
Zhao Yan, Xue Liu, Jiatong Liu, Yang Liu, Guohui Li, Lixing Zhou, 'A Euler-Euler hydrodynamic modelling and simulation of dense particle flow in a small-scale fluidized bed', Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 35, Issue 11, 104691, 2024 (
Prathana Nimmanterdwong, Tarabordin Yurata, Nuttanun Chaiprasitpol, Nawin Pranomsri, Benjapon Chalermsinsuwan, 'Data science integrated with computational fluid dynamics for particle collision modeling in fluidized bed', Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 35, Issue 4, 104419, 2024 (
Jiahui Yu, Shuai Wang, Kun Luo, Jianren Fan, 'CFD-DEM modeling of dense gas-solid reacting flow in the framework of GPU', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 484, 149480, 2024 (
Boyang Chen, Claire E. Heaney, Jefferson L.M.A. Gomes, Omar K. Matar, Christopher C. Pain, 'Solving the discretised multiphase flow equations with interface capturing on structured grids using machine learning libraries', Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 426, 116974, 2024 (
Mohsen Zarepour, Donald J. Bergstrom, Lifeng Zhang, Raymond J. Spiteri, 'The effect of collision parameters on the 3D Eulerian simulation of a thin rectangular bubbling fluidized bed', International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Volume 107, 109354, 2024 (
Jason Schirck, Aaron Morris, 'Heat transfer and flow analysis of a novel particle heater using CFD-DEM', Powder Technology, Volume 442, 119858, 2024 (
Junnan Zhao, Niannian Liu, Tianyu Wang, Guodong Liu, 'An inertial number regulated constitutive model for the gas-fluidization of binary mixtures across dilute and dense regimes', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 300, 120665, 2024 (
Zhang Kai, Zhu Yaochen, Yang Liu, Wang Shuai, Cheng Haoyi, 'Prediction of the sulfur driven autotrophic denitrification process via CFD-DEM approach', Powder Technology, Volume 443, 119914, 2024 (
Xiaoqi Li, Dongxiao Zhang, Xiaolong Yin, 'Investigating Proppant Transport in Slickwater Fractures using Direct Numeriacl Simulations (DNS) and Two-Fluid Models (TFM)', Powder Technology, Volume 446, 120151, 2024 (
Dazhao Gou, Yansong Shen, 'GPU-powered CFD-DEM framework for modelling large-scale gas–solid reacting flows (GPU- rCFD-DEM) and an industry application', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 299, 120536, 2024 (
Jiahui Yu, Shuai Wang, Kun Luo, Jianren Fan, 'GPU-accelerated discrete element simulation of granular and gas-solid flows', Powder Technology, Volume 437, 119475, 2024 (
Rui Liu, Mengyuan Wang, Xinhao Li, Yuxuan Liu, Chunlei Pei, Jinlong Gong, 'Effects of scaling criteria on modelling of multi-phase flow in the packed bed using coarse grain CFD-DEM', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 296, 120244, 2024 (
Peng Xu, Peng Han, Zhijun He, Xizhong An, Kang Sun, Lihua Gao, 'CFD-DEM study on the synergistic effect of coke consumption and particle dynamics in the blast furnace raceway', Particuology, Volume 89, Pages 270-278, 2024 (
Javad Omidi, Oscar J. Punch, Qiang Guo, Christopher M. Boyce, 'Faraday waves in gas-fluidized beds subject to combined vertical and horizontal vibration', Powder Technology, Volume 438, 119648, 2024 (
Gavin M. Wiggins, Oluwafemi A. Oyedeji, Zachary G. Mills, 'Modeling hydrodynamic and biomass pyrolysis effects of recycled product gases in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor', Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 184, 107172, 2024 (
Jason Schirck, Krutika Appaswamy, Aaron Morris, Zhiwen Ma, 'Inhomogeneous temperature in high temperature fluidized beds', Powder Technology, Volume 434, 119354, 2024 (
Chenshu Hu, Xiaolin Guo, Yuyang Dai, Jian Zhu, Wen Cheng, Hongbo Xu, Lingfang Zeng, 'A deep-learning model for predicting spatiotemporal evolution in reactive fluidized bed reactor', Renewable Energy, Volume 225, 120245, 2024 (
Lattanzi, A. M., Fullmer, W. D., Myers, A., & Musser, J. (2024). Toward Polydisperse Flows With mfix-exa. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 146(4), OSTI ID: 2319222,
Publication Year 2023
Roberto Porcu, Jordan Musser, Ann S. Almgren, John B. Bell, William D. Fullmer, Deepak Rangarajan, MFIX-Exa: CFD-DEM simulations of thermodynamics and chemical reactions in multiphase flows, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 273, 2023, 118614, ISSN 0009-2509, (
Musser J, Almgren AS, Fullmer WD, et al. MFIX-Exa: A path toward exascale CFD-DEM simulations. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 2022;36(1):40-58. doi:10.1177/10943420211009293. (
Guoqing Lian, Wenqi Zhong, Coupling CFD-DEM with cohesive force and chemical reaction sub-models for biomass combustion in a fluidized bed, Fuel, Volume 350, 2023, 128858, ISSN 0016-2361, (
Kai Zhang, Shuai Wang, Hanyu Jin, Yurong He, 'A clouded bubble-based mass transfer model for the simulation of gas–solid bubbling fluidization', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 453, Part 2, 139936, 2023 (
Nina Mencin, Dona Štepec, Alja Margon, Jana Vidič, Darko Dolenc, Tina Simčič, Sara Rotar, Rok Sekirnik, Aleš Štrancar, Urh Černigoj, 'Development and scale-up of oligo-dT monolithic chromatographic column for mRNA capture through understanding of base-pairing interactions', Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 304, 122320, 2023 (
Wenjian Cai, Xietian Xia, Xiang Li, Xing Chen, Zenghui Xu, Guodong Liu, 'Numerical investigation of subcritical and supercritical carbon dioxide fluidized beds using two fluid model and discrete element method', The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Volume 199, 105942, 2023 (
Heng Li, Daoyin Liu, Jiliang Ma, Xiaoping Chen, 'Influence of cycle time distribution on coating uniformity of particles in a spray fluidized bed by using CFD-DEM simulations', Particuology, Volume 76, Pages 151-164, 2023 (
Stéphane Touzé, Matthieu Rauch, Jean-Yves Hascoët, 'Gas-particle flow of cohesive aluminium powders during laser metal deposition – Experimental and numerical investigation', Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 34, Issue 10, 104182, 2023 (
Haoran Sun, Shiliang Yang, Guirong Bao, Kun Luo, Jianhang Hu, Hua Wang, 'CFD investigation of the complex multiphase flow of biomass gasification in industrial-scale dual fluidized bed reactor', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 457, 141312, 2023 (
Weijie Yin, Hanyu Jin, Shuai Wang, 'Prediction of fluidization behaviors of rough sphere with a TFM-DEM hybrid model', Powder Technology, Volume 429, 118894, 2023 (
Lukas von Berg, Andrés Anca-Couce, Christoph Hochenauer, Robert Scharler, 'Multi-scale modelling of a fluidized bed biomass gasifier of industrial size (1 MW) using a detailed particle model coupled to CFD: Proof of feasibility and advantages over simplified approaches', Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 286, 117070, 2023 (
Hanbin Zhong, Zhenyu Wei, Yi Man, Shaowei Pan, Juntao Zhang, Ben Niu, Xi Yu, Yi Ouyang, Qingang Xiong, 'Prediction of instantaneous yield of bio-oil in fluidized biomass pyrolysis using long short-term memory network based on computational fluid dynamics data', Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 391, 136192, 2023 (
Zhuojun Jiang, Haiqin Quan, Nouria Fatah, 'Numerical simulation study of the hydrodynamic regimes in large to micro fluidized beds based on a Two-Fluid Model', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 267, 118358, 2023 (
Deepthi Vaidhynathan, Hariswaran Sitaraman, Ray Grout, Thomas Hauser, Christine M. Hrenya, Jordan Musser, 'Memory access optimization for particle operations in computational fluid dynamics-discrete element method simulations', Particuology, Volume 78, Pages 97-110, 2023 (
Francesco Neglia, Roberto Sulpizio, Fabio Dioguardi, Damiano Sarocchi, 'Investigating the effect of polydispersity on the dynamics of multiphase flows using computational fluid dynamics tools', International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 168, 104558, 2023 (
Suyang Pan, Jiliang Ma, Xiaoping Chen, Daoyin Liu, Cai Liang, 'NH3/O2 premixed combustion in a single bubble of fluidized bed', Applied Energy, Volume 349, 121644, 2023 (
Xiaochen Zhou, Jianhong Fu, Sheng Chen, 'CFD-DEM investigation of flow and heat transfer characteristics in a directly irradiated fluidized bed', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 476, 146631, 2023 (
Jason Schirck, Zhiwen Ma, Aaron Morris, 'Discrete element modeling of a particle heater for energy storage systems', Powder Technology, Volume 414, 118084, 2023 (
Mairaj Muhammad, Muhammad Zaman, Fei Li, Afsin Gungor, Atta Ullah, 'CFD simulation of liquid holdup in a three-phase countercurrent turbulent contact absorber', Powder Technology, Volume 416, 118203, 2023 (
Yong Zhang, Ji Xu, Qi Chang, Peng Zhao, Junwu Wang, Wei Ge, 'Numerical simulation of fluidization: Driven by challenges', Powder Technology, Volume 414, 118092, 2023 (
Shuang Song, Chengsun He, Yuting Zhuo, Yuanhe Yue, Yansong Shen, 'How particle sizes affect silver leaching from c-Si photovoltaic solar cells: Insights from integrated experimental and numerical investigations', Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 261, 112520, 2023 (
Shaohua Du, Jiahao Wang, Yaxiong Yu, Qiang Zhou, 'Coarse-grained CFD-DEM simulation of coal and biomass co-gasification process in a fluidized bed reactor: Effects of particle size distribution and operating pressure', Renewable Energy, Volume 202, Pages 483-498, 2023 (
Suyang Pan, Jiliang Ma, Xiaoping Chen, Daoyin Liu, Cai Liang, 'Diffusion combustion of NH3 in a single bubble of fluidized bed', Fuel, Volume 352, 129080, 2023 (
Jakub Klinkovský, Andrew C. Trautz, Radek Fučík, Tissa H. Illangasekare, 'Lattice Boltzmann method–based efficient GPU simulator for vapor transport in the boundary layer over a moist soil: Development and experimental validation', Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 138, Pages 65-87, 2023 (
Yaxiong Yu, Feng Lu, Haolong Bai, Fei Wei, Chenxi Zhang, 'Effect of fines addition on heat transfer performance in gas-solid fluidized bed: An integrated experimental, simulation, and theoretical study', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 476, 146806, 2023 (
Wenjian Cai, Xietian Xia, Xiang Li, Xing Chen, Zenghui Xu, Huilin Lu, 'Numerical simulations of high pressure carbon dioxide fluid fluidized beds', Particuology, Volume 78, Pages 1-15, 2023 (
Guangyan Fan, Fuyong Su, Cunwang Li, Bin Li, 'Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer of High-Temperature Slag Flow Inside the Blast Furnace Slag Trench', Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 21, Pages 281-292, 2023 (
Junnan Zhao, Guodong Liu, Xinyao Guo, Huilin Lu, 'A modified stokes law-based solid-solid drag model for the gas-fluidization of binary mixtures with different sizes and densities', Powder Technology, Volume 425, 118533, 2023 (
Weijie Yin, Shuai Wang, Rushan Bie, 'A bubble-based drag model of rough sphere for the simulation of bubbling fluidized bed', Powder Technology, Volume 416, 118212, 2023 (
Subhodeep Banerjee, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A. Rogers, Robin W. Hughes, 'Transient simulation of biomass combustion in a circulating fluidized bed riser', Energy, Volume 264, 126127, 2023 (
Yingkai Shen, Bin Zheng, Peng Sun, Chenglu Qi, Mingchao Wang, Yuanjin Dong, Youtang Wang, Jinsheng Lv, Yunfei Wang, 'Effects of ellipsoidal and regular hexahedral particles on the performance of the waste heat recovery equipment in a methanol reforming hydrogen production system', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 48, Issue 30, Pages 11141-11152, 2023 (
Michal Beneš, Pavel Eichler, Jan Hrdlička, Jakub Klinkovský, Miroslav Kolář, Tomáš Smejkal, Pavel Skopec, Jakub Solovský, Pavel Strachota, Alexandr Žák, 'Experimental validation of multiphase particle-in-cell simulations of fluidization in a bubbling fluidized bed combustor', Powder Technology, Volume 416, 118204, 2023 (
Zihan Yuan, Shuyan Wang, Baoli Shao, Xi Chen, Lei Xie, Jiawei Fan, 'Simulation study on the flow behavior of wet particles in the power-law liquid-solid fluidized bed', Powder Technology, Volume 415, 118117, 2023 (
Dianyu E, Peng Zhou, Langyong Ji, Jiaxin Cui, Qiang Xu, Liejin Guo, Aibing Yu, 'Particle-scale modelling of injected hydrogen and coke co-combustion in the raceway of an ironmaking blast furnace', Fuel, Volume 336, 126778, 2023 (
Christian C. Milioli, Fernando E. Milioli, 'A scale sensitive filtered sub-grid drag model for fluidized gas-particle flows', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 267, 118266, 2023 (
Zhang Bai, Wenxin Hu, Xiaoli Zhu, Shuoshuo Wang, Yucheng Gu, 'Solar-driven biomass steam gasification by new concept of solar particles heat carrier with CPFD simulation', Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 293, 117500, 2023 (
Hanru Liu, Yurong He, Tianqi Tang, Ming Zhai, 'Prediction of the non-uniform drying of wet grain in a fluidised-bed based on a modified CFD-DEM drying model', Biosystems Engineering, Volume 236, Pages 103-119, 2023 (
Panxing Kang, Haizhuan Yuan, Luchang Han, Yefeng Zhou, 'Insight into hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics in a gas–solid spout fluidized bed from a multiple zone view', Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 221, 119800, 2023 (
Shaotong Fu, Limin Wang, 'GPU-based unresolved LBM-DEM for fast simulation of gas–solid flows', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 465, 142898, 2023 (
Aiming Deng, Tianqi Tang, Shanshan Sun, Yurong He, 'Particle coating growth behaviors in a spray fluidized bed based on Gas-Liquid-Solid Quasi-Three-phase DEM numerical simulation', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 476, 146480, 2023 (
Chinonyelum Udemu, Carolina Font-Palma, 'Modelling of sorption-enhanced steam reforming (SE-SR) process in fluidised bed reactors for low-carbon hydrogen production: A review', Fuel, Volume 340, 127588, 2023 (
Ruiyu Li, Xiaole Huang, Yuhao Wu, Lingxiao Dong, Srdjan Belošević, Aleksandar Milićević, Ivan Tomanović, Lei Deng, Defu Che, 'Comparative analysis on gas–solid drag models in MFIX-DEM simulations of bubbling fluidized bed', Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 64, Pages 64-75, 2023 (
He Lei, Li-Tao Zhu, Zheng-Hong Luo, 'CFD-DEM study of reactive gas-solid flows with cohesive particles in a high temperature polymerization fluidized bed', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 268, 118437, 2023 (
Shuyue Li, Yuting Zhuo, Yansong Shen, 'Modelling of multiphase reactive flows in a full-loop coal-direct chemical looping combustor', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 457, 141306, 2023 (
Guoqing Lian, Wenqi Zhong, 'Particle-scale investigation of oxy-fuel combustion in a pressurized fluidized bed', Fuel, Volume 342, 127813, 2023 (
Yuan Chen, Tianyi Zhao, Rui Liu, Zhenpu Lu, Chunlei Pei, Jinlong Gong, 'CFD-DEM analysis of the influence of heat storage materials on propane dehydrogenation process', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 276, 118816, 2023 (
Tianning Zhang, Zhen Wan, Youjun Lu, 'Particle convective heat transfer near the wall in a supercritical water fluidized bed by single particle model coupled with CFD-DEM', Particuology, Volume 73, Pages 47-58, 2023 (
Jun Xie, Hao Zhang, 'Particle scale study of heat transfer in the fluidized bed combustion process', Powder Technology, Volume 416, 118241, 2023 (
Siyu Wang, Kai Wu, Sheng Chu, Jiajun Yu, Yihan Wang, Bingbing Luo, Huiyan Zhang, 'Comprehensive DEM-CFD model and thermal uniformity optimization for biomass catalytic pyrolysis reactor', Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 291, 117321, 2023 (
H.R. Norouzi, 'PhasicFlow: A parallel, multi-architecture open-source code for DEM simulations', Computer Physics Communications, Volume 291, 108821, 2023 (
Xuan Nan, Zhihao Shen, Jingming Hou, Guodong Li, 'High-resolution model of complexly shaped bodies motion using an IBM-VOF-DEM coupling method', Powder Technology, Volume 413, 118005, 2023 (
Venkata Charan Reddy Eppala, Mona Mary Varghese, Teja Reddy Vakamalla, 'Effect of particle shape on the hydrodynamics of gas-solid fluidized bed', Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 189, Pages 461-473, 2023 (
Xiaoyu Wang, Liang Gong, Yang Li, Jun Yao, 'Developments and applications of the CFD-DEM method in particle–fluid numerical simulation in petroleum engineering: A review', Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 222, 119865, 2023 (
Dan Sun, 'Gas-particle flow of pneumatic conveying in vertical pipes simulated using four-way coupled second-order moment method', Powder Technology, Volume 416, 118225, 2023 (
Jingwei Geng, Zhuo Yang, Yujie Tian, Bona Lu, Wei Wang, 'On the differences between periodic domain and fluidized bed', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 268, 118395, 2023 (
Fullmer, W. D., Higham, J. E., Porcu, R., Musser, J., LaMarche, C. W. Q., Cocco, R., & Hrenya, C. M. (2023). Experiment and simulation of high-speed gas jet penetration into a semicircular fluidized bed, OSTI ID: 1832983,
Porcu, R., Musser, J., & Fullmer, W. D. (2023). A PIC Bootstrapping Strategy for Exascale CFD-DEM Simulation (No. DOE/NETL-2023/3886). National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pittsburgh, PA, Morgantown, WV, and Albany, OR (United States), OSTI ID: 1991065,
Publication Year 2022
Modest, M. F. M., Sandip. "Chapter 20 - The Monte Carlo Method for Participating Media," Radiative Heat Transfer (Fourth Edition). Academic Press, 2022, pp. 737-773.
Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Jean-François Dietiker, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A. Rogers, 'MFiX based multi-scale CFD simulations of biomass fast pyrolysis: A review', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 248, Part A, 117131, 2022 (
Lu, L. Q. L., C.; Rowan, S.; Hughes, B.; Gao, X.; Shahnam, M.; Rogers, W. A. "Experiment and computational fluid dynamics investigation of biochar elutriation in fluidized bed," Aiche Journal Vol. 68, No. 2, 2022, p. 11.
Xi Gao, Jia Yu, Ricardo J.F. Portal, Jean-François Dietiker, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A. Rogers, 'Development and validation of SuperDEM for non-spherical particulate systems using a superquadric particle method', Particuology, Volume 61, Pages 74-90, 2022 (
Liqiang Lu, M. Brennan Pecha, Gavin M. Wiggins, Yupeng Xu, Xi Gao, Bryan Hughes, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A. Rogers, Daniel Carpenter, James E. Parks, 'Multiscale CFD simulation of biomass fast pyrolysis with a machine learning derived intra-particle model and detailed pyrolysis kinetics', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 431, Part 1, 133853, 2022 (
Liqiang Lu, 'GPU accelerated MFiX-DEM simulations of granular and multiphase flows', Particuology, Volume 62, Pages 14-24, 2022 (
Jia Yu, Liqiang Lu, Yupeng Xu, Xi Gao, Mehrdad Shahnam, and William Rogers, Coarse-Grained CFD-DEM Simulation and the Design of an Industrial-Scale Coal Gasifier, Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research, 2022, Volume 61, No. 1, 866–881,
Chandramouli, D.; Clarke, M. A.; Perovskite Sorbent Oxygen Separation Modeling with MFiX; DOE.NETL-2022.3727; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2022; p 40. DOI: 10.2172/1843379.
Erasmo S. Napolitano, Alberto Di Renzo, Francesco P. Di Maio, 'Coarse-grain DEM-CFD modelling of dense particle flow in Gas–Solid cyclone', Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 287, 120591, 2022 (
Breard, E. C. P., Dufek, J., Fullard, L., Tennenbaum, M., Fernandez-Nieves, A., and Dietiker, J.-F. "Investigating the rheology of fluidized and non-fluidized gas-particle beds: implications for the dynamics of geophysical flows and substrate entrainment," Granular Matter Vol. 24, No. 1, 2022, p. 25.
Dahl, S. R. L., W. Casey Q.; Liu, Peiyuan; Fullmer, William D.; Hrenya, Christine M. "Toward reducing uncertainty quantification costs in DEM models of particulate flow: Testing simple, sensitivity-based, forward uncertainty propagation techniques," Powder Technology, 2022, p. 117136.
Yupeng Du, Xiaoping Chen, Shuo Li, Abdallah Sofiane Berrouk, Wanzhong Ren, Chaohe Yang, 'Revisiting a large-scale FCC riser reactor with a particle-scale model', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 249, 117300, 2022 (
Wenjian Cai, Shuyan Wang, Boxue Pang, Ugwuodo U. Marcellus, Baoli Shao, Huilin Lu, 'Computational simulations using a low density ratio-based kinetic theory of granular flow in subcritical water fluidized beds', Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 33, Issue 1, 103424, 2022 (
Vishal Chauhan, Prakash D. Chavan, Sudipta Datta, Sujan Saha, Gajanan Sahu, Nilesh D. Dhaigude, 'A transient Eulerian-Eulerian simulation of bubbling regime hydrodynamics of coal ash particles in fluidized bed using different drag models', Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 33, Issue 1, 103385, 2022 (
Jingjing Chen, Apurv Kumar, Joe Coventry, Jin-Soo Kim, Wojciech Lipiński, 'Numerical modelling of radiative heat transfer in a polydispersion of ceramic particles under direct high-flux solar irradiation', Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Volume 278, 108008, 2022 (
William D. Fullmer, Roberto Porcu, Jordan Musser, Ann S. Almgren, Ishan Srivastava, 'The divergence of nearby trajectories in soft-sphere DEM', Particuology, Volume 63, Pages 1-8, 2022 (
Jingwei Geng, Yujie Tian, Wei Wang, 'Exploring a unified EMMS drag model for gas-solid fluidization', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 251, 117444, 2022 (
Andrew Hong, Aaron Morris, 'Novel direct simulation Monte Carlo method for spherocylinders', Powder Technology, Volume 399, 117085, 2022 (
Dali Kong, Kun Luo, Shuai Wang, Jiahui Yu, Jianren Fan, 'Particle behaviours of biomass gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 428, 131847, 2022 (
Dan Li, Xufeng Bai, Peng Li, Xin Xu, Juhui Chen, Nuo Xu, Guangbin Yu, 'A dynamic cluster structure-dependent drag coefficient model applied to the riser in high density circulating fluidized bed', Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 33, Issue 2, 103418, 2022 (
Heng Li, Daoyin Liu, Jiliang Ma, Xiaoping Chen, 'Simulation of a Wurster fluidized bed by CFD–DEM with a cohesive contact model', Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 177, Pages 157-166, 2022 (
Hao Luo, Xiaobao Wang, Xinyan Liu, Xiaoqin Wu, Xiaogang Shi, Qingang Xiong, 'A review on CFD simulation of biomass pyrolysis in fluidized bed reactors with emphasis on particle-scale models', Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Volume 162, 105433, 2022 (
Filippo Marchelli, Renzo Di Felice, 'A CFD-DEM study of monocomponent and same size binary-solid beds at incipient fluidization', Powder Technology, Volume 398, 117054, 2022 (
Bo Ouyang, Li-Tao Zhu, Yuan-Hai Su, Zheng-Hong Luo, 'A hybrid mesoscale closure combining CFD and deep learning for coarse-grid prediction of gas-particle flow dynamics', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 248, Part B, 117268, 2022 (
Mohammad Shamsi, Ahmed Abbas Obaid, Saman Farokhi, Ahmad Bayat, 'A novel process simulation model for hydrogen production via reforming of biomass gasification tar', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 47, Issue 2, Pages 772-781, 2022 (
Sanjay Kumar Devendhar Singh, Kathy Lu, 'SiOC coatings on yttria stabilized zirconia microspheres using a fluidized bed coating process', Powder Technology, Volume 396, Part A, Pages 158-166, 2022 (
Sanjay Kumar Devendhar Singh, Jean-François Dietiker, Kathy Lu, 'Polysiloxane coatings on microspheres based on Multiphase Flow with Interface Exchange-Discrete Element Modelling', Particuology, Volume 69, Pages 88-99, 2022 (
Biao Wang, Tianqi Tang, Shengnan Yan, Yurong He, 'Magnetic segregation behaviors of a binary mixture in fluidized beds', Powder Technology, Volume 397, 117031, 2022 (
Wang, S. S., Yansong. "Coarse-grained CFD-DEM modelling of dense gas-solid reacting flow," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Vol. 184, 2022, p. 122302.
Wartha, E.-M. B., Markus; Harasek, Michael. "Importance of considering interstitial fluid effects in the kinetic theory of granular flow for raceway formation prediction," Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 247, 2022, p. 117026.
Kenan Xi, Qiang Guo, Lixing Zhao, Youjun Lu, 'A comparative investigation of flow structures in three-dimensional supercritical water and gas-solid fluidized bed via two-fluid model simulations', The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Volume 181, 105515, 2022 (
Ji Xu, Peng Zhao, Yong Zhang, Junwu Wang, Wei Ge, 'Discrete particle methods for engineering simulation: Reproducing mesoscale structures in multiphase systems', Resources Chemicals and Materials, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 69-79, 2022 (
Topal, Y. A. A. K. H. "Determination of the Bed Hydrodynamics by MFIX-PIC in the Biomass Gasification Process of Circulating Fluidized Bed," 8, No. 4, 2022, pp. 551-569.
Zihan Yuan, Shuyan Wang, Baoli Shao, Lei Xie, Yujia Chen, Yimei Ma, 'Investigation on effect of drag models on flow behavior of power-law fluid–solid two-phase flow in fluidized bed', Particuology, Volume 70, Pages 43-54, 2022 (
Tarabordin Yurata, Liangguang Tang, Yuqing Feng, Doki Yamaguchi, Seng Lim, Peter Witt, Pornpote Piumsomboon, Benjapon Chalermsinsuwan, 'CFD simulation of a cold flow model of inter-connected three fluidized reactors applied to chemical looping hydrogen production', Energy Reports, Volume 8, Supplement 1, Pages 1112-1117, 2022 (
Shuai Wang, Kai Zhang, Yurong He, 'Insight into bubble-to-emulsion mass transfer of an isolated clouded bubble in an incipiently fluidized bed', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 433, Part 3, 133642, 2022 (
Falah Alobaid, Naser Almohammed, Massoud Massoudi Farid, Jan May, Philip Rößger, Andreas Richter, Bernd Epple, 'Progress in CFD Simulations of Fluidized Beds for Chemical and Energy Process Engineering', Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Volume 91, 100930, 2022 (
Musango Lungu, John Siame, Lloyd Mukosha, 'Coarse-grained CFD-DEM simulations of fluidization with large particles', Powder Technology, Volume 402, 117344, 2022 (
Oluwafemi A. Oyedeji, M. Brennan Pecha, Charles E.A. Finney, Chad A. Peterson, Ryan G. Smith, Zachary G. Mills, Xi Gao, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A. Rogers, Peter N. Ciesielski, Robert C. Brown, James E. Parks II, 'CFD–DEM modeling of autothermal pyrolysis of corn stover with a coupled particle- and reactor-scale framework', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 446, Part 2, 136920, 2022 (
Li, C, Gao, X, Rowan, SL, Hughes, B, Rogers, WA. Measuring binary fluidization of nonspherical and spherical particles using machine learning aided image processing. AIChE J. 2022; 68( 7):e17693. doi:10.1002/aic.17693
Reyes-Urrutia, A.; Venier, C.; Mariani, N.; Nigro, N.; Rodriguez, R.; Mazza, G. A CFD Comparative Study of Bubbling Fluidized Bed Behavior with Thermal Effects Using the Open-Source Platforms MFiX and OpenFOAM. Fluids 2022, 7, 1.
Lingxue Wang, Ming Jiang, Qiang Zhou, 'Development of a filtered drag model considering effect of the solid shear rate', Particuology, Volume 71, Pages 63-74, 2022 (
Inhyeok Cho, Changwon Yang, Hyunmin Kwon, Byeongyeol Bang, Soohwa Jeong, Uendo Lee, 'Numerical simulation method of a circulating fluidized bed reactor using a modified MP-PIC solver of OpenFOAM', Powder Technology, Volume 409, 117815, 2022 (
Xu, Y.; Shahnam, M.; Rogers, W. A. CFD Simulation of Biomass Pyrolysis Vapor Upgrading over a Pt/TiO2 Catalyst in Fixed and Moving Beds; DOE.NETL-2022.3734; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2022; p 40. DOI: 10.2172/1886683.
Francesco Neglia, Fabio Dioguardi, Roberto Sulpizio, Raffaella Ocone, Damiano Sarocchi, 'Computational fluid dynamic simulations of granular flows: Insights on the flow-wall interaction dynamics', International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 157, 104281, 2022 (
Yuanhe Yue, Yansong Shen, 'CFD-DEM study of spout incoherence phenomena in a conical spouted bed', Powder Technology, Volume 406, 117529, 2022 (
F.O. Alfano, F.P. Di Maio, A. Di Renzo, 'Deagglomeration of selected high-load API-carrier particles in swirl-based dry powder inhalers', Powder Technology, Volume 408, 117800, 2022 (
Sathish K.P. Sanjeevi, Jean F. Dietiker, Johan T. Padding, 'Accurate hydrodynamic force and torque correlations for prolate spheroids from Stokes regime to high Reynolds numbers', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 444, 136325, 2022 (
Jesse Capecelatro, Worth Longest, Connor Boerman, Mostafa Sulaiman, Sankaran Sundaresan, 'Recent developments in the computational simulation of dry powder inhalers', Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Volume 188, 114461, 2022 (
Francesca Orsola Alfano, Martin Sommerfeld, Francesco Paolo Di Maio, Alberto Di Renzo, 'DEM analysis of powder deaggregation and discharge from the capsule of a carrier-based Dry Powder Inhaler', Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 33, Issue 12, 103853, 2022 (
Julia Hartig, Abhishek Shetty, Davis R. Conklin, Alan W. Weimer, 'Aeration and cohesive effects on flowability in a vibrating powder conveyor', Powder Technology, Volume 408, 117724, 2022 (
Zhiyong Gao, Guodong Liu, Xinyao Guo, Huilin Lu, 'A dynamic coefficient of restitution applied to Two-fluid model in liquid-solid fluidized bed', Powder Technology, Volume 402, 117335, 2022 (
Qiuya Tu, Haigang Wang, Raffaella Ocone, 'Application of three-dimensional full-loop CFD simulation in circulating fluidized bed combustion reactors – A review', Powder Technology, Volume 399, 117181, 2022 (
C. Tsekos, D. de Voogt, W. de Jong, J.T. Padding, 'Two phase modelling of Geldart B particles in a novel indirectly heated bubbling fluidized bed biomass steam reformer', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 439, 135681, 2022 (
Dan Xu, Yansong Shen, 'An improved machine learning approach for predicting granular flows', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 450, Part 2, 138036, 2022 (
Allan Runstedtler, Marc A. Duchesne, 'A method to predict particle collision speeds in fluidized beds', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 264, 118157, 2022 (
Lei Wang, Hong-Wei Li, Chang-He Du, Wen-Peng Hong, 'Gas flow influences on bubbling and flow characteristics of fluidized bed with immersed tube under electrostatic effects', Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 33, Issue 5, 103575, 2022 (
Yajing Liu, Lizhong Wang, Yi Hong, Zhen-Yu Yin, 'Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical modeling of fines migration in hydrate-bearing sediments with CFD-DEM', Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 60, Issue 5, Pages 701-717, 2022 (
Shuai Wang, Yansong Shen, 'Particle-scale modelling of the pyrolysis of end-of-life solar panel particles in fluidized bed reactors', Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 183, 106378, 2022 (
Shuai Wang, Yansong Shen, 'Coarse-grained CFD-DEM modelling of dense gas-solid reacting flow', International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 184, 122302, 2022 (
Yanxiang Du, Jin Liang, Shiliang Yang, Jianhang Hu, Guirong Bao, Hua Wang, 'Numerical investigation of the Ni-based catalytic methanation process in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor', Energy, Volume 257, 124708, 2022 (
Yuanhe Yue, Yuting Zhuo, Qiyuan Li, Yansong Shen, 'Experimental and numerical study of extracting silver from end-of-life c-Si photovoltaic solar cells in rotating systems', Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 186, 106548, 2022 (
Kai Zhang, Shuai Wang, Yurong He, 'A clouded bubble-based drag model for the simulations of bubbling fluidized beds', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 257, 117724, 2022 (
Wenjian Cai, Shuyan Wang, Baoli Shao, Ugochukwu Marcellus Ugwuodo, Huilin Lu, 'Computational simulations of hydrodynamics of supercritical methanol fluid fluidized beds using a low density ratio-based kinetic theory of granular flow', The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Volume 186, 105598, 2022 (
Wenjian Cai, Xietian Xia, Xiang Li, Xing Chen, Zenghui Xu, Huilin Lu, 'Transition fluidization in pulsating subcritical water fluidized beds', Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 184, Pages 488-500, 2022 (
Zhen Wan, Youjun Lu, 'Numerical simulation of local and global mixing/segregation characteristics in a gas–solid fluidized bed', Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 44, Pages 72-86, 2022 (
Eva-Maria Wartha, Markus Bösenhofer, Michael Harasek, 'Importance of considering interstitial fluid effects in the kinetic theory of granular flow for raceway formation prediction', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 247, 117026, 2022 (
Peng Zhao, Ji Xu, Bidan Zhao, Dandan Li, Junwu Wang, 'Cartesian grid simulation of reacting gas-solid flow using CFD-DEM-IBM method', Powder Technology, Volume 407, 117651, 2022 (
Wenjian Cai, Luning Li, Ri Cao, Sibo Yang, Huilin Lu, 'Hydrodynamics of supercritical ethanol fluid-particles fluidization using low density ratio kinetic theory of granular flow', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 260, 117926, 2022 (
Zhiwen Ma, Xingchao Wang, Patrick Davenport, Jeffrey Gifford, Korey Cook, Janna Martinek, Jason Schirck, Aaron Morris, Matthew Lambert, Ruichong Zhang, 'System and component development for long-duration energy storage using particle thermal energy storage', Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 216, 119078, 2022 (
Sofiane Benyahia, 'Selecting the best approach for fluidized bed simulation of aeratable particles', Powder Technology, Volume 399, 117178, 2022 (
Wei Zhang, Haiming Wang, Changfu You, 'Numerical simulation of fluidized bed coating process considering particle abrasion', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 445, 136632, 2022 (
Elham Heidari, Abolghasem Daeichian, Salman Movahedirad, Mohammad Amin Sobati, 'Analysis of collision characteristics in a 3D gas-solid tapered fluidized bed', Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 184, Pages 554-565, 2022 (
Federica Dessì, Mauro Mureddu, Francesca Ferrara, Alberto Pettinau, 'A comprehensive pathway on the determination of the kinetic triplet and the reaction mechanism of brewer's spent grain and beech wood chips pyrolysis', Renewable Energy, Volume 190, Pages 548-559, 2022 (
Shahab D. Mohaghegh, Ayodeji Aboaba, Yvon Martinez, Mehrdad Shahnam, Chris Guenther, Yong Liu, 'Chapter 11 - Application of artificial intelligence to computational fluid dynamics', Editor(s): Shuvajit Bhattacharya, Haibin Di, Advances in Subsurface Data Analytics, 2022, (
M.M. Faruque Hasan, Manali S. Zantye, Monzure-Khoda Kazi, 'Challenges and opportunities in carbon capture, utilization and storage: A process systems engineering perspective', Computers & Chemical Engineering, Volume 166, 107925, 2022 (
Junjie Lin, Kun Luo, Shuai Wang, Liyan Sun, Jianren Fan, 'Particle-scale study of coal-direct chemical looping combustion (CLC)', Energy, Volume 250, 123859, 2022 (
Weijie Yin, Shuai Wang, Guohui Gao, Yurong He, 'A cluster-based drag model of rough sphere for the simulation of fast fluidization', Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 187, Pages 451-460, 2022 (
Junnan Zhao, Guodong Liu, Xiaolong Yin, Xinyao Guo, Xiaohui Li, Huilin Lu, 'An inertial number regulated stress model for gas-particle flows with particle friction and volume fraction gradient', Powder Technology, Volume 409, 117788, 2022 (
Pietro Bartocci, Alberto Abad, Tobias Mattisson, Arturo Cabello, Margarita de las Obras Loscertales, Teresa Mendiara Negredo, Mauro Zampilli, Andrea Taiana, Angela Serra, Inmaculada Arauzo, Cristobal Cortes, Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Haiping Yang, Qing Yang, Wang Lu, Yingquan Chen, Francesco Fantozzi, 'Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) developed by coupling a Pressurised Chemical Looping combustor with a turbo expander: How to optimize plant efficiency', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 169, 112851, 2022 (
Huaqing Ma, Lianyong Zhou, Zihan Liu, Mengyao Chen, Xiuhao Xia, Yongzhi Zhao, 'A review of recent development for the CFD-DEM investigations of non-spherical particles', Powder Technology, Volume 412, 117972, 2022 (
Li Zhao, Qiang Zhou, Bolun Yang, Xiao Chen, 'Inhomogeneous drag correction based on surrounding solid volume fraction in low-Reynolds-number regime', Powder Technology, Volume 401, 117292, 2022 (
Wenjian Cai, Shuyan Wang, Baoli Shao, Ugochukwu Marcellus Ugwuodo, Huilin Lu, 'Fluidization of molten salt fluid-particles using low density ratio kinetic theory of granular flow', Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 33, Issue 10, 103754, 2022 (
Wenjian Cai, Xu Kong, Qing Ye, Lizhen Wang, Depeng Ren, Huilin Lu, 'Numerical modelling of hydrodynamics of molten salt fluid-particles fluidized beds using CFD-DEM and TFM approaches', Powder Technology, Volume 410, 117882, 2022 (
Anjun Li, Fernando Hernández Jiménez, Eduardo Cano Pleite, Zhenbo Wang, Liyun Zhu, 'Numerical comparison of thermal energy performance between spouted, fluidized and fixed beds using supercritical CO2 as fluidizing agent', Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 39, 102469, 2022 (
Ross Houston, Oluwafemi Oyedeji, Nourredine Abdoulmoumine, 'Detailed biomass fast pyrolysis kinetics integrated to computational fluid dynamic (CFD) and discrete element modeling framework: Predicting product yields at the bench-scale', Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 444, 136419, 2022 (
Hao Zhang, Wanbing Qiao, Xizhong An, Xinglian Ye, Jiang Chen, 'CFD-DEM study on fluidization characteristics of gas-solid fluidized bed reactor containing ternary mixture', Powder Technology, Volume 401, 117354, 2022 (
Jingjing Chen, Apurv Kumar, Joe Coventry, Wojciech Lipiński, 'Heat transfer in directly-irradiated high-temperature solid–gas flows laden with polydisperse particles', Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 110, Pages 698-722, 2022 (
Zahra Teimouri, Venu Babu Borugadda, Ajay K. Dalai, Nicolas Abatzoglou, 'Application of computational fluid dynamics for modeling of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis as a sustainable energy resource in different reactor configurations: A review', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 160, 112287, 2022 (
Soumya Dutta, Terece Turton, David Rogers, Jordan M. Musser, James Ahrens, Ann S. Almgren, 'In situ feature analysis for large-scale multiphase flow simulations', Journal of Computational Science, Volume 63, 101773, 2022 (
A. Giuliani, A.S. Almgren, J.B. Bell, M.J. Berger, M.T. Henry de Frahan, D. Rangarajan, 'A weighted state redistribution algorithm for embedded boundary grids', Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 464, 111305, 2022 (
Junnan Zhao, Guodong Liu, Xiaolong Yin, Xinyao Guo, Xiaohui Li, Huilin Lu, 'Two-fluid simulation of spout-fluid bed with multiple chambers: Flow structure, hydrodynamic characteristics and heat transfer', Powder Technology, Volume 408, 117751, 2022 (
Juhui Chen, Shilin Zhong, Dan Li, Chenxi Zhao, Changliang Han, Guangbin Yu, Meiqi Song, 'Effect of the blend ratio on the co-gasification of biomass and coal in a bubbling fluidized bed with CFD-DEM', International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 47, Issue 53, Pages 22328-22339, 2022 (
Amit K. Thakur, Rahul Kumar, Nilanjana Banerjee, Pranava Chaudhari, Gajendra Kumar Gaurav, 'Hydrodynamic modeling of liquid-solid flow in polyolefin slurry reactors using CFD techniques – A critical analysis', Powder Technology, Volume 405, 117544, 2022 (
Mohamed Tawfik, 'A review of directly irradiated solid particle receivers: Technologies and influencing parameters', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 167, 112682, 2022 (
Guoqing Lian, Wenqi Zhong, 'CFD–DEM modeling of oxy-char combustion in a fluidized bed', Powder Technology, Volume 407, 117698, 2022 (
Domenico M. Doronzo, Mauro A. Di Vito, Ilenia Arienzo, Monica Bini, Benedetta Calusi, Matteo Cerminara, Stefano Corradini, Sandro de Vita, Biagio Giaccio, Lucia Gurioli, Giorgio Mannella, Giovanni P. Ricciardi, Ilaria Rucco, Domenico Sparice, Micol Todesco, Elisa Trasatti, Giovanni Zanchetta, 'The 79 CE eruption of Vesuvius: A lesson from the past and the need of a multidisciplinary approach for developments in volcanology', Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 231, 104072, 2022 (
Bin Lan, Peng Zhao, Ji Xu, Bidan Zhao, Ming Zhai, Junwu Wang, 'CFD-DEM-IBM simulation of particle drying processes in gas-fluidized beds', Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 255, 117653, 2022 (
Wenjian Cai, Xietian Xia, Xiang Li, Xing Chen, Zenghui Xu, Huilin Lu, 'Transition of sub- and super-critical water fluidized beds using low density ratio kinetic theory of granular flow', Powder Technology, Volume 407, 117689, 2022 (
Dutta, S., Turton, T., Rogers, D., Musser, J. M., Ahrens, J., & Almgren, A. S. (2022). In situ feature analysis for large-scale multiphase flow simulations. Journal of Computational Science, 63, 101773, OSTI ID: 1878074 ,
Dutta, S., Turton, T., Rogers, D., Musser, J., Ahrens, J., & Almgren, A. (2022). In Situ Data Summaries for Flexible Feature Analysis in Large-Scale Multiphase Flow Simulations.
Dutta, S., Lipsa, D., Turton, T. L., Geveci, B., & Ahrens, J. (2022, May). In Situ Analysis and Visualization of Extreme-Scale Particle Simulations. In International Conference on High Performance Computing (pp. 283-294). Cham: Springer International Publishing,
Fullmer, W. D., Porcu, R., Musser, J., Almgren, A. S., & Srivastava, I. (2022). The divergence of nearby trajectories in soft-sphere DEM. Particuology, 63, 1-8, OSTI ID: 1902119,
Publication Year 2021
Xu, Y. G., Xi; Li, Tingwen. "Numerical study of the bi-disperse particles segregation inside a spherical tumbler with Discrete Element Method (DEM)," Computers & Mathematics with Applications Vol. 81, 2021, pp. 588-601. (
Cheng Li, Rupendranath Panday, Xi Gao, Jiarong Hong, William A. Rogers, Measuring particle dynamics in a fluidized bed using digital in-line holography, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 405, 1 February 2021, 126824, (
Lu, L. G., Xi; Gel, Aytekin; Wiggins, Gavin M.; Crowley, Meagan; Pecha, Brennan; Shahnam, Mehrdad; Rogers, William A.; Parks, James; Ciesielski, Peter N. "Investigating biomass composition and size effects on fast pyrolysis using global sensitivity analysis and CFD simulations," Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 421, 2021, p. 127789. (
Gel, A.; Vaidheeswaran, A.; Clarke M. A.; Deterministic Calibration of MFiX-PIC, Part 1: Settling Bed; DOE.NETL-2021.2646; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2021; p 72. DOI: 10.2172/1764832.
Zamani, Siavash, and Aaron Morris. “Effect of Droplet Collisions on Evaporation in Spray-Drying.” Drying Technology, Jan. 2021, pp. 1–15. (Crossref), doi: 10.1080/07373937.2020.1866006.
Amoolya D. Lalsare, Brian Leonard, Brandon Robinson, Ali C. Sivri, Roman Vukmanovich, Cosmin Dumitrescu, William Rogers, Jianli Hu, Self-regenerable carbon nanofiber supported Fe – Mo2C catalyst for CH4-CO2 assisted reforming of biomass to hydrogen rich syngas, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Volume 282, March 2021, 119537, (
Jia Yu, Xi Gao, Liqiang Lu, Yupeng Xu, Cheng Li, Tingwen Li, William A.Rogers, Validation of a filtered drag model for solid residence time distribution (RTD) prediction in a pilot-scale FCC riser, Powder Technology, Volume 378, Part A, 22 January 2021, Pages 339-347, (
Lungu, M. S., John; Mukosha, Lloyd. "Comparison of CFD-DEM and TFM approaches for the simulation of the small scale challenge problem 1," Powder Technology Vol. 378, 2021, pp. 85-103. (
Lu, L. G., Xi; Dietiker, Jean-François; Shahnam, Mehrdad; Rogers, William A. "Machine learning accelerated discrete element modeling of granular flows," Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 245, 2021, p. 116832. (
Gao, X. Y., Jia; Lu, Liqiang; Li, Cheng; Rogers, William A. "Development and validation of SuperDEM-CFD coupled model for simulating non-spherical particles hydrodynamics in fluidized beds," Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 420, 2021, p. 127654. (
Gao, X. Y., J.; Lu, L. Q.; Rogers, W. A. "Coupling particle scale model and SuperDEM-CFD for multiscale simulation of biomass pyrolysis in a packed bed pyrolyzer," Aiche Journal Vol. 67, No. 4, 2021, p. 15.
Adepu, M., Chen, S. H., Jiao, Y., Gel, A., and Emady, H. "Wall to particle bed contact conduction heat transfer in a rotary drum using DEM," Computational Particle Mechanics Vol. 8, No. 3, 2021, pp. 589-599.
Marchelli, F. D. F., R. "A Discrete Element Method Study of Solids Stress in Cylindrical Columns Using MFiX," Processes Vol. 9, No. 1, 2021, p. 19.
Li, C., Gao, X., Rowan, S., Hughes, B., Jeremy S. Harris, and Rogers, W. A. Experimental investigation on the binary/ternary fluidization behavior of Geldart D type spherical LDPE, Geldart D type cylindrical wood and Geldart B type sand particles; NETL-TRS-2725-2021; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2021. DOI: 10.2172/1776642.
Banerjee, S. Full-Loop Simulation of the Combustion of Biomass in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor; DOE/NETL-2021/2650; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2021; p 52. DOI: 10.2172/1785675.
Porcu, A.; Xu, Y. P.; Mureddu, M.; Dessi, F.; Shahnam, M.; Rogers, W. A.; Sastri, B. S.; Pettinau, A. "Experimental validation of a multiphase flow model of a lab-scale fluidized-bed gasification unit," Applied Energy Vol. 293, 2021, p. 21. (
N'dri A. Konan, E. David Huckaby, Multi-fidelity kinetic theory-based approach for the prediction of particle attrition: Application to jet cup attrition system, Powder Technology, Volume 391, 2021, Pages 227-238, ISSN 0032-5910, (
Lu, L. Q. G., X.; Shahnam, M.; Rogers, W. A. "Open source implementation of glued sphere discrete element method and nonspherical biomass fast pyrolysis simulation," Aiche Journal Vol. 67, No. 6, 2021, p. 14.
Lu, L. G., Xi; Shahnam, Mehrdad; Rogers, William A. "Simulations of biomass pyrolysis using glued-sphere CFD-DEM with 3-D intra-particle models," Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 419, 2021, p. 129564. (
Vaidheeswaran, A. G., Aytekin; Clarke, Mary Ann; Rogers, William A. "Assessment of model parameters in MFiX particle-in-cell approach," Advanced Powder Technology Vol. 32, No. 8, 2021, pp. 2962-2977. (
Higham, Jonathan E and Shahnam, Mehrdad and Vaidheeswaran, Avinash, Anomalous diffusion in a bench-scale pulsed fluidized bed, Physical Review E, Volume 103, Number 4, 043103, 2021, 10.1103/PhysRevE.103.043103,
Gel, A.; Weber, J.; Vaidheeswaran, A. Sensitivity Analysis of MFiX-PIC Parameters Using Nodeworks, PSUADE, and DAKOTA; DOE.NETL-2021.2652; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2021; p 52., DOI: 10.2172/1809024.
Avinash Vaidheeswaran, Steven Rowan, Chaos and recurrence analyses of pressure signals from bubbling fluidized beds, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 142, 2021, 110354, ISSN 0960-0779, (
Xu, Y., Lu, L., Yu, J., Shahnam, M. , Madden, D., Rogers, W., Maurer, R., Thimsen, D., Sheets, B., Pettinau, A., Expanded Transient Multi-Fuel Modeling of the HMI Updraft Moving Bed Gasifier Performance for Industrial Scale CHP Applications, 38th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, September 2021.
Musango, L. J., Siame; Lloyd, Mukosha. "CFD-DEM simulation of Small-Scale Challenge Problem 1 with EMMS bubble-based structure-dependent drag coefficient," Particuology Vol. 55, 2021, pp. 48-61. (
Alfano, F. O. D. R., Alberto; Di Maio, Francesco Paolo; Ghadiri, Mojtaba. "Computational analysis of triboelectrification due to aerodynamic powder dispersion," Powder Technology Vol. 382, 2021, pp. 491-504. (
Alfano, F. O., Benassi, A., Gaspari, R., Di Renzo, A., & Di Maio, F. P. (2021). Full-Scale DEM Simulation of Coupled Fluid and Dry-Coated Particle Flow in Swirl-Based Dry Powder Inhalers. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
Altinsoy, Y. , Keçeci, A. & Topal, H. (2021). Determination of the Bed Hydrodynamics by MFIX-PIC in the Biomass Gasification Process of Circulating Fluidized Bed. Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation, 8 (4), 551-569. DOI: 10.54287/gujsa.1030632
Zhang, T. L., Youjun. "A method to deal with constant wall flux boundary condition in a fluidized bed by CFD-DEM," Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 406, 2021, p. 126880. (
Pang, B. W., Shuyan; Lu, Huilin. "A modified drag model for power-law fluid-particle flow used in computational fluid dynamics simulation," Advanced Powder Technology Vol. 32, No. 4, 2021, pp. 1207-1218. (
Rückert, F. U. L.-P., Daniel; Theis, Danjana; Kim, Ju Pyo; Schargen, Andre; Zorbach, Ingo; Sohnemann, Jens. "A new Simulation Model for Grate Firing Systems in OpenFOAM," Energy Vol. 216, 2021, p. 119226. (
Jiang, M. Z., Yu; Yu, Yaxiong; Zhou, Qiang. "A scale-independent modeling method for filtered drag in fluidized gas-particle flows," Powder Technology Vol. 394, 2021, pp. 1050-1076. (
Abide, S., Barboteu, M., Cherkaoui, S., and Dumont, S. "A semi-smooth Newton and Primal–Dual Active Set method for Non-Smooth Contact Dynamics," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Vol. 387, 2021, p. 114153. (
Guo, Q. P., Azin; Boyce, Christopher M. "A two fluid modeling study of bubble collapse due to bubble interaction in a fluidized bed," Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 232, 2021, p. 116377. (
Hasse, C. D., Paulo; Wen, Xu; Hildebrandt, Klaus; Vascellari, Michele; Faravelli, Tiziano. "Advanced modeling approaches for CFD simulations of coal combustion and gasification," Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Vol. 86, 2021, p. 100938. (
Sitaraman, H. V., Deepthi; Grout, Ray; Hauser, Thomas; Hrenya, Christine M.; Musser, Jordan. "An error-controlled adaptive time-stepping method for particle advancement in coupled CFD-DEM simulations," Powder Technology Vol. 379, 2021, pp. 203-216. (
Gao, X. L., L. Q.; Shahnam, M.; Rogers, W. A.; Smith, K.; Gaston, K.; Robichaud, D.; Pecha, M. B.; Crowley, M.; Ciesielski, P. N.; Debiagi, P.; Faravelli, T.; Wiggins, G.; Finney, C. E. A.; Parks, J. E. "Assessment of a detailed biomass pyrolysis kinetic scheme in multiscale simulations of a single-particle pyrolyzer and a pilot-scale entrained flow pyrolyzer," Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 418, 2021, p. 12. (
Zhang, K. W., Shuai; He, Yurong. "Bubble-induced mesoscale drag model for the simulation of gas-solid bubbling fluidization," Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 246, 2021, p. 116990. (
Yue, Y. Z., Chenxi; Shen, Yansong. "CFD-DEM model study of gas–solid flow in a spout fluidized bed with an umbrella-like baffle," Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 230, 2021, p. 116234. (
Wang, S. S., Yansong. "CFD-DEM modelling of raceway dynamics and coke combustion in an ironmaking blast furnace," Fuel Vol. 302, 2021, p. 121167. (
Yue, Y. W., Shuai; Shen, Yansong. "CFD-DEM study of mitigation of alternating spout deflection in a spout fluidized bed: A geometry perspective," Powder Technology Vol. 394, 2021, pp. 278-289. (
Xi, K. K., Thomas; Fullmer, William D.; Penn, Alexander; Musser, Jordan; Boyce, Christopher M. "CFD-DEM study of bubble properties in a cylindrical fluidized bed of Geldart Group D particles and comparison with prior MRI data," Powder Technology Vol. 389, 2021, pp. 75-84. (
dos Santos, G. C. B., George Clarke; Martins, Lauber S.; Padoin, Natan; Watzko, Elise Sommer; de Aquino, Thiago Fernandes; Vasconcelos, Lídia Baraky. "CO2 adsorption in a zeolite-based bench scale moving bed prototype: Experimental and theoretical investigation," Chemical Engineering Research and Design Vol. 171, 2021, pp. 225-236. (
Xi, K. G., Q.; Boyce, C. M. "Comparison of CFD-DEM and TFM simulations of single bubble injection in 3D gas-fluidized beds with MRI results," Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 243, 2021, p. 116738. (
Cai, W. W., Shuyan; Khogley Ahmed, Mustafa Ahmed; Chen, Weiqi; Lu, Huilin. "Computations of mixing/segregation of binary mixtures in supercritical water fluidized bed," Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 229, 2021, p. 116027. (
Yu, J. L., L. Q.; Gao, X.; Xu, Y. P.; Shahnam, M.; Rogers, W. A. "Coupling reduced-order modeling and coarse-grainedCFD-DEMto accelerate coal gasifier simulation and optimization," Aiche Journal Vol. 67, No. 1, 2021, p. 16.
Weber, J. H., Jonathan E.; Musser, Jordan; Fullmer, William D. "Critical analysis of velocimetry methods for particulate flows from synthetic data," Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 415, 2021, p. 129032. (
Hartig, J. H., Hannah C.; Stelmach, Tanner J.; Weimer, Alan W. "DEM modeling of fine powder convection in a continuous vibrating bed reactor," Powder Technology Vol. 386, 2021, pp. 209-220. (
Zhu, R. L., Gengda; Zhang, Yiyang; Song, Minhang; Huang, Yun. "Effect of powdery layer coverage on the sticking and rebound behaviors of ash particle impaction: A DEM study," Powder Technology Vol. 382, 2021, pp. 388-397. (
Movahedi, H. J., Saeid. "Experimental and CFD simulation of slurry flow in the annular flow path using two-fluid model," Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering Vol. 198, 2021, p. 108224. (
Alagha, M. S. S., P. "Experimentally-assessed multi-phase CFD modeling of segregating gas-solid fluidized beds," Chemical Engineering Research & Design Vol. 172, 2021, pp. 215-225. (
Francia, V. W., Kaiqiao; Coppens, Marc-Olivier. "Dynamically structured fluidization: Oscillating the gas flow and other opportunities to intensify gas-solid fluidized bed operation," Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification Vol. 159, 2021, p. 108143. (
Juhui, C. T., Yang; Dan, Li; Jiahao, Li; Changliang, Han; Guangbin, Yu; Chenxi, Zhao; Xiaogang, Liu. "Evaluation of direct quadrature method of moment for the internally circulating fluidized bed simulation with ultrafine particles," Advanced Powder Technology Vol. 32, No. 7, 2021, pp. 2359-2369. (
Yokoo, K. W., Akinobu; Kishida, Masahiro; Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi. "Experimental and numerical investigation of catalytic PM combustion in a fluidized bed type PM removal device for low-temperature continuous regeneration," Advanced Powder Technology Vol. 32, No. 1, 2021, pp. 151-165. (
Yue, Y. W., Shuai; Shen, Yansong. "Exploring mechanism of spout deflection in a spout fluidized bed," Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 245, 2021, p. 116942. (
Biswas, A. A., J. P.; Dutta, S.; Musser, J. M.; Almgren, A. S.; Turton, T. L. "Feature Analysis, Tracking, and Data Reduction: An Application to Multiphase Reactor Simulation MFiX-Exa for In-Situ Use Case," Computing in Science & Engineering Vol. 23, No. 1, 2021, pp. 75-82.
Yue, Y. W., Shuai; Shen, Yansong. "Gas-solid mixing and heat transfer performance in alternating spout deflection," Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 234, 2021, p. 116446. (
Xiaoxue, J. S., Wang; Qinghong, Zhang; Baoli, Shao; Huilin, Lu. "Granular restitution coefficient-based kinetic theory computations of bubbling fluidized beds," Powder Technology Vol. 394, 2021, pp. 825-837. (
Cliff, A. F., L. A.; Breard, E. C. P.; Dufek, J.; Davies, C. E. "Granular size segregation in silos with and without inserts," Proceedings of the Royal Society a-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences Vol. 477, No. 2245, 2021, p. 19.
Tian, R. W., Shuyan; Li, Xuan; Yuan, Zihan; Shao, Baoli; Fan, Jiawei. "Hydrodynamics of wet particles in liquid-solid fluidized beds using kinetic theory of rough spheres model," Powder Technology Vol. 392, 2021, pp. 524-535. (
Yu, Y. X. L., Y.; Chen, X.; Duan, F.; Zhou, Q. "Improvement of the Coarse-Grained Discrete Element Method for Frictional Particles," Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Vol. 60, No. 15, 2021, pp. 5651-5664.
Niaki, S. R. A. M., J.; Chavez-Cussy, N.; Milioli, C. C.; Milioli, F. E. "Improving the accuracy of two-fluid sub-grid modeling of dense gas -solid fluidized flows," Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 229, 2021, p. 12. (
Khadilkar, A. B. K., James R.; Rozelle, Peter L.; Pisupati, Sarma V. "Integrated modeling methodology for ash agglomeration in poly-disperse fluidized beds using particle population framework," Powder Technology Vol. 384, 2021, pp. 368-378. (
Zhang, K. W., Shuai; Wu, Qiang; Wang, Tianyu; He, Yurong. "Investigation of bubble-to-emulsion phase mass transfer at non-isothermal conditions via a coupled CFD-DEM approach," Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 231, 2021, p. 116284. (
Shao, Y. C. R., X.; Li, S. Q. "Mechanism for clogging of microchannels by small particles with liquid cohesion," Aiche Journal Vol. 67, No. 7, 2021, p. 14.
Johnson, E. F. T., ?lker; Baker, Derek. "Modeling heat exchangers with an open source DEM-based code for granular flows," Solar Energy Vol. 228, 2021, pp. 374-386. (
Zhu, R. L., Wenwei; Li, Gengda; Huang, Yun. "Numerical analysis of a single particle impaction on a powdery layer with fine particles," Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 233, 2021, p. 116398. (
Du, S. Y., Shouzheng; Zhou, Qiang. "Numerical investigation of co-gasification of coal and PET in a fluidized bed reactor," Renewable Energy Vol. 172, 2021, pp. 424-439. (
Wei, X. W., Justin; Breault, Ronald W. "Numerical investigation of the penetrating gas flow into particle clusters for circulating fluidized beds," Powder Technology Vol. 388, 2021, pp. 442-449. (
Wang, X. W., Shuyan; Wang, Ruichen; Yuan, Zihan; Shao, Baoli; Fan, Jiawei. "Numerical simulation of semi-dry desulfurization spouted bed using the discrete element method (DEM)," Powder Technology Vol. 378, 2021, pp. 191-201. (
Wang, S. S., Yansong. "Particle-scale study of heat and mass transfer in a bubbling fluidised bed," Chemical Engineering Science Vol. 240, 2021, p. 116655. (
Macedo, M. S. S., M. A.; Madeira, Luis M. "Process intensification for hydrogen production through glycerol steam reforming," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Vol. 146, 2021, p. 111151. (
Soundararajan, B. S., Daniele; Barletta, Diego; Poletto, Massimo. "Review on modeling techniques for powder bed fusion processes based on physical principles," Additive Manufacturing Vol. 47, 2021, p. 102336. (
Jiang, K. D., Xiaoze; Zhang, Qiang; Kong, Yanqiang; Xu, Chao; Ju, Xing. "Review on gas-solid fluidized bed particle solar receivers applied in concentrated solar applications: Materials, configurations and methodologies," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Vol. 150, 2021, p. 111479. (
Salehi, M.-S. A., Maryam; Gallucci, Fausto; Godini, Hamid Reza. "Selective CO2-Hydrogenation using a membrane reactor," Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification Vol. 160, 2021, p. 108264. (
Puig-Gamero, M. P., D. T.; Tarelho, L. A. C.; Sánchez, P.; Sanchez-Silva, L. "Simulation of biomass gasification in bubbling fluidized bed reactor using aspen plus®," Energy Conversion and Management Vol. 235, 2021, p. 113981. (
Foued, B. V., R. "Simulation of settling velocity and motion of particles in drilling operation," Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering Vol. 196, 2021, p. 21. (
Wang, X. S., Yali; Jin, Baosheng. "Spatiotemporal statistical characteristics of multiphase flow behaviors in fuel reactor for separated-gasification chemical looping combustion of solid fuel," Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 412, 2021, p. 128575. (
Xie, J. Z., Wenqi; Shao, Yingjuan. "Study on the char combustion in a fluidized bed by CFD-DEM simulations: Influences of fuel properties," Powder Technology Vol. 394, 2021, pp. 20-34. (
Kotteda, V. M. K. S., M. "Study the thermal radiation effects in gas-solid flows with gray and non-gray P1 models implemented in MFiX," Powder Technology Vol. 394, 2021, pp. 191-206. (
Yurata, T. G., Dimitri; Piumsomboon, Pornpote; Chalermsinsuwan, Benjapon. "The importance of parameter-dependent coefficient of restitution in discrete element method simulations," Advanced Powder Technology Vol. 32, No. 4, 2021, pp. 1004-1012. (
Yu, J. G., X.; Lu, L. Q.; Xu, Y. P.; Li, C.; Li, T. W.; Rogers, W. A. "Validation of a filtered drag model for solid residence time distribution (RTD) prediction in a pilot-scale FCC riser," Powder Technology Vol. 378, 2021, pp. 339-347. (
Zhang, T. L., Youjun. "Wall-to-bed heat transfer in supercritical water fluidized bed using CFD-DEM," Particuology Vol. 56, 2021, pp. 113-123. (
Zheng, H. L., Xianglei; Xuan, Yimin; Song, Chao; Liu, Dachuan; Zhu, Qibin; Zhu, Zhonghui; Gao, Ke; Li, Yongliang; Ding, Yulong. "Thermochemical heat storage performances of fluidized black CaCO3 pellets under direct concentrated solar irradiation," Renewable Energy Vol. 178, 2021, pp. 1353-1369. (
Publication Year 2020
Shuai Wang, Kun Luo, Jianren Fan, "CFD-DEM coupled with thermochemical sub-models for biomass gasification: Validation and sensitivity analysis", Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 217, 2020,
Xi Gao, Tingwen Li, William A. Rogers, Kristin Smith, Katherine Gaston, Gavin Wiggins, James E. Parks II, Validation and application of a multiphase CFD model for hydrodynamics, temperature field and RTD simulation in a pilot-scale biomass pyrolysis vapor phase upgrading reactor, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 388, 15 May 2020, 124279, (
Liqiang Lu, Jia Yu, Xi Gao, Yupeng Xu, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A. Rogers, “Experimental and numerical investigation of sands and Geldart A biomass co‐fluidization”, AIChe Journal, Mar. 16, 2020
Yupeng Xu, Tingwen Li, Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Sina Tebianian, John R. Grace, Jamal Chaouki, Thomas W. Leadbeater, Rouzbeh Jafari, David J. Parker, Jonathan Seville, Naoko Ellis, "Development and confirmation of a simple procedure to measure solids distribution in fluidized beds using tracer particles", Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 217, 2020, 115501,
Tingwen Li, Yupeng Xu, "Computational Fluid Dynamics and Its Application to Fluidization", In Essentials of Fluidization Technology (eds J. Grace, X. Bi and N. Ellis), 2020, doi:10.1002/9783527699483.ch6
Deepthi Chandramouli, Huda Ashfaq, William A. Rogers, "Experimental and Simulation Analysis of Binary Mixtures of Biomass and Inert Material", DOE/NETL-2020/2134; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2020; p. 44. DOI: 10.2172/1619201.
Mary Ann Clarke, Jordan Musser, "The MFiX Particle-in-Cell Method (MFiXPIC) Theory Guide", DOE/NETL-2020/2115, NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2020; p. 28. DOI: 10.2172/1630414.
Avinash Vaidheeswaran, Aytekin Gel, Mary Ann Clarke, and William A. Rogers, "Sensitivity Analysis of Particle-in-Cell Modeling Parameters in MFiX-PIC", ASME V&V 2020 Verification & Validation Symposium (Virtual Symposium), May 20-22, 2020,
Justin Weber, Aytekin Gel, and Charles Tong, "Nodeworks: An Open-source Visual Workflow Toolset for Uncertainty Quantification, Optimization and Machine Learning", Workflow Workshop and Hackathon Summer Seminar Series, August 28, 2020.
Jia Yu, Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Yupeng Xu, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A. Rogers, “Coupling reduced‐order modeling and coarse‐grained CFD‐DEM to accelerate coal gasifier simulation and optimization”, AIChe Journal, Aug. 23, 2020
Subhodeep Banerjee, Robin W Hughes, "Biomass Combustion in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor", DOE/NETL-2020/2148; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2020; p. 32. DOI: 10.2172/1659115.
Vaidheeswaran, A.; Musser, J.; Clarke, M. A., "Verification and Validation of MFiX-PIC"; NETL-TRS-2-2020; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2020; p. 48. DOI: 10.2172/1618293.
Z. Cao, D.K. Tafti, M. Shahnam, Development of drag correlation for suspensions of ellipsoidal particles, Powder Technology, Volume 369, PP 298-310, 2020, ISSN 0032-5910,
Aboaba, A., Martinez, Y., Mohaghegh, S., Shahnam, M., Guenther, C., and Liu, Y. Smart Proxy Modeling Application of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Computational Fluid Dynamics. United States: N. p., 2020. Web. doi:10.2172/1642460.
Z. Cao, D. K. Tafti and M. Shahnam, “Modeling Drag force in ellipsoidal particle suspensions with preferential orientation”, accepted for publication, Powder Technology, 2020.
Xi Gao, Liqiang Lu, James E. Parks, Mehrdad Shahnam, Madhava Syamlal, Simulation-Based Engineering of Biomass Fast Pyrolysis Reactors, Session: Fluidization: In Honor of Stuart Daw (Invited Talks), 2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting.
Xi Gao, Jia Yu, Liqiang Lu, Cheng Li, William A. Rogers. SuperDEM-CFD: Open Source Parallel Solver for Non-Spherical Particle-Fluid Fluidization Systems. 2020 Virtual AIChE Annual Meeting.
Lu, L., Yu, J., Shahnam, M., Rogers, W.A., Maurer, E.R., Thimsen, P.D., Sheets, B.J., Pettinau, A. 2020. Modeling Updraft Moving-bed Gasifier Performance for Industrial Scale CHP Applications. Presented on 2020 International Pittsburgh Coal Conference.
Lu, L., Gao, X., Shahnam, M. and Rogers, W.A., 2020. Bridging particle and reactor scales in the simulation of biomass fast pyrolysis by coupling particle resolved simulation and coarse grained CFD-DEM. Chemical Engineering Science, 216, p.115471. (
Xi Gao, Development and validation of SuperDEM-CFD coupled model for simulating non-spherical particles hydrodynamics in fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Journal, Ms. Ref. No.: CEJ-D-20-09477R1.
Chandramouli, D.; Shahnam, M.; Rogers, W. A. Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of a 12 MW Circulating Fluidized Bed Riser; DOE.NETL-2020.2151; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2020; p. 32. DOE: 10.2172/1673607.
Higham, J.E., Shahnam, M. & Vaidheeswaran, A. Using a proper orthogonal decomposition to elucidate features in granular flows. Granular Matter 22, 86 (2020).
Li, Cheng and Vaidheeswaran, Avinash and Gopalan, Balaji and Wu, Xiongjun and Steven, Rowan and Hughes, Bryan and Rogers, William A, Anisotropy and Non-Maxwellian behavior of particle velocity fluctuations in circulating fluidized beds, APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 2020.
Publication Year 2019
Xu, Y.; Shahnam, M.; Fullmer, W. D.; Rogers, W. A., "CFD-Driven Optimization of a Bench-Scale Fluidized Bed Biomass Gasifier using MFiX-TFM and Nodeworks-OT", NETL-TRS-3-2019; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2019; p 28. DOI: 10.18141/1506664.
Fullmer, W. D.; Dahl, S.; Weber, J. Surrogate Modeling Approach to Uncertainty Quantification for a DEM Model of a Rotating Cubic Tumbler; NETLTRS-5-2019; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, NationalEnergy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2019, p 24. DOI: 10.18141/1514272.
Xi Gao; Jia Yu; Cheng Li; Rupen Panday; Yupeng Xu; Tingwen Li; Huda Ashfaq; Bryan Huges; William A. Rogers, “Comprehensive experimental investigation on biomass‐glass beads binary fluidization: A data set for CFD model validation”, AIChE Journal, Oct. 18, 2019
Liqiang Lu, Xi Gao, Mehrdad Shahnam, William A. Rogers, “Coarse grained computational fluid dynamic simulation of sands and biomass fluidization with a hybrid drag”, AIChe Journal, Nov. 19, 2019
Yupeng Xu; Mehrdad Shahnam; Andrea Porcu; Alberto Pettinau; Bhima S. Sastri; William Rogers, “Experimental study and numerical simulation of the Biomass Pyrolysis and Gasification with MFiX”, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, WV; Sotacarbo Sustainable Energy Research Center, Carbonia, Italy; Leidos, Inc., Reston, VA; U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC
Jia Yu; Liqiang Lu; Mehrdad Shahnam; William A. Rogers, “Fast CFD based optimization of coal moving bed gasifier”, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, WV,2019 AIChE Annual Meeting, Pages 2-20
Liqiang Lu; Xi Gao; Mehrdad Shahnam; William A. Rogers, “Hybrid drag model for the simulation of biomass fast pyrolysis”, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, WV Nov. 14, 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting. Pages 2-12.
Subhodeep Banerjee; Rupendranath Panday; William Fullmer; William Rogers, “Developing a high-fidelity CFD model for CO2 separation by adsorption”, The 44th International Technical Conference on Clean Energy. The Clean Water Conference, June 18, 2019. Pages 1-22
Yupeng Xu, Tingwen Li, Liqiang Lu, Sina Tebianian, Jamal Chaouki, Thomas W. Leadbeater, Rouzben Jafari, David J. Parker, Jonathan Seville, Naoko Ellis, John R. Grace, "Numerical and experimental comparison of tracer particle and averaging techniques for particle velocities in a fluidized bed", Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 195, 2019, Pages 356-366,
Xi Gao, Jia Yu, Ricardo J.F.Portal, William A.Rogers, Superquadric particle method for non-spherical DEM simulation in open source MFiX: development, implementation and verification. AIChE 2019 Annual Meeting, Orlando, Nov 2019.
Yongxiang Gao, Xi Gao, Du Hong, Youwei Cheng, Lijun Wang, Xi Li, Experimental investigation on multiscale hydrodynamics in a novel gas-Liquid-Solid three phase jet-Loop reactor. AIChE Journal, 65, e16537, 2019.
A. Vaidheeswaran, R. Panday, M.A. Clarke, W.A. Rogers, "Fluidization of Geldart A particles: Experiments and Validation", American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting, Seattle WA, Nov 23-26, 2019.
Publication Year 2018
Xi Gao, Tingwen Li, Avik Sarkar, Liqiang Lu, William A. Rogers, Development and validation of an enhanced filtered drag model for simulating gas-solid fluidization of Geldart A particles in all flow regimes, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 184, 20 July 2018, Pages 33-51, ISSN 0009-2509, (
Ansari, A., Mohaghegh, S., Shahnam, M., Dietiker, J. F., & Li, T. Data Driven Smart Proxy for CFD Application of Big Data Analytics & Machine Learning in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Part Two: Model Building at the Cell Level. United States. doi:10.2172/1431303.
Emilio Ramirez, Tingwen Li, Mehrdad Shahnam, and C. Stuart Daw, "Computational study on biomass fast pyrolysis: Hydrodynamic effects on the performance of a laboratoryscale fluidized bed reactor", AIChE Spring Meeting, 8th World Congress on Particle Technology, Transport Phenomena and Reactor Performance II, Orlando, Florida, April 22-26, 2018.
Arthur Konan, David Huckaby, and Justin Weber, "Gravity-based percolation of small particles through an assembly of large particles", AIChE Spring Meeting, 8th World Congress on Particle Technology, Orlando, Florida, April 22-26, 2018.
Tingwen Li, "Small Scale Experimental and Modeling Studies for Geldart Group A Particles", AIChE Spring Meeting, 8th World Congress on Particle Technology, EMMS Workshop, Orlando, Florida, April 22-26, 2018.
Xi Gao, Tingwen Li, William Rogers, Rupen Panday, Jonathan Higham, Greggory Breault, and Jonathan Tucker, "Computational Fluid Dynamic Study of Biomass Vapor-Phase Upgrading Process", AIChE Spring Meeting, 8th World Congress on Particle Technology, Orlando, Florida, April 22-26, 2018.
Subhodeep Banerjee, William Rogers, and Chris Guenther, "Flow regime prediction in a 3D spouted bed using MFiX-DEM", AIChE Spring Meeting, 8th World Congress on Particle Technology, Orlando, Florida, April 22-26, 2018.
Yupeng Xu, Jordan Musser, Tingwen Li, William Rogers, Rupen Panday, Balaji Gopalan, Greggory Breault, and Jonathan Tucker, "Numerical simulation and experimental study of a small-scale circulating fluidized bed", AIChE Spring Meeting, 8th World Congress on Particle Technology, Orlando, Florida, April 22-26, 2018.
Xi Gao, Tingwen Li, Avik Sarkar, Liqiang Lu, and William A. Rogers, "Evaluation of Drag Models for Gas-Solid Fluidization of Geldart A Particles in All Flow Regimes", AIChE Spring Meeting, 8th World Congress on Particle Technology, Orlando, Florida, April 22-26, 2018.
A. Bakshi, M. Shahnam, A. Gel, T. Li, C. Altantzis, W. Rogers, A.F. Ghoniem, "Comprehensive multivariate sensitivity analysis of CFD-DEMsimulations: Critical model parameters and their impact on fluidization hydrodynamics", Powder Technology, July 17 2018, 10.1016/j.powtec.2018.06.049
S. Chen, L. A. Baumes, A. Gel, M. Adepu, H. Emady, Y. Jiao, "Classification of particle height in a hopper bin from limited discharge data using convolutional neural network models", Powder Technology, Volume 339, 2018, Pages 615-624, ISSN 0032-5910,
Xi Gao, Tingwen Li, William Rogers, Rupen Panday, Huda Ashfaq, "Status of NETL CCPC Activities" (172 MB), Consortium for Computational Physics and Chemistry, BioEnergy Technology Office Project Meeting at NREL, September 11, 2018.
Shuai Wang, Bang Hu, Siyu Liu, Weijie Yin, Kai Zhang, "Investigation into the elutriation of fines from binary mixtures via CFD simulation with a multi-scale drag model", Powder Technology, August 23 2018.
Ansari, A., Mohaghegh, S., Shahnam, M., Dietiker, J. F., Li, T., and Gel, A. Data Driven Smart Proxy for CFD Application of Big Data Analytics & Machine Learning in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Part Three: Model Building at the Layer Level. United States: N. p., 2018. Web. doi:10.2172/1463895 (
Fullmer, W. D.; Webber, J.; VanEssendelft, D. "Parameter Calibration and Uncertainty Quantification via Surrogate Model Optimization for CFD-DEM Modeling of a Small-Scale Slugging Bed"; NETL-TRS-20-2018; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2018; p 24. DOI: 10.18141/1479089.
Liqiang Lu, Sofiane Benyahia, "Chapter Two - Advances in Coarse Discrete Particle Methods With Industrial Applications", Advances in Chemical Engineering, Volume 53, 2018, Pages 53-151, doi: 10.1016/bs.ache.2017.12.001
Gel A, Vaidheeswaran A, Musser J, Tong CH. Toward the Development of a Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification Framework for Granular and Multiphase Flows—Part 1: Screening Study and Sensitivity Analysis . ASME. J. Verif. Valid. Uncert. 2018;3(3):031001-031001-12. doi:10.1115/1.4041745.
Yupeng Xu , Jordan Musser, Tingwen Li, Balaji Gopalan, Rupen Panday, Jonathan Tucker, Greggory Breault, Mary Ann Clarke, and William A. Rogers, "Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of the Gas–Solid Flow Behavior Inside a Full-Loop Circulating Fluidized Bed: Evaluation of Different Drag Models", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2018, 57 (2), pp 740–750, doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.7b03817
Breard, E. C. P., Dufek, J., & Lube, G. ( 2018). Enhanced mobility in concentrated pyroclastic density currents: An examination of a self‐fluidization mechanism. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 654– 664.
Jonathan E. Sutton, Juan M. Lorenzi, Jaron T. Krogel, Qingang Xiong, Sreekanth Pannala, Sebastian Matera, and Aditya Savara, "Electrons to Reactors Multiscale Modeling: Catalytic CO Oxidation over RuO2", ACS Catalysis 2018 8 (6), 5002-5016, DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.8b00713
Filipe L. Brandão, Gabriel L. Verissimo, Marco A. H. Leite, Albino J. K. Leiroz, and Manuel E. Cruz, "Computational Study of Sugarcane Bagasse Pyrolysis Modeling in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Reactor", Energy & Fuels 2018 32 (2), 1711-1723, DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b01603
Daniel A. Clarke, Andrew J. Sederman, Lynn F. Gladden, and Daniel J. Holland, "Investigation of Void Fraction Schemes for Use with CFD-DEM Simulations of Fluidized Beds", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2018 57 (8), 3002-3013, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.7b04638
Gao, X. , Li, T. and Rogers, W. A. (2018), Assessment of mesoscale solid stress in coarse‐grid TFM simulation of Geldart A particles in all fluidization regimes. AIChE J, 64: 3565-3581. doi:10.1002/aic.16341
Liu, P. , LaMarche, C. Q., Kellogg, K. M. and Hrenya, C. M. (2018), A square‐force cohesion model and its extraction from bulk measurements. AIChE J., 64: 2329-2339. doi:10.1002/aic.16089
Lu, L. and Benyahia, S. (2018), Method to estimate uncertainty associated with parcel size in coarse discrete particle simulation. AIChE J., 64: 2340-2350. doi:10.1002/aic.16100
Johannes George van der Watt, Daniel Laudal, Gautham Krishnamoorthy, Harry Feilen, Michael Mann, Ryder Shallbetter, Teagan Nelson and Srivats Srinivasachar, Development of a Spouted Bed Reactor for Chemical Looping Combustion. ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. 2018;140(11):112002-112002-8. doi:10.1115/1.4040403.
V. M. Krushnarao Kotteda, Vinod Kumar, William Spotz, "Performance of preconditioned iterative solvers in MFiX–Trilinos for fluidized beds", The Journal of Supercomputing (2018) 74: 4104.
F. Zinani, C. G. Philippsen & M. L. S. Indrusiak (2018) Numerical study of gas–solid drag models in a bubbling fluidized bed, Particulate Science and Technology, 36:1, 1-10, DOI: 10.1080/02726351.2016.1192570
Yuhe Tian, Salih Emre Demirel, M.M. Faruque Hasan, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, "An overview of process systems engineering approaches for process intensification: State of the art, Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification", Volume 133, 2018, Pages 160-210, ISSN 0255-2701,
Qinghong Zhang, Shuyan Wang, Huilin Lu, Qiujing Wang, Ming Tao, Guodong Liu, "Impact velocity-dependent restitution coefficient using a coupled Eulerian fluid phase-Eulerian solid phase-Lagrangian discrete particles phase model in gas-monodisperse particles internally circulating fluidized bed", International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 105, 2018, Pages 142-158, ISSN 0301-9322,
A. Bakshi, C. Altantzis, A. Bershanska, A.K. Stark, A.F. Ghoniem, "On the limitations of 2D CFD for thin-rectangular fluidized bed simulations", Powder Technology, Volume 332, 2018, Pages 114-119, ISSN 0032-5910,
Wenwei Liu, Sheng Chen, Shuiqing Li, "Random adhesive loose packings of micron-sized particles under a uniform flow field", Powder Technology, Volume 335, 2018, Pages 70-76, ISSN 0032-5910,
Shuai Wang, Kai Zhang, Shaodong Xu, Xuesong Yang, "Assessment of a bubble-based bi-disperse drag model for the simulation of a bubbling fluidized bed with a binary mixture", Powder Technology, Volume 338, 2018, Pages 280-288, ISSN 0032-5910,
Jing Xu, Jiaqi Lu, Shogo Kumagai, Tomohito Kameda, Yuko Saito, Kenshi Takahashi, Hiroshi Hayashi, Toshiaki Yoshioka, "Validation of a deplasticizer–ball milling method for separating Cu and PVC from thin electric cables: A simulation and experimental approach", Waste Management, Volume 82, 2018, Pages 220-230, ISSN 0956-053X,
Musango Lungu, Haotong Wang, Gershom Mwandila, Jingdai Wang, Yongrong Yang, Fengqiu Chen, John Siame, "Effect of bed thickness on a pseudo 2D gas-solid fluidized bed turbulent flow structures and dynamics", Powder Technology, Volume 336, 2018, Pages 594-608, ISSN 0032-5910,
William D. Fullmer, Christine M. Hrenya, "Continuum prediction of scale-dependent, anisotropic fluctuating kinetic energy in gas-solid flows", Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 186, 2018, Pages 84-87, ISSN 0009-2509,
Liqiang Lu, Yupeng Xu, Tingwen Li, Sofiane Benyahia, "Assessment of different coarse graining strategies to simulate polydisperse gas-solids flow", Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 179, 2018, Pages 53-63, ISSN 0009-2509,
Shuai Wang, Weijie Yin, Zhenjie Li, Xuesong Yang, Kai Zhang, "Numerical investigation of chemical looping gasification process using solid fuels for syngas production", Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 173,
2018, Pages 296-302, ISSN 0196-8904,
Mohamed I. Hassan, Yassir T. Makkawi, "A hydrodynamic model for biomass gasification in a circulating fluidized bed riser", Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, Volume 129,
2018, Pages 148-161, ISSN 0255-2701,
Subrat Kotoky, Amaresh Dalal, Ganesh Natarajan, "Effects of specularity and particle-particle restitution coefficients on the hydrodynamic behavior of dispersed gas-particle flows through horizontal channels",
Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 29, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 874-889, ISSN 0921-8831,
William D. Fullmer, Jordan Musser, "CFD-DEM solution verification: Fixed-bed studies", Powder Technology,
Volume 339, 2018, Pages 760-764, ISSN 0032-5910,
Paul Kieckhefen, Swantje Pietsch, Moritz Höfert, Michael Schönherr, Stefan Heinrich, Frank Kleine Jäger,
"Influence of gas inflow modelling on CFD-DEM simulations of three-dimensional prismatic spouted beds",
Powder Technology, Volume 329, 2018, Pages 167-180, ISSN 0032-5910,
Greg Perkins, "Underground coal gasification – Part II: Fundamental phenomena and modeling", Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Volume 67, 2018, Pages 234-274, ISSN 0360-1285,
Shuai Wang, Xuesong Yang, Shaodong Xu, Kai Zhang, Bowen Li, "Assessment of sorption-enhanced crude glycerol steam reforming process via CFD simulation", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
Volume 43, Issue 32, 2018, Pages 14996-15004, ISSN 0360-3199,
Jan May, Falah Alobaid, Peter Ohlemüller, Alexander Stroh, Jochen Ströhle, Bernd Epple,
"Reactive two–fluid model for chemical–looping combustion – Simulation of fuel and air reactors",
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 76, 2018, Pages 175-192, ISSN 1750-5836,
Liyan Sun, Kun Luo, Jianren Fan, "Numerical investigation on methanation kinetic and flow behavior in full-loop fluidized bed reactor", Fuel, Volume 231, 2018, Pages 85-93, ISSN 0016-2361,
Dan Li, Shuyan Wang, Guodong Liu, Huilin Lu, Xiaoxue Jiang, Ming Tao, Zhenjie Li, "A dynamic cluster structure-dependent drag coefficient model applied to gas-solid risers", Powder Technology, Volume 325, 2018,
Pages 381-395, ISSN 0032-5910,
Alexander W. Abboud, Donna P. Guillen, "Sensitivity study of a full-scale industrial spray-injected fluidized bed reactor", Powder Technology, Volume 334, 2018, Pages 36-52, ISSN 0032-5910,
Xu Wang, Shuyan Wang, Ruichao Tian, Ruichen Wang, Lili Liu, Qiji Sun, Jiawei Fan, "Numerical study on flow behavior of multi-component particles in a fluidized bed using a TFM-DEM hybrid model", Powder Technology, Volume 338, 2018, Pages 795-805, ISSN 0032-5910,
Joseph Mouallem, Norman Chavez-Cussy, Seyed R.A. Niaki, Christian C. Milioli, Fernando E. Milioli,
"On the effects of the flow macro-scale over meso-scale filtered parameters in gas-solid riser flows", Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 182, 2018, Pages 200-211, ISSN 0009-2509,
Rodney O. Fox, "Chapter One - Quadrature-Based Moment Methods for Multiphase Chemically Reacting Flows", Advances in Chemical Engineering, Volume 52, 2018, Pages 1-50,
Vaibhav Agrawal, Yogesh Shinde, Milinkumar T. Shah, Ranjeet P. Utikar, Vishnu K. Pareek, Jyeshtharaj B. Joshi, "Effect of drag models on CFD–DEM predictions of bubbling fluidized beds with Geldart D particles",
Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 29, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 2658-2669, ISSN 0921-8831,
F. Hernández-Jiménez, J. Sánchez-Prieto, E. Cano-Pleite, A. Soria-Verdugo, "Lateral solids meso-mixing in pseudo-2D fluidized beds by means of TFM simulations", Powder Technology, Volume 334, 2018, Pages 183-191, ISSN 0032-5910,
Adam Klimanek, Joanna Bigda, "CFD modelling of CO2 enhanced gasification of coal in a pressurized circulating fluidized bed reactor", Energy, Volume 160, 2018, Pages 710-719, ISSN 0360-5442,
Mohammad Reza Haghgoo, Donald J. Bergstrom, Raymond J. Spiteri, "A comprehensive assessment of different wall boundary conditions on the simulation of bubbling fluidized beds", International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 99, 2018, Pages 500-511, ISSN 0301-9322,
Xiaolai Zhang, Weixin Qian, Haitao Zhang, Qiwen Sun, Weiyong Ying, "Effect of the operation parameters on the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis in fluidized bed reactors", Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Volume 26, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 245-251, ISSN 1004-9541,
Narjes Malekjani, Seid Mahdi Jafari, "Simulation of food drying processes by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); recent advances and approaches", Trends in Food Science & Technology, Volume 78, 2018, Pages 206-223, ISSN 0924-2244,
Reza Namdarkedenji, Kamyar Hashemnia, Homayoun Emdad, "Effect of flow pulsation on fluidization degree of gas-solid fluidized beds by using coupled CFD-DEM", Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 29, Issue 12,
2018, Pages 3527-3541, ISSN 0921-8831,
Liyan Sun, Kun Luo, Jianren Fan, "Production of synthetic natural gas by CO methanation over Ni/Al2O3 catalyst in fluidized bed reactor", Catalysis Communications, Volume 105, 2018, Pages 37-42, ISSN 1566-7367,
Alexander W. Abboud, Donna P. Guillen, "Response surface data for sensitivity study of industrial spray injected fluidized bed reactor", Data in Brief, Volume 21, 2018, Pages 154-166, ISSN 2352-3409,
Shuai Wang, Xuesong Yang, Shaodong Xu, Kai Zhang, Bowen Li, "Evaluation of sorption-enhanced reforming of biodiesel by-product in fluidized beds by means of CFD approach", Fuel, Volume 214, 2018, Pages 115-122, ISSN 0016-2361,
Shuai Wang, Bang Hu, Siyu Liu, Weijie Yin, Kai Zhang, "Investigation into the elutriation of fines from binary mixtures via CFD simulation with a multi-scale drag model", Powder Technology, Volume 339, 2018, Pages 633-640, ISSN 0032-5910,
Salman Jalalifar, Rouzbeh Abbassi, Vikram Garaniya, Kelly Hawboldt, Mohammadmahdi Ghiji, "Parametric analysis of pyrolysis process on the product yields in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor", Fuel, Volume 234, 2018,
Pages 616-625, ISSN 0016-2361,
K. Buchheit, C. Altantzis, A. Bakshi, T. Jordan, D. Van Essendelft, "The BubbleTree toolset: CFD-integrated algorithm for Lagrangian tracking and rigorous statistical analysis of bubble motion and gas fluxes for application to 3D fluidized bed simulations", Powder Technology, Volume 338, 2018, Pages 960-974, ISSN 0032-5910,
Mohammad Reza Haghgoo, Donald J. Bergstrom, Raymond J. Spiteri, "Energy budget analysis of a dense gas-particle flow inside a fluidized bed", Powder Technology, Volume 340, 2018, Pages 154-162, ISSN 0032-5910,
Musango Lungu, Haotong Wang, Jingdai Wang, Ronald Ngulube, Yongrong Yang, Fengqiu Chen, John Siame,
"Assessment of the TFM in predicting the onset of turbulent fluidization", Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, ISSN 1004-9541,
Andy Cahyadi, Anthony G. Fane, Jia Wei Chew, "Correlating the hydrodynamics of fluidized media with the extent of membrane fouling mitigation: Effect of bidisperse GAC mixtures", Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 192, 2018, Pages 309-321, ISSN 1383-5866,
Qiao Ma, Fulin Lei, Yunhan Xiao, "Numerical analysis of operating conditions for establishing high-density circulating fluidized bed by CPFD method", Powder Technology, Volume 338, 2018, Pages 446-457, ISSN 0032-5910,
Jiageng Li, Bolun Yang, "Multi-scale CFD simulations of bubbling fluidized bed methanation process", Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, ISSN 1385-8947,
Yi. He, Andrew E. Bayly, Ali Hassanpour, "Coupling CFD-DEM with dynamic meshing: A new approach for fluid-structure interaction in particle-fluid flows", Powder Technology, Volume 325, 2018, Pages 620-631, ISSN 0032-5910,
Mohammad Reza Haghgoo, Donald J. Bergstrom, Raymond J. Spiteri, "Effect of particle stress tensor in simulations of dense gas–particle flows in fluidized beds", Particuology, Volume 38, 2018, Pages 31-43, ISSN 1674-2001,
Justin R. Finn, Janine E. Galvin, "Modeling and simulation of CO2 capture using semipermeable elastic microcapsules", International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 74, 2018, Pages 191-205, ISSN 1750-5836,
Feifei Song, Fei Li, Wei Wang, Jinghai Li, "A sub-grid EMMS drag for multiphase particle-in-cell simulation of fluidization", Powder Technology, Volume 327, 2018, Pages 420-429, ISSN 0032-5910,
Alejandro Calderón, Anabel Palacios, Camila Barreneche, Mercè Segarra, Cristina Prieto, Alfonso Rodriguez-Sanchez, A. Inés Fernández, "High temperature systems using solid particles as TES and HTF material: A review", Applied Energy, Volume 213, 2018, Pages 100-111, ISSN 0306-2619,
Gabriele Pozzetti, Xavier Besseron, Alban Rousset, Bernhard Peters, "A co-located partitions strategy for parallel CFD–DEM couplings", Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 29, Issue 12, 2018, Pages 3220-3232,
ISSN 0921-8831,
Meiyan Feng, Fei Li, Wei Wang, Jinghai Li, "Parametric study for MP-PIC simulation of bubbling fluidized beds with Geldart A particles", Powder Technology, Volume 328, 2018, Pages 215-226, ISSN 0032-5910,
Shuai Wang, Kun Luo, Chenshu Hu, Liyan Sun, Jianren Fan, "Impact of operating parameters on biomass gasification in a fluidized bed reactor: An Eulerian-Lagrangian approach", Powder Technology, Volume 333,
2018, Pages 304-316, ISSN 0032-5910,
Andriarimina Daniel Rakotonirina, Anthony Wachs, "Grains3D, a flexible DEM approach for particles of arbitrary convex shape - Part II: Parallel implementation and scalable performance", Powder Technology,
Volume 324, 2018, Pages 18-35, ISSN 0032-5910,
W.A. Lane, E.M. Ryan, "Verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification of a sub-grid model for heat transfer in gas-particle flows with immersed horizontal cylinders", Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 176,
2018, Pages 409-420, ISSN 0009-2509,
Yingya Wu, Li Peng, Liqing Qin, Min Wang, Jinsen Gao, Xingying Lan, "Validation and application of CPFD models in simulating hydrodynamics and reactions in riser reactor with Geldart A particles", Powder Technology, Volume 323, 2018, Pages 269-283, ISSN 0032-5910,
A. Bakshi, M. Shahnam, A. Gel, T. Li, C. Altantzis, W. Rogers, A.F. Ghoniem, "Comprehensive multivariate sensitivity analysis of CFD-DEM simulations: Critical model parameters and their impact on fluidization hydrodynamics", Powder Technology, Volume 338, 2018, Pages 519-537, ISSN 0032-5910,
Gel, Aytekin, Jiao, Yang, Emady, Heather, and Tong, Charles. MFIX-DEM Phi: Performance and Capability Improvements Towards Industrial Grade Open-source DEM Framework with Integrated Uncertainty Quantification. United States: N. p., 2018. Web. doi:10.2172/1439328.
Publication Year 2017
Tingwen Li, William A. Rogers, Madhava Syamlal, Jean-François Dietiker, Jordan Musser, Mehrdad Shahnam, Swapna Rabha, The NETL MFiX Suite of multiphase flow models: A brief review and recent applications of MFiX-TFM to fossil energy Technologies, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 169, 21 September 2017, Pages 259-272, ISSN 0009-2509,
Shahnam M, Gel A, Dietiker J, Subramaniyan AK, Musser J. The Effect of Grid Resolution and Reaction Models in Simulation of a Fluidized Bed Gasifier Through Nonintrusive Uncertainty Quantification Techniques. ASME. J. Verif. Valid. Uncert. 2017;1(4):041004-041004-9. doi:10.1115/1.4035445.
Aytekin Gel, Mehrdad Shahnam, Arun K. Subramaniyan, Quantifying uncertainty of a reacting multiphase flow in a bench-scale fluidized bed gasifier: A Bayesian approach, Powder Technology, Volume 311, 15 April 2017, Pages 484-495, ISSN 0032-5910,
Shaohua Chen, Manogna Adepu, Heather Emady, Yang Jiao, Aytekin Gel, Enhancing the physical modeling capability of open-source MFIX-DEM software for handling particle size polydispersity: Implementation and validation, Powder Technology, Volume 317, 15 July 2017, Pages 117-125, ISSN 0032-5910,
Aytekin Gel, Jonathan Hu, ElMoustapha Ould-Ahmed-Vall & Alexander A. Kalinkin, Modernization and optimization of a legacy open-source CFD code for high-performance computing architectures, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Volume 31, Issue 2, Pages 122-133, February 2017.
Shahnam, M.; Gel, A.; Subramaniyan, A. K.; Musser, J.; and Dietiker, J. F., "Uncertainty Quantification Analysis of Both Experimental and CFD Simulation Data of a Bench-scale Fluidized Bed Gasifier", NETL-PUB-21341; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2017; p 68.
Helal Uddin, Charles J. Coronella, Effects of grid size on predictions of bed expansion in bubbling fluidized beds of Geldart B particles: A generalized rule for a grid-independent solution of TFM simulations, Particuology, Volume 34, October 2017, Pages 61-69, ISSN 1674-2001,
Mohammad Reza Haghgoo, Donald J. Bergstrom, Raymond J. Spiteri, Effect of particle stress tensor in simulations of dense gas–particle flows in fluidized beds, Particuology, Available online 31 August 2017, ISSN 1674-2001,
Canhai Lai, Zhijie Xu, Tingwen Li, Andrew Lee, Jean-François Dietiker, William Lane, Xin Sun, Effects of heat exchanger tubes on hydrodynamics and CO2 capture of a sorbent-based fluidized bed reactor, Powder Technology, Volume 322, December 2017, Pages 202-213, ISSN 0032-5910,
Tingwen Li, Swapna Rabha, Vikrant Verma, Jean-François Dietiker, Yupeng Xu, Liqiang Lu, William Rogers, Balaji Gopalan, Greggory Breault, Jonathan Tucker, Rupen Panday, Experimental study and discrete element method simulation of Geldart Group A particles in a small-scale fluidized bed, Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 28, Issue 11, November 2017, Pages 2961-2973, ISSN 0921-8831,
Yupeng Xu, Jordan Musser, Tingwen Li, Johan T. Padding, William A. Rogers, Particles climbing along a vertically vibrating tube: numerical simulation using the Discrete Element Method (DEM), Powder Technology, Volume 320, October 2017, Pages 304-312, ISSN 0032-5910,
Yupeng Xu, Tingwen Li, Jordan Musser, Xiaoxing Liu, Guangwen Xu, William A. Rogers, CFD-DEM modeling the effect of column size and bed height on minimum fluidization velocity in micro fluidized beds with Geldart B particles, Powder Technology, Volume 318, August 2017, Pages 321-328, ISSN 0032-5910,
Emilio Ramirez, Charles E.A. Finney, Sreekanth Pannala, C. Stuart Daw, Jack Halow, Qingang Xiong, Computational study of the bubbling-to-slugging transition in a laboratory-scale fluidized bed, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 308, 15 January 2017, Pages 544-556, ISSN 1385-8947,
Carlos M. Romero Luna, Luis R. Carrocci, Gretta L.A.F. Arce, Ivonete Ávila, A comparative assessment of empirical and lattice Boltzmann method-based drag models for simulation of gas–solid flow hydrodynamics in a bubbling fluidized bed, Particuology, Volume 33, August 2017, Pages 129-137, ISSN 1674-2001,
Mohammed N. Khan, Tariq Shamim, Influence of Specularity Coefficient on the Hydrodynamics and Bubble Statistics of an Annular Fluidized Bed Reactor, Energy Procedia, Volume 105, May 2017, Pages 1998-2003, ISSN 1876-6102,
L.M. Garcia-Gutierrez, F. Hernández-Jiménez, E. Cano-Pleite, A. Soria-Verdugo, Improvement of the simulation of fuel particles motion in a fluidized bed by considering wall friction, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 321, 1 August 2017, Pages 175-183, ISSN 1385-8947,
Bahareh Estejab, Guevara Che Nyendu, Foster Agblevor, Francine Battaglia, Coal–biomass mixing characteristics in a bubbling fluidized bed of Geldart A particles, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 120, April 2017, Pages 1-14, ISSN 0263-8762,
Zhijie Xu, Canhai Lai, Peter William Marcy, Jean-François Dietiker, Tingwen Li, Avik Sarkar, Xin Sun, Predicting the performance uncertainty of a 1-MW pilot-scale carbon capture system after hierarchical laboratory-scale calibration and validation, Powder Technology, Volume 312, 1 May 2017, Pages 58-66, ISSN 0032-5910,
Liqiang Lu, Xiaowen Liu, Tingwen Li, Limin Wang, Wei Ge, Sofiane Benyahia, Assessing the capability of continuum and discrete particle methods to simulate gas-solids flow using DNS predictions as a benchmark, Powder Technology, Volume 321, November 2017, Pages 301-309, ISSN 0032-5910,
Vikrant Verma, Tingwen Li, Jean-François Dietiker, William A. Rogers, Sub-grid drag model for immersed vertical cylinders in fluidized beds, Powder Technology, Volume 316, 1 July 2017, Pages 225-232, ISSN 0032-5910,
Shuyan Wang, Baoli Shao, Xiangyu Li, Jian Zhao, Lili Liu, Yikun Liu, Yang Liu, Qun Dong, Simulations of vertical jet penetration using a filtered two-fluid model in a gas–solid fluidized bed, Particuology, Volume 31, April 2017, Pages 95-104, ISSN 1674-2001,
Mohammad Reza Haghgoo, Donald J. Bergstrom, Raymond J. Spiteri, A comprehensive assessment of different wall boundary conditions on the simulation of bubbling fluidized beds, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Available online 2 December 2017, ISSN 0301-9322,
Justin R. Finn, Janine E. Galvin, Calibration of drag models for mesoscale simulation of gas–liquid flow through packed beds, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 172, 23 November 2017, Pages 722-730, ISSN 0009-2509,
Vikrant Verma, Tingwen Li, Juray De Wilde, Coarse-grained discrete particle simulations of particle segregation in rotating fluidized beds in vortex chambers, Powder Technology, Volume 318, August 2017, Pages 282-292, ISSN 0032-5910,
Xiaolai Zhang, Weixin Qian, Haitao Zhang, Qiwen Sun, Weiyong Ying, Effect of the operation parameters on the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis in fluidized bed reactors, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Available online 3 July 2017, ISSN 1004-9541,
Juhui Chen, Cheng Meng, Shuai Wang, Guangbin Yu, Ting Hu, Feng Lin, Effect of solid mass flux on anisotropic gas–solid flow in risers determined with an LES-SOM model, Particuology, Volume 34, October 2017, Pages 70-80, ISSN 1674-2001,
Liqiang Lu, Aaron Morris, Tingwen Li, Sofiane Benyahia, Extension of a coarse grained particle method to simulate heat transfer in fluidized beds, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 111, August 2017, Pages 723-735, ISSN 0017-9310,
Santhip K. Kanholy, Bahareh Estejab, Francine Battaglia, Modeling multiple gas jet interactions during fluidization in a pseudo-2D bed, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 328, 15 November 2017, Pages 1009-1021, ISSN 1385-8947,
Liqiang Lu, Arthur Konan, Sofiane Benyahia, Influence of grid resolution, parcel size and drag models on bubbling fluidized bed simulation, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 326, 15 October 2017, Pages 627-639, ISSN 1385-8947,
Huang Zhang, Shuiqing Li, DEM simulation of wet granular-fluid flows in spouted beds: Numerical studies and experimental verifications, Powder Technology, Volume 318, August 2017, Pages 337-349, ISSN 0032-5910,
Krzywanski, A. Żyłka, T. Czakiert, K. Kulicki, S. Jankowska, W. Nowak, A 1.5D model of a complex geometry laboratory scale fuidized bed clc equipment, Powder Technology, Volume 316, 1 July 2017, Pages 592-598, ISSN 0032-5910,
Sohail R. Reddy, Brian A. Freno, Paul G.A. Cizmas, Seckin Gokaltun, Dwayne McDaniel, George S. Dulikravich, Constrained reduced-order models based on proper orthogonal decomposition, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 321, 1 July 2017, Pages 18-34, ISSN 0045-7825,
Shwetank Yadav, Kinnor Chattopadhyay, Chandra Veer Singh, Solar grade silicon production: A review of kinetic, thermodynamic and fluid dynamics based continuum scale modeling, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 78, October 2017, Pages 1288-1314, ISSN 1364-0321,
Zhang Qinghong, Wang Shuyan, Lu Huilin, Liu Guodong, Wang Shuai, Zhao Guangbo, A coupled Eulerian fluid phase-Eulerian solids phase-Lagrangian discrete particles hybrid model applied to gas-solids bubbling fluidized beds, Powder Technology, Volume 315, 15 June 2017, Pages 385-397, ISSN 0032-5910,
Ying Wang, Kenneth Williams, Mark Jones, Bin Chen, CFD simulation methodology for gas-solid flow in bypass pneumatic conveying – A review, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 125, October 2017, Pages 185-208, ISSN 1359-4311,
Schalk Cloete, Abdelghafour Zaabout, Shahriar Amini, The Internally Circulating Reactor (ICR) Concept Applied to Pressurized Chemical Looping Processes, Energy Procedia, Volume 114, July 2017, Pages 446-457, ISSN 1876-6102,
Hooshdaran, S.H. Hosseini, M. Haghshenasfard, M. Nasr Esfahany, M. Olazar, CFD modeling of heat transfer and hydrodynamics in a draft tube conical spouted bed reactor under pyrolysis conditions: Impact of wall boundary condition, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 127, 25 December 2017, Pages 224-232, ISSN 1359-4311,
N.A. Konan, E.D. Huckaby, Kinetic theory-based numerical modeling and analysis of bi-disperse segregated mixture fluidized bed, Powder Technology, Volume 319, September 2017, Pages 71-91, ISSN 0032-5910,
Andy Cahyadi, Shiliang Yang, Jia Wei Chew, CFD study on the hydrodynamics of fluidized granular activated carbon in AnFMBR applications, Separation and Purification Technology, Volume 178, 7 May 2017, Pages 75-89, ISSN 1383-5866,
Seyed Ahmad Kia, Javad Aminian, Hydrodynamic modeling strategy for dense to dilute gas–solid fluidized beds, Particuology, Volume 31, April 2017, Pages 105-116, ISSN 1674-2001,
Shuyan Wang, Ruichao Tian, Haolong Li, Xiaoqi Li, Xu Wang, Jian Zhao, Lili Liu, Qiji Sun, Predictions of granular temperatures of particles in a flat bottomed spout bed, Powder Technology, Volume 322, December 2017, Pages 147-158, ISSN 0032-5910,
Marco Astolfi, Simone Mazzola, Paolo Silva, Ennio Macchi, A synergic integration of desalination and solar energy systems in stand-alone microgrids, Desalination, Volume 419, 1 October 2017, Pages 169-180, ISSN 0011-9164,
Zahra Amiri, Salman Movahedirad, Bubble-induced particle mixing in a 2-D gas-solid fluidized bed with different bed aspect ratios: A CFD-DPM study, Powder Technology, Volume 320, October 2017, Pages 637-645, ISSN 0032-5910,
Liyan Sun, Kun Luo, Jianren Fan, Numerical study on flow behavior of ultrafine powders in conical spouted bed with coarse particles, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Volume 125, September 2017, Pages 461-470, ISSN 0263-8762,
Bogdanova, E. George, N. Meynet, Y. Kara, A. Barba, Numerical CFD Simulations for Optimizing a Biomass Gasifier and Methanation Reactor Design and Operating Conditions, Energy Procedia, Volume 120, August 2017, Pages 278-285, ISSN 1876-6102,
A. Bakshi, C. Altantzis, L.R. Glicksman, A.F. Ghoniem, Gas-flow distribution in bubbling fluidized beds: CFD-based analysis and impact of operating conditions, Powder Technology, Volume 316, 1 July 2017, Pages 500-511, ISSN 0032-5910,
A. Nikolopoulos, A. Stroh, M. Zeneli, F. Alobaid, N. Nikolopoulos, J. Ströhle, S. Karellas, B. Epple, P. Grammelis, Numerical investigation and comparison of coarse grain CFD – DEM and TFM in the case of a 1 MWth fluidized bed carbonator simulation, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 163, 18 May 2017, Pages 189-205, ISSN 0009-2509,
Bayazid Mahmoodi, Seyyed Hossein Hosseini, Martin Olazar, Haritz Altzibar, CFD-DEM simulation of a conical spouted bed with open-sided draft tube containing fine particles, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Volume 81, December 2017, Pages 275-287, ISSN 1876-1070,
Dongyue Li, Hasse Christian, Simulation of bubbly flows with special numerical treatments of the semi-conservative and fully conservative two-fluid model, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 174, 31 December 2017, Pages 25-39, ISSN 0009-2509,
Long He, Danesh K. Tafti, Krishnamurthy Nagendra, Evaluation of drag correlations using particle resolved simulations of spheres and ellipsoids in assembly, Powder Technology, Volume 313, 15 May 2017, Pages 332-343, ISSN 0032-5910,
M. Helal Uddin, M. Arafat H. Khan, Charles J. Coronella, 3-D face-masking detection and tracking algorithm for bubble dynamics: Method and validation for gas–solid fluidized beds, Powder Technology, Volume 313, 15 May 2017, Pages 88-98, ISSN 0032-5910,
Paweł Kozołub, Adam Klimanek, Ryszard A. Białecki, Wojciech P. Adamczyk, Numerical simulation of a dense solid particle flow inside a cyclone separator using the hybrid Euler–Lagrange approach, Particuology, Volume 31, April 2017, Pages 170-180, ISSN 1674-2001,
Jiageng Li, Bolun Yang, CFD simulation of bubbling fluidized beds using a local-structure-dependent drag model, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 329, 1 December 2017, Pages 100-115, ISSN 1385-8947,
Yingying Hu, Jingfeng He, Yong Zhang, Peng Lv, Yanan Wang, Yuemin Zhao, Evaluation of air-dense medium fluidized beds with pulsatile inlet air, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 158, 2 February 2017, Pages 164-171, ISSN 0009-2509,
Wendell de Queiróz Lamas, Fabiano Fernandes Bargos, Giorgio Eugenio Oscare Giacaglia, Francisco José Grandinetti, Leandro de Moura, Numerical modelling and simulation of multi-phase flow through an industrial discharge chute, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 125, October 2017, Pages 937-950, ISSN 1359-4311,
Thaar Al-Juwaya, Neven Ali, Muthanna Al-Dahhan, Investigation of cross-sectional gas-solid distributions in spouted beds using advanced non-invasive gamma-ray computed tomography (CT), Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 86, September 2017, Pages 37-53, ISSN 0894-1777,
Tianqi Tang, Yurong He, Tong Tai, Dongsheng Wen, DEM numerical investigation of wet particle flow behaviors in multiple-spout fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 172, 23 November 2017, Pages 79-99, ISSN 0009-2509,
Syamlal, M., Celik, I. B. and Benyahia, S. (2017), Quantifying the uncertainty introduced by discretization and time-averaging in two-fluid model predictions. AIChE J., 63: 5343–5360.
Lu, Liqiang; Gao, Xi; Li, Tingwen; Benyahia, Sofiane, Numerical Investigation of the Ability of Salt Tracers to Represent the Residence Time Distribution of Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Particles, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 56 Issue 46, Nov. 2017, Pages: 13642-13653
Bergantz, George W.; Schleicher, Jillian M.; and Burgisser, Alain, On the kinematics and dynamics of crystal-rich systems, Journal Of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, vol. 122, issue 8, Aug. 2017, Pages: 6131-6159,
Lu, Liqiang; Gopalan, Balaji; Benyahia, Sofiane, Assessment of Different Discrete Particle Methods Ability To Predict Gas-Particle Flow in a Small-Scale Fluidized Bed, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 56 Issue 27, Jul. 2017, Pages: 7865-7876
Yupeng Xu, Jordan Musser, Tingwen Li, Balaji Gopalan, Rupen Panday, Jonathan Tucker, Greggory Breault, Mary Ann Clarke, and William A. Rogers, Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study of the Gas–Solid Flow Behavior Inside a Full-Loop Circulating Fluidized Bed: Evaluation of Different Drag Models, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article ASAP, published online Dec. 2017,
Lu, L., Benyahia, S. and Li, T. (2017), An efficient and reliable predictive method for fluidized bed simulation. AIChE J., 63: 5320–5334. doi:10.1002/aic.15832
Ansari, A., Mohaghegh, S., Shahnam, M., Dietiker, J. F., Takbiri Borujeni, A., & Fathi, E. Data Driven Smart Proxy for CFD: Application of Big Data Analytics & Machine Learning in Computational Fluid Dynamics, Part One: Proof of Concept; NETL-PUB-21574; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Morgantown, WV, 2017.. United States. doi:10.2172/1417305.
Xu, Yupeng, Li, Tingwen, Musser, Jordan, Rogers, William, Liu, Xiaoxing, and Xu, Guangwen, “CFD-DEM modeling the effect of column size & bed height on Umf in micro fluidized beds with Geldart B particles”, AIChE Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 29-November 3, 2017, United States: N. p., 2017.
Vaidheeswaran, Avinash, Shaffer, Franklin D., Gopalan, Balaji, "Statistics of velocity fluctuations of Geldart A particles in a circulating fluidized bed riser", Physical Review Fluids, Nov 21 2017, 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.2.112301
Fullmer, W., Liu, G., Yin, X., & Hrenya, C. (2017). Clustering instabilities in sedimenting fluid–solid systems: Critical assessment of kinetic-theory-based predictions using direct numerical simulation data. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 823, 433-469. doi:10.1017/jfm.2017.295
Publication Year 2016
Peiyuan Liu, Timothy Brown, William D. Fullmer, Thomas Hauser, Christine Hrenya, Ray Grout and Hariswaran Sitaraman, "A Comprehensive Benchmark Suite for Simulation of Particle Laden Flows Using the Discrete Element Method with Performance Profiles from the Multiphase Flow with Interface eXchanges (MFiX) Code", Technical Report NREL/TP-2C00-65637, January 2016
Addison K. Stark, Christos Altantzis, Richard B. Bates, Ahmed F. Ghoniem, Towards an advanced reactor network modeling framework for fluidized bed biomass gasification: Incorporating information from detailed CFD simulations, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 303, 1 November 2016, Pages 409-424, ISSN 1385-8947,
Rosario Porrazzo, Graeme White, Raffaella Ocone, Fuel reactor modelling for chemical looping combustion: From micro-scale to macro-scale, Fuel, Volume 175, 1 July 2016, Pages 87-98, ISSN 0016-2361,
Canhai Lai, Zhijie Xu, Wenxiao Pan, Xin Sun, Curtis Storlie, Peter Marcy, Jean-François Dietiker, Tingwen Li, James Spenik, Hierarchical calibration and validation of computational fluid dynamics models for solid sorbent-based carbon capture, Powder Technology, Volume 288, January 2016, Pages 388-406, ISSN 0032-5910,
Aniruddha Choudhary, Christopher J. Roy, Jean-François Dietiker, Mehrdad Shahnam, Rahul Garg, Jordan Musser, Code verification for multiphase flows using the method of manufactured solutions, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 80, April 2016, Pages 150-163, ISSN 0301-9322,
Vikrant Verma, Tingwen Li, Jean-François Dietiker, William A. Rogers, Hydrodynamics of gas–solids flow in a bubbling fluidized bed with immersed vertical U-tube banks, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 287, 1 March 2016, Pages 727-743, ISSN 1385-8947,
Alice Jordam Caserta, Hélio A. Navarro, Luben Cabezas-Gómez, Damping coefficient and contact duration relations for continuous nonlinear spring-dashpot contact model in DEM, Powder Technology, Volume 302, November 2016, Pages 462-479, ISSN 0032-5910,
Naval V. Koralkar, Manaswita Bose, Performance of drag models for simulation of fluidized beds with Geldart D particles, Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 27, Issue 6, November 2016, Pages 2377-2398, ISSN 0921-8831,
X. Lu, D.J. Holland, Investigation of drag models for the two fluid simulation of Geldart group A powders, Powder Technology, Volume 304, December 2016, Pages 41-54, ISSN 0032-5910,
Li Peng, Yingya Wu, Chengxiu Wang, Jinsen Gao, Xingying Lan, 2.5D CFD simulations of gas–solids flow in cylindrical CFB risers, Powder Technology, Volume 291, April 2016, Pages 229-243, ISSN 0032-5910,
W.A. Lane, A. Sarkar, S. Sundaresan, E.M. Ryan, Sub-grid models for heat transfer in gas-particle flows with immersed horizontal cylinders, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 151, 12 September 2016, Pages 7-15, ISSN 0009-2509,
Shuyan Wang, Baoli Shao, Xiangyu Li, Jian Zhao, Lili Liu, Yikun Liu, Yang Liu, Qun Dong, Simulations of vertical jet penetration using a filtered two-fluid model in a gas–solid fluidized bed, Particuology, Available online 15 October 2016, ISSN 1674-2001,
Aniruddha Choudhary, Christopher J. Roy, Edward A. Luke, Subrahmanya P. Veluri, Code verification of boundary conditions for compressible and incompressible computational fluid dynamics codes, Computers & Fluids, Volume 126, 1 March 2016, Pages 153-169, ISSN 0045-7930,
Linbo Yan, C. Jim Lim, Guangxi Yue, Boshu He, John R. Grace, Simulation of biomass-steam gasification in fluidized bed reactors: Model setup, comparisons and preliminary predictions, Bioresource Technology, Volume 221, December 2016, Pages 625-635, ISSN 0960-8524,
Tingwen Li, Jean-François Dietiker, William Rogers, Rupen Panday, Balaji Gopalan, Greggory Breault, Investigation of CO2 capture using solid sorbents in a fluidized bed reactor: Cold flow hydrodynamics, Powder Technology, Volume 301, November 2016, Pages 1130-1143, ISSN 0032-5910,
Farzaneh Jalalinejad, Xiaotao T. Bi, John R. Grace, Comparison of theory with experiment for single bubbles in charged fluidized particles, Powder Technology, Volume 290, March 2016, Pages 27-32, ISSN 0032-5910,
Tingwen Li, Yongmin Zhang, Fernando Hernández-Jiménez, Investigation of particle–wall interaction in a pseudo-2D fluidized bed using CFD-DEM simulations, Particuology, Volume 25, April 2016, Pages 10-22, ISSN 1674-2001,
Anil Yuksel, Michael Cullinan, Modeling of nanoparticle agglomeration and powder bed formation in microscale selective laser sintering systems, Additive Manufacturing, Volume 12, Part B, October 2016, Pages 204-215, ISSN 2214-8604,
J. Krzywanski, A. Żyłka, T. Czakiert, K. Kulicki, S. Jankowska, W. Nowak, A 1.5D model of a complex geometry laboratory scale fuidized bed clc equipment, Powder Technology, Available online 17 September 2016, ISSN 0032-5910,
Tianqi Tang, Yurong He, Anxing Ren, Yunhua Zhao, Investigation on wet particle flow behavior in a riser using LES-DEM coupling approach, Powder Technology, Volume 304, December 2016, Pages 164-176, ISSN 0032-5910,
A.B. Morris, Z. Ma, S. Pannala, C.M. Hrenya, Simulations of heat transfer to solid particles flowing through an array of heated tubes, Solar Energy, Volume 130, June 2016, Pages 101-115, ISSN 0038-092X,
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Takahiro Tsuboi, June Tatebayashi, A numerical simulation of PM adhesion characteristics in a fluidized bed type PM removal device by a finite volume Eulerian–Eulerian method, Powder Technology, Volume 288, January 2016, Pages 26-34, ISSN 0032-5910,
Seyed Ahmad Kia, Javad Aminian, Hydrodynamic modeling strategy for dense to dilute gas–solid fluidized beds, Particuology, Available online 9 November 2016, ISSN 1674-2001,
A. Bakshi, C. Altantzis, R.B. Bates, A.F. Ghoniem, Study of the effect of reactor scale on fluidization hydrodynamics using fine-grid CFD simulations based on the two-fluid model, Powder Technology, Volume 299, October 2016, Pages 185-198, ISSN 0032-5910,
M. Anil, S. Rupesh, C. Muraleedharan, P. Arun, Performance Evaluation of Fluidised Bed Biomass Gasifier Using CFD, Energy Procedia, Volume 90, December 2016, Pages 154-162, ISSN 1876-6102,
Wei Zhang, Changfu You, Numerical simulation of particulate flows in CFB riser with drag corrections based on particle distribution characterization, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 303, 1 November 2016, Pages 145-155, ISSN 1385-8947,
Juray De Wilde, George Richards, Sofiane Benyahia, Qualitative numerical study of simultaneous high-G-intensified gas–solids contact, separation and segregation in a bi-disperse rotating fluidized bed in a vortex chamber, Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 27, Issue 4, July 2016, Pages 1453-1463, ISSN 0921-8831,
A. Bakshi, C. Altantzis, R.B. Bates, A.F. Ghoniem, Multiphase-flow Statistics using 3D Detection and Tracking Algorithm (MS3DATA): Methodology and application to large-scale fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 293, 1 June 2016, Pages 355-364, ISSN 1385-8947,
Balaji Gopalan, Mehrdad Shahnam, Rupen Panday, Jonathan Tucker, Frank Shaffer, Lawrence Shadle, Joseph Mei, William Rogers, Chris Guenther, Madhava Syamlal, Measurements of pressure drop and particle velocity in a pseudo 2-D rectangular bed with Geldart Group D particles, Powder Technology, Volume 291, April 2016, Pages 299-310, ISSN 0032-5910,
Guodong Liu, Fan Yu, Huilin Lu, Shuai Wang, Pengwei Liao, Zhenhua Hao, CFD-DEM simulation of liquid-solid fluidized bed with dynamic restitution coefficient, Powder Technology, Volume 304, December 2016, Pages 186-197, ISSN 0032-5910,
Shuai Wang, Juhui Chen, Qi Wang, Guodong Liu, Huilin Lu, Liyan Sun, Evaluation of a bubble-structure dependent drag model for the simulation of bubbling fluidization with Geldart A particles, Powder Technology, Volume 289, February 2016, Pages 44-51, ISSN 0032-5910,
Shuai Wang, Qi Wang, Juhui Chen, Guodong Liu, Huilin Lu, Liyan Sun, Assessment of CO2 capture using potassium-based sorbents in circulating fluidized bed reactor by multiscale modeling, Fuel, Volume 164, 15 January 2016, Pages 66-72, ISSN 0016-2361,
Avik Sarkar, Fernando E. Milioli, Shailesh Ozarkar, Tingwen Li, Xin Sun, Sankaran Sundaresan, Filtered sub-grid constitutive models for fluidized gas-particle flows constructed from 3-D simulations, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 152, 2 October 2016, Pages 443-456, ISSN 0009-2509,
Shuai Wang, Qi Wang, Juhui Chen, Guodong Liu, Huilin Lu, Liyan Sun, Extension of cluster-structure dependent drag model to simulation of riser with Geldart B particles, Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 57-63, ISSN 0921-8831,
Aaron M. Lattanzi, Christine M. Hrenya, A coupled, multiphase heat flux boundary condition for the discrete element method, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 304, 15 November 2016, Pages 766-773, ISSN 1385-8947,
Shuyan Wang, Xu Wang, Ruichen Wang, Juntian Zhao, Shuren Yang, Yang Liu, Qun Dong, Simulations of flow behavior of particles in a liquid-solid fluidized bed using a second-order moments model, Powder Technology, Volume 302, November 2016, Pages 21-32, ISSN 0032-5910,
Shigan Chu, Andrea Prosperetti, On flux terms in volume averaging, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 80, April 2016, Pages 176-180, ISSN 0301-9322,
Qingang Xiong, Fei Xu, Emilio Ramirez, Sreekanth Pannala, C. Stuart Daw, Modeling the impact of bubbling bed hydrodynamics on tar yield and its fluctuations during biomass fast pyrolysis, Fuel, Volume 164, 15 January 2016, Pages 11-17, ISSN 0016-2361,
Qingang Xiong, Jingchao Zhang, Fei Xu, Gavin Wiggins, C. Stuart Daw, Coupling DAEM and CFD for simulating biomass fast pyrolysis in fluidized beds, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Volume 117, January 2016, Pages 176-181, ISSN 0165-2370,
Peiyuan Liu, Casey Q. LaMarche, Kevin M. Kellogg, Christine M. Hrenya, Fine-particle defluidization: Interaction between cohesion, Young׳s modulus and static bed height, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 145, 12 May 2016, Pages 266-278, ISSN 0009-2509,
Mohsen Fattahi, Seyyed Hossein Hosseini, Goodarz Ahmadi, CFD simulation of transient gas to particle heat transfer for fluidized and spouted regimes, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 105, 25 July 2016, Pages 385-396, ISSN 1359-4311,
Guoqiang Chen, Qinglin Su, Zhenghong Luo, Modeling the electrostatic effect on the hydrodynamic behavior in FCC risers: From understanding to application, Particuology, Volume 25, April 2016, Pages 122-132, ISSN 1674-2001,
F. Hernández-Jiménez, J. Sánchez-Prieto, E. Cano-Pleite, L.M. Garcia-Gutierrez, A. Acosta-Iborra, Development of an empirical wall-friction model for 2D simulations of pseudo-2D bubbling fluidized beds, Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 27, Issue 2, March 2016, Pages 521-530, ISSN 0921-8831,
Kunzan Qiu, Chenshu Hu, Shiliang Yang, Kun Luo, Ke Zhang, Jianren Fan, Computational evaluation of depth effect on the hydrodynamics of slot-rectangular spouted bed, Powder Technology, Volume 287, January 2016, Pages 51-60, ISSN 0032-5910,
Nan Gui, Xingtuan Yang, Jiyuan Tu, Shengyao Jiang, A generalized particle-to-wall collision model for non-spherical rigid particles, Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 154-163, ISSN 0921-8831,
O.O. Ayeni, C.L. Wu, K. Nandakumar, J.B. Joshi, Development and validation of a new drag law using mechanical energy balance approach for DEM–CFD simulation of gas–solid fluidized bed, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 302, 15 October 2016, Pages 395-405, ISSN 1385-8947,
Kun Hong, Sheng Chen, Wei Wang, Jinghai Li, Fine-grid two-fluid modeling of fluidization of Geldart A particles, Powder Technology, Volume 296, August 2016, Pages 2-16, ISSN 0032-5910,
Jinghai Li, Wei Ge, Wei Wang, Ning Yang, Wenlai Huang, Focusing on mesoscales: from the energy-minimization multiscale model to mesoscience, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Volume 13, August 2016, Pages 10-23, ISSN 2211-3398,
N. Setarehshenas, S.H. Hosseini, M. Nasr Esfahany, G. Ahmadi, Impacts of solid-phase wall boundary condition on CFD simulation of conical spouted beds containing heavy zirconia particles, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Volume 64, July 2016, Pages 146-156, ISSN 1876-1070,
Yurong He, Wengen Peng, Tianqi Tang, Shengnan Yan, Yunhua Zhao, DEM numerical simulation of wet cohesive particles in a spout fluid bed, Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 27, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 93-104, ISSN 0921-8831,
Lingyi Meng, Yang Jiao, Shuixiang Li, Maximally dense random packings of spherocylinders, Powder Technology, Volume 292, May 2016, Pages 176-185, ISSN 0032-5910,
Wenguang Nan, Yueshe Wang, Jianzhong Wang, Numerical analysis on the fluidization dynamics of rodlike particles, Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 27, Issue 5, September 2016, Pages 2265-2276, ISSN 0921-8831,
Mohammad Mehrabadi, Sudheer Tenneti, Shankar Subramaniam, Importance of the fluid-particle drag model in predicting segregation in bidisperse gas-solid flow, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 86, November 2016, Pages 99-114, ISSN 0301-9322,
Cesar M. Venier, Santiago Marquez Damian, Norberto M. Nigro, Numerical aspects of Eulerian gas–particles flow formulations, Computers & Fluids, Volume 133, 15 July 2016, Pages 151-169, ISSN 0045-7930,
Wenqi Zhong, Aibing Yu, Guanwen Zhou, Jun Xie, Hao Zhang, CFD simulation of dense particulate reaction system: Approaches, recent advances and applications, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 140, 2 February 2016, Pages 16-43, ISSN 0009-2509,
V. M. K. Kotteda, A. Chattopadhyay, V. Kumar and W. Spotz, "A framework to integrate MFiX with Trilinos for high fidelity fluidized bed computations," 2016 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), Waltham, MA, 2016, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/HPEC.2016.7761603
Liu, D., van Wachem, B. G. M., Mudde, R. F., Chen, X. and van Ommen, J. R. (2016), An adhesive CFD-DEM model for simulating nanoparticle agglomerate fluidization. AIChE J., 62: 2259–2270. doi:10.1002/aic.15219
Xu, H. P., Zhao, H. B. and Zheng, C. G., Numerical Simulation of an Entrained Flow Gasifier by an Eulerian Model, Clean Coal Technology and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Coal Combustion, 2016, pages 585-590,
Aytekin Gel, Mehrdad Shahnam, Jordan Musser, Arun K. Subramaniyan, and Jean-François Dietiker, Nonintrusive Uncertainty Quantification of Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of a Bench-Scale Fluidized-Bed Gasifier, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2016 55 (48), 12477-12490,
Xu, W., & Sun, X. A Discrete Element Model of Armor Glass Fragmentation and Comminution Failure Under Compression. International Journal of Applied Glass Science. Volume 7, Issue 4
December 2016 , Pages 503–512,
Liu, Peiyuan; Brown, Timothy ; Fullmer, William D. ; Hauser, Thomas ; Hrenya, Christine ; Grout, Ray ; Sitaraman, Hariswaran, Comprehensive Benchmark Suite for Simulation of Particle Laden Flows Using the Discrete Element Method with Performance Profiles from the Multiphase Flow with Interface eXchanges (MFiX) Code, NREL/TP--2C00-65637,
Michaelides EE, Crowe CT, Schwarzkopf JD, editors. Multiphase Flow Handbook, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press 2016, Pages 79–284, Print ISBN: 978-1-4987-0100-6, eBook ISBN: 978-1-4987-0101-3, DOI: 10.1201/9781315371924-3
Lu, L., Yoo, K., Benyahia, S., Coarse-Grained-Particle Method for Simulation of Liquid–Solids Reacting Flows. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 55, 10477-10491, 2016.
Esmail R. Monazam, Ronald W. Breault , Justin Weber, Ky Layfield, "Elutriation of fines from binary particle mixtures in bubbling fluidized bed cold model", Powder Technology, September 26, 2016.
Fullmer, W. D. and Hrenya, C. M. (2016), "Quantitative assessment of fine‐grid kinetic‐theory‐based predictions of mean‐slip in unbounded fluidization", AIChE J., 62: 11-17. doi:10.1002/aic.15052
Publication Year 2015
Ahmadreza Abbasi Baharanchi, Seckin Gokaltun, George Dulikravich, Performance improvement of existing drag models in two-fluid modeling of gas–solid flows using a PR-DNS based drag model, Powder Technology, Volume 286, December 2015, Pages 257-268, ISSN 0032-5910,
Tingwen Li, Validation of a 2.5D CFD model for cylindrical gas–solids fluidized beds, Powder Technology, Volume 286, December 2015, Pages 817-827, ISSN 0032-5910,
Jordan Musser, Madhava Syamlal, Mehrdad Shahnam, David Huckaby, Constitutive equation for heat transfer caused by mass transfer, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 123, 17 February 2015, Pages 436-443, ISSN 0009-2509,
Aniruddha Choudhary, Christopher J. Roy, Jean-François Dietiker, Mehrdad Shahnam, Rahul Garg, Jordan Musser, Code Verification for Multiphase Flows Using the Method of Manufactured Solutions, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Available online 23 December 2015, ISSN 0301-9322,
Li Peng, Yingya Wu, Chengxiu Wang, Jinsen Gao, Xingying Lan, 2.5D CFD simulations of gas–solids flow in cylindrical CFB risers, Powder Technology, Available online 31 December 2015, ISSN 0032-5910,
Tingwen Li, Sofiane Benyahia, Jean-François Dietiker, Jordan Musser, Xin Sun, A 2.5D computational method to simulate cylindrical fluidized beds, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 123, 17 February 2015, Pages 236-246, ISSN 0009-2509,
Farzaneh Jalalinejad, Xiaotao T. Bi, John R. Grace, Effect of electrostatics on interaction of bubble pairs in a fluidized bed, Advanced Powder Technology, Volume 26, Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 329-334, ISSN 0921-8831,
Anna Trendewicz, Robert Braun, Abhijit Dutta, Jack Ziegler, Corrigendum to “One dimensional steady-state circulating fluidized-bed reactor model for biomass fast pyrolysis” [Fuel 133 (2014) 253–262], Fuel, Volume 144, 15 March 2015, Pages 439-440, ISSN 0016-2361,
Farzaneh Jalalinejad, Xiaotao T. Bi, John R. Grace, Comparison of theory with experiment for single bubbles in charged fluidized particles, Powder Technology, Available online 17 December 2015, ISSN 0032-5910,
Farzaneh Jalalinejad, Xiaotao T. Bi, John R. Grace, Effect of electrostatics on freely-bubbling beds of mono-sized particles, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 70, April 2015, Pages 104-112, ISSN 0301-9322,
Xuesong Lu, Chris M. Boyce, Stuart A. Scott, John S. Dennis, Daniel J. Holland, Investigation of Two-fluid Models of Fluidisation Using Magnetic Resonance and Discrete Element Simulations, Procedia Engineering, Volume 102, 2015, Pages 1436-1445, ISSN 1877-7058,
Shuyan Wang, Qian Yang, Baoli Shao, Jian Zhao, Lili Liu, Yikun Liu, Numerical simulation of horizontal jet penetration using filtered fluid model in gas–solid fluidized bed, Powder Technology, Volume 276, May 2015, Pages 1-9, ISSN 0032-5910,
Tingwen Li, Yongmin Zhang, Fernando Hernández-Jiménez, Investigation of particle–wall interaction in a pseudo-2D fluidized bed using CFD-DEM simulations, Particuology, Available online 11 September 2015, ISSN 1674-2001,
A.B. Morris, S. Pannala, Z. Ma, C.M. Hrenya, A conductive heat transfer model for particle flows over immersed surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 89, October 2015, Pages 1277-1289, ISSN 0017-9310,
Maryam Askarishahi, Mohammad-Sadegh Salehi, Hamid Reza Godini, Günter Wozny, CFD study on solids flow pattern and solids mixing characteristics in bubbling fluidized bed: Effect of fluidization velocity and bed aspect ratio, Powder Technology, Volume 274, April 2015, Pages 379-392, ISSN 0032-5910,
Matthew R. Sweeney, Greg A. Valentine, Transport and mixing dynamics from explosions in debris-filled volcanic conduits: Numerical results and implications for maar-diatreme volcanoes, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 425, 1 September 2015, Pages 64-76, ISSN 0012-821X,
X. Hu, A. Passalacqua, R.O. Fox, Application of quadrature-based uncertainty quantification to the NETL small-scale challenge problem SSCP-I, Powder Technology, Volume 272, March 2015, Pages 100-112, ISSN 0032-5910,
F. Hernández-Jiménez, L.M. García-Gutiérrez, A. Soria-Verdugo, A. Acosta-Iborra, Fully coupled TFM-DEM simulations to study the motion of fuel particles in a fluidized bed, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 134, 29 September 2015, Pages 57-66, ISSN 0009-2509,
Jian Cai, Masato Handa, Michael F. Modest, Eulerian–Eulerian multi-fluid methods for pulverized coal flames with nongray radiation, Combustion and Flame, Volume 162, Issue 4, April 2015, Pages 1550-1565, ISSN 0010-2180,
Qinggong Wang, Hairui Yang, Yuqing Feng, Peter J. Witt, Junfu Lu, Weidi Yin, Qing Liu, Lubin Wei, Numerical study of the effect of operation parameters on particle segregation in a coal beneficiation fluidized bed by a TFM–DEM hybrid model, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 131, 28 July 2015, Pages 256-270, ISSN 0009-2509,
Meisam Farzaneh, Alf-Erik Almstedt, Filip Johnsson, David Pallarès, Srdjan Sasic, The crucial role of frictional stress models for simulation of bubbling fluidized beds, Powder Technology, Volume 270, Part A, January 2015, Pages 68-82, ISSN 0032-5910,
Balaji Gopalan, Mehrdad Shahnam, Rupen Panday, Jonathan Tucker, Frank Shaffer, Lawrence Shadle, Joseph Mei, William Rogers, Chris Guenther, Madhava Syamlal, Measurements of pressure drop and particle velocity in a pseudo 2-D rectangular bed with Geldart Group D particles, Powder Technology, Available online 31 December 2015, ISSN 0032-5910,
Shigan Chu, Andrea Prosperetti, On flux terms in volume averaging, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Available online 31 December 2015, ISSN 0301-9322,
Caterina Gonçalves Philippsen, Antônio Cezar Faria Vilela, Leandro Dalla Zen, Fluidized bed modeling applied to the analysis of processes: review and state of the art, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 4, Issue 2, April–June 2015, Pages 208-216, ISSN 2238-7854,
Yu Ri Lee, Hang Seok Choi, Hoon Chae Park, Ji Eun Lee, A numerical study on biomass fast pyrolysis process: A comparison between full lumped modeling and hybrid modeling combined with CFD, Computers & Chemical Engineering, Volume 82, 2 November 2015, Pages 202-215, ISSN 0098-1354,
Qingang Xiong, Jingchao Zhang, Fei Xu, Gavin Wiggins, C. Stuart Daw, Coupling DAEM and CFD for simulating biomass fast pyrolysis in fluidized beds, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Available online 3 December 2015, ISSN 0165-2370,
Shuai Wang, Qi Wang, Juhui Chen, Guodong Liu, Huilin Lu, Liyan Sun, Extension of cluster-structure dependent drag model to simulation of riser with Geldart B particles, Advanced Powder Technology, Available online 6 November 2015, ISSN 0921-8831,
A. Bakshi, C. Altantzis, R.B. Bates, A.F. Ghoniem, Eulerian–Eulerian simulation of dense solid–gas cylindrical fluidized beds: Impact of wall boundary condition and drag model on fluidization, Powder Technology, Volume 277, June 2015, Pages 47-62, ISSN 0032-5910,
Yunhua Zhao, Bing Lu, Yingjie Zhong, Influence of collisional parameters for rough particles on simulation of a gas-fluidized bed using a two-fluid model, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 71, May 2015, Pages 1-13, ISSN 0301-9322,
Nan Gui, Xingtuan Yang, Jiyuan Tu, Shengyao Jiang, A generalized particle-to-wall collision model for non-spherical rigid particles, Advanced Powder Technology, Available online 15 December 2015, ISSN 0921-8831,
Diego Perrone, Mario Amelio, A Preliminary Study of Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Containing Sand Particle Using CFD, Energy Procedia, Volume 81, December 2015, Pages 1041-1054, ISSN 1876-6102,
Oyebanjo Oke, Paola Lettieri, Piero Salatino, Roberto Solimene, Luca Mazzei, Eulerian Modeling of Lateral Solid Mixing in Gas-fluidized Suspensions, Procedia Engineering, Volume 102, 2015, Pages 1491-1499, ISSN 1877-7058,
Qinggong Wang, Weidi Yin, Hairui Yang, Junfu Lu, Bin Zhao, Numerical study on the effect of fine coal accumulation in a coal beneficiation fluidized bed, Powder Technology, Volume 283, October 2015, Pages 570-578, ISSN 0032-5910,
Shuai Wang, Juhui Chen, Huilin Lu, Guodong Liu, Liyan Sun, Multi-scale simulation of chemical looping combustion in dual circulating fluidized bed, Applied Energy, Volume 155, 1 October 2015, Pages 719-727, ISSN 0306-2619,
Guoqiang Chen, Qinglin Su, Zhenghong Luo, Modeling the electrostatic effect on the hydrodynamic behavior in FCC risers: From understanding to application, Particuology, Available online 11 September 2015, ISSN 1674-2001,
Youjun Lu, Jikai Huang, Pengfei Zheng, A CFD–DEM study of bubble dynamics in fluidized bed using flood fill method, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 274, 15, August 2015, Pages 123-131, ISSN 1385-8947,
Qinggong Wang, Timo Niemi, Juho Peltola, Sirpa Kallio, Hairui Yang, Junfu Lu, Lubin Wei, Particle size distribution in CPFD modeling of gas–solid flows in a CFB riser, Particuology, Volume 21, August 2015, Pages 107-117, ISSN 1674-2001,
R. Berger, C. Kloss, A. Kohlmeyer, S. Pirker, Hybrid parallelization of the LIGGGHTS open-source DEM code, Powder Technology, Volume 278, July 2015, Pages 234-247, ISSN 0032-5910,
Bruno Blais, François Bertrand, On the use of the method of manufactured solutions for the verification of CFD codes for the volume-averaged Navier–Stokes equations, Computers & Fluids, Volume 114, 2 July 2015, Pages 121-129, ISSN 0045-7930,
Seyyed Hossein Hosseini, Mohsen Fattahi, Goodarz Ahmadi, Hydrodynamics studies of a pseudo 2D rectangular spouted bed by CFD, Powder Technology, Volume 279, July 2015, Pages 301-309, ISSN 0032-5910,
Mohsen Fattahi, Seyyed Hossein Hosseini, Goodarz Ahmadi, CFD simulation of transient gas to particle heat transfer for fluidized and spouted regimes, Applied Thermal Engineering, Available online 5 June 2015, ISSN 1359-4311,
Ahmed Ramzy, Ravikiran Kadoli, Modified PGC model and its validation by experiments for heat and moisture transfer analysis in a vertical fluidized desiccant bed, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 81, 25 April 2015, Pages 83-91, ISSN 1359-4311,
Kun Luo, Fan Wu, Shiliang Yang, Jianren Fan, CFD–DEM study of mixing and dispersion behaviors of solid phase in a bubbling fluidized bed, Powder Technology, Volume 274, April 2015, Pages 482-493, ISSN 0032-5910,
Yurong He, Wengen Peng, Tianqi Tang, Shengnan Yan, Yunhua Zhao, DEM numerical simulation of wet cohesive particles in a spout fluid bed, Advanced Powder Technology, Available online 14 November 2015, ISSN 0921-8831,
Qinggong Wang, Yuqing Feng, Junfu Lu, Weidi Yin, Hairui Yang, Peter J. Witt, Man Zhang, Numerical study of particle segregation in a coal beneficiation fluidized bed by a TFM–DEM hybrid model: Influence of coal particle size and density, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 260, 15 January 2015, Pages 240-257, ISSN 1385-8947,
C. Altantzis, R.B. Bates, A.F. Ghoniem, 3D Eulerian modeling of thin rectangular gas–solid fluidized beds: Estimation of the specularity coefficient and its effects on bubbling dynamics and circulation times, Powder Technology, Volume 270, Part A, January 2015, Pages 256-270, ISSN 0032-5910,
Kun Hong, Sheng Chen, Wei Wang, Jinghai Li, Fine-grid two-fluid modeling of fluidization of Geldart A particles, Powder Technology, Available online 9 July 2015, ISSN 0032-5910,
Darius Markauskas, Arnas Kačeniauskas, The comparison of two domain repartitioning methods used for parallel discrete element computations of the hopper discharge, Advances in Engineering Software, Volume 84, June 2015, Pages 68-76, ISSN 0965-9978,
T.M. Ismail, M. Abd El-Salam, Numerical and experimental studies on updraft gasifier HTAG, Renewable Energy, Volume 78, June 2015, Pages 484-497, ISSN 0960-1481,
Yuli Zhang, Mao Ye, Yinfeng Zhao, Tong Gu, Rui Xiao, Zhongmin Liu, Emulsion phase expansion of Geldart a particles in bubbling fluidized bed methanation reactors: A CFD–DEM study, Powder Technology, Volume 275, May 2015, Pages 199-210, ISSN 0032-5910,
Sergey Zabelok, Robert Arslanbekov, Vladimir Kolobov, Adaptive kinetic-fluid solvers for heterogeneous computing architectures, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 303, 15 December 2015, Pages 455-469, ISSN 0021-9991,
Benjamin Amblard, Stéphane Bertholin, Carole Bobin, Thierry Gauthier, Development of an attrition evaluation method using a Jet Cup rig, Powder Technology, Volume 274, April 2015, Pages 455-465, ISSN 0032-5910,
Shiliang Yang, Kun Luo, Ke Zhang, Kunzan Qiu, Jianren Fan, Numerical study of a lab-scale double slot-rectangular spouted bed with the parallel CFD–DEM coupling approach, Powder Technology, Volume 272, March 2015, Pages 85-99, ISSN 0032-5910,
Jan Marti, Andreas Haselbacher, Aldo Steinfeld, A numerical investigation of gas-particle suspensions as heat transfer media for high-temperature concentrated solar power, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 90, November 2015, Pages 1056-1070, ISSN 0017-9310,
E. Cano-Pleite, F. Hernández-Jiménez, A. Acosta-Iborra, Compressible-gas two-fluid modeling of isolated bubbles in a vertically vibrated fluidized bed and comparison with experiments, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 271, 1 July 2015, Pages 287-299, ISSN 1385-8947,
Michael A. Martin, Chien-Fan Chen, Partha P. Mukherjee, Sreekanth Pannala, Jean-Francois Dietiker, John A. Turner, and Devesh Ranjan, "Morphological Influence in Lithium-Ion Battery 3D Electrode Architectures", J. Electrochem. Soc. 2015 162(6): A991-A1002; doi:10.1149/2.0631506jes.
Marcelo José Alba, Flavio Clareth Colman, Luiz Mário de Matos Jorge, Alexandre M. S. Costa, Paulo Roberto Paraíso. Numerical study of a bubbling fluidized bed using a combined CFD-DEM code. 23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil,
Alexandre M. S. Costa, Flavio Clareth Colman, Marcelo José Alba, Paulo Roberto Paraíso, Luiz Mário de Matos Jorge. Horizontal gas-solid pneumatic transport: the effect of hydrodynamics using computational fluid dynamics. 23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil,
Qingluan Xue, Rodney O. Fox, Computational Modeling of Biomass Thermochemical Conversion in Fluidized Beds: Particle Density Variation and Size Distribution, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2015 54 (16), 4084-4094, doi: 10.1021/ie503806p
Publication Year 2014
Mitrano P. P., Zenk J. R., Benyahia S., Galvin J. E., Dahl S. R., Hrenya C. M. Kinetic-theory predictions of clustering instabilities in granular flows: beyond the small-Knudsen-number regime. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2014 Jan;738. .
Holloway William, Sundaresan Sankaran. Filtered models for bidisperse gas-particle flows. Chemical Engineering Science. 2014 Apr 28;108:67-86.
Galvin Janine E., Benyahia Sofiane. The Effect of Cohesive Forces on the Fluidization of Aeratable Powders. Aiche Journal. 2014 Feb;60(2):473-84.
P.J. Abrahamsson, S. Sasic, A. Rasmuson, On continuum modeling using kinetic-frictional models in high shear granulation, Particuology, Volume 13, April 2014, Pages 124-127. .
Agarwal, Khushbu, Poorva Sharma, Jinliang Ma, Chaomei Lo, Ian Gorton, and Yan Liu. 2014. Reveal: An extensible reduced-order model builder for simulation and modeling. Computing in Science & Engineering 16, (2): 44-53. .
Fabio Dioguardi, Pierfrancesco Dellino, Daniela Mele, Integration of a new shape-dependent particle-fluid drag coefficient law in the multiphase Eulerian-Lagrangian code MFIX-DEM, Powder Technology, Volume 260, July 2014, Pages 68-77.
Du, Juan, Soham Dutta, and Birger Erik Ydstie. 2014. Modeling and control of solar?grade silicon production in a fluidized bed reactor. AIChE Journal 60, (5): 1740-1751.. .
F. Hernandez-Jimenez, T. Li, E. Cano-Pleite, W. Rogers, A. Acosta-Iborra, Characterization of the particle-wall frictional forces in pseudo-2D fluidized beds using DEM, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 116, 6 September 2014, Pages 136-143.
Lee, Ji Eun, Hang Seok Choi, and Yong Chil Seo. 2014. Study of hydrodynamic characteristics in a circulating fluidized bed gasifier for plastic waste by computational fluid dynamics modeling and simulation. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 16, (4): 665-676.. .
Tingwen Li, Jean-Francois Dietiker, Lawrence Shadle, Comparison of full-loop and riser-only simulations for a pilot-scale circulating fluidized bed riser, Chemical Engineering Science, Volume 120, 16 December 2014, Pages 10-21.
Tingwen Li, Sreekanth Pannala, Mehrdad Shahnam, CFD simulations of circulating fluidized bed risers, part II, evaluation of differences between 2D and 3D simulations, Powder Technology, Volume 254, March 2014, Pages 115-124. .
Peiyuan Liu, Christine M. Hrenya, Challenges of DEM: I. Competing bottlenecks in parallelization of gas-solid flows, Powder Technology, Volume 264, September 2014, Pages 620-626.
Handan Liu, Danesh K. Tafti, Tingwen Li, Hybrid parallelism in MFIX CFD-DEM using OpenMP, Powder Technology, Volume 259, June 2014, Pages 22-29.
Chanchal Loha, Himadri Chattopadhyay, Pradip K. Chatterjee, Effect of coefficient of restitution in Euler-Euler CFD simulation of fluidized-bed hydrodynamics, Particuology, Volume 15, August 2014, Pages 170-177. .
Andreza Tangerino Mineto , Meire Pereira de Souza Braun , Helio Aparecido Navarro , Luben Cabezas-Gomez.Influence Of The Granular Temperature In The Numerical Simulation Of Gas-Solid Flow In A Bubbling Fluidized Bed. Chemical Engineering Communications, Volume 201, Issue 8, August 2014.
Thomas J. O'Brien, A multiphase turbulence theory for gas-solid flows: I. Continuity and momentum equations with Favre-averaging, Powder Technology, Volume 265, October 2014, Pages 83-87.
Rangarajan D, Shiozawa T, Shen Y, Curtis JS, Yu A. Influence of operating parameters on raceway properties in a model blast furnace using two-fluid model. Ind Eng Chem , 2014,53,4983-4990. .
Sweeney, Matthew R. A Numerical Determination of Debris Jet Length Scales and Depositional Structures in Diatremes. Master of Science Thesis, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2014.
Teaters Lindsey C., Battaglia Francine. On the Computational Modeling of Unfluidized and Fluidized Bed Dynamics J. Fluids Eng. 136(10), 104501 (2014).
Anna Trendewicz, Robert Braun, Abhijit Dutta, Jack Ziegler, One dimensional steady-state circulating fluidized-bed reactor model for biomass fast pyrolysis, Fuel, Volume 133, 1 October 2014, Pages 253-262.
Verma, Vikrant, Johan T. Padding, Niels G. Deen, J. A. M. (Hans) Kuipers, Frank Barthel, Martina Bieberle, Michael Wagner, and Uwe Hampel. 2014. Bubble dynamics in a 3-D gas-solid fluidized bed using ultrafast electron beam X-ray tomography and two?fluid model. AIChE Journal 60, (5): 1632-1644.
Wei Xu, David S. DeCroix, Xin Sun, Mechanistic based DEM simulation of particle attrition in a jet cup, Powder Technology, Volume 253, February 2014, Pages 385-392. .
Verissimo, G.; Pinho, J.; Leiroz, A.; Cruz, M. E. “A numerical study on bed temperature and gasifying agent effects on the sugarcane bagasse gasification process”, Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, Kyoto, Japan, August 10 - August 15, 2014. Doi: 10.1615/IHTC15.rne.009817
Fouda, Yahia M., Experimental and computational study of multiphase flow in dry powder inhalers [Doctoral Dissertation], Loughborough University:
Xue Q., Fox R. O. Multi-fluid CFD modeling of biomass gasification in polydisperse fluidized-bed gasifiers. Powder Technology, Vol. 254, pp.187-198, 2014.
William D. Fullmer, Victor H. Ransom, Martin A. Lopez de Bertodano, "Linear and nonlinear analysis of an unstable, but well-posed, one-dimensional two-fluid model for two-phase flow based on the inviscid Kelvin–Helmholtz instability", Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 268, 2014, Pages 173-184, ISSN 0029-5493,
Publication Year 2013
Zhao Yunhua, Lu Bing, Zhong Yingjie. Euler-Euler modeling of a gas-solid bubbling fluidized bed with kinetic theory of rough particles. Chemical Engineering Science. 2013 12/18/;104(0):767-79.
Yang Shiliang, Luo Kun, Fang Mingming, Zhang Ke, Fan Jianren. Three-Dimensional Modeling of Gas-Solid Motion in a Slot-Rectangular Spouted Bed with the Parallel Framework of the Computational Fluid Dynamics-Discrete Element Method Coupling Approach. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2013 Sep 11;52(36):13222-31.
Yan Xiaokang, Holloway William, Sundaresan Sankaran. Periodic flow structures in vertical gas-particle flows. Powder Technology. 2013 Jun;241:174-80.
Xiong Q. G., Kong S. C., Passalacqua A. Development of a generalized numerical framework for simulating biomass fast pyrolysis in fluidized-bed reactors. Chemical Engineering Science. 2013 Aug;99:305-13. 10.1016/j.ces.2013.06.017.
Wang Limin, Zhang Bo, Wang Xiaowei, Ge Wei, Li Jinghai. Lattice Boltzmann based discrete simulation for gas-solid fluidization. Chemical Engineering Science. 2013 Sep 20;101:228-39.
Song Jinghui, Wang Tao, Gao Jing, Xiao Xianbin, Dong Changqing, Hu Xiaoying. Erosion in the rectangular biomass circulating fluidized bed. In: Li Y. G., Li Y., Pan W. G., editors. Progress in Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Pts 1 and 2; 2013. p. 214-9.
Sarkar A., Sun X., Sundaresan S. Sub-grid drag models for horizontal cylinder arrays immersed in gas-particle multiphase flows. Chemical Engineering Science. 2013 Dec;104:399-412.
Passalacqua A., Fox R. O. Simulation of Mono- and Bidisperse Gas-Particle Flow in a Riser with a Third-Order Quadrature-Based Moment Method. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2013 Jan;52(1):187-98.
Oyama T., Agblevor F. , Battaglia F., Klein M. Technical Report on Novel Fast Pyrolysis/Catalytic Technology for the Production of Stable Upgraded Liquids. 2013. Tech Virginia. p. 60.
Oger Luc, Savage Stuart B. Airslide flows. Part 2-Flow modeling and comparison with experiments. Chemical Engineering Science. 2013 Mar 22;91:22-34.
Navarro Helio A., de Souza Braun Meire P. Determination of the normal spring stiffness coefficient in the linear spring-dashpot contact model of discrete element method. Powder Technology. 2013 Sep;246:707-22.
Milioli C. C., Milioli F. E., Holloway W., Agrawal K., Sundaresan S. Filtered Two-Fluid Models of Fluidized Gas-Particle Flows: New Constitutive Relations. Aiche Journal. 2013;59(9):10.
Li T. W., Zhang Y. M. A new model for two-dimensional numerical simulation of pseudo-2D gas-solids fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Science. 2013 Oct;102:246-56.
Hernandez-Jimenez F., Sanchez-Prieto J., Soria-Verdugo A., Acosta-Iborra A. Experimental quantification of the particle-wall frictional forces in pseudo-2D gas fluidised beds. Chemical Engineering Science. 2013 10/11/;102(0):257-67.
Guenther C., Garg R. Technical Report on NETL's Non Newtonian Multiphase Slurry Workshop: A path forward to understanding non-Newtonian multiphase slurry flows. 2013. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Pittsburgh, PA, and Morgantown, WV, USA: NETL-PUB-926. p. 81.
Gopalakrishnan Pradeep, Tafti Danesh. Development of parallel DEM for the open source code MFIX. Powder Technology. 2013 Feb;235:33-41.
Glascoe L., Antoun T., Kanarska Y., et al. Technical Report on Evolution of an interfacial crack on the concrete-embankment boundary. 2013. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Livermore, CA, USA: LLNL-TR-645956. p. 121.
Gel A., Garg R., Tong C., Shahnam M., Guenther C. Applying uncertainty quantification to multiphase flow computational fluid dynamics. Powder Technology. 2013 Jul;242:27-39.
Estep Joe, Dufek Josef. Discrete element simulations of bed force anomalies due to force chains in dense granular flows. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2013 3/15/;254(0):108-17.
Choudhuri A. Tehnical Report on Investigation of Gas Solid Fluidized Bed Dynamics with Non-Spherical Particles. 2013. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Morgantown, WV, USA, University Of Texas El Paso, Texas, USA. p. 106.
Bai Wei, Keller Norman K. G., Heindel Theodore J., Fox Rodney O. Numerical study of mixing and segregation in a biomass fluidized bed. Powder Technology. 2013 3//;237(0):355-66.
Agrawal K., Holloway W., Milioli C. C., Milioli F. E., Sundaresan S. Filtered models for scalar transport in gas-particle flows. Chemical Engineering Science. 2013 May;95:291-300.
Publication Year 2012
Xue Q., Dalluge D., Heindel T. J., Fox R. O., Brown R. C. Experimental validation and CFD modeling study of biomass fast pyrolysis in fluidized-bed reactors. Fuel. 2012 7//;97(0):757-69.
Tan Qinliang, Liu Tian, Jiang Dalong, Hu Xiaoying, Dong Changqing. Numerical simulation of dual-support leg fluidized bed. In: Pan W., Ren J. X., Li Y. G., editors. Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Pts 1-7; 2012. p. 627-30.
Song Jinghui, Wang Tao, Hu Xiaoying, Dong Changqing. Erosion mechanism of platen heating surfaces in CFB. In: Chen W. Z., Xu X. P., Dai P. Q., Chen Y. L., editors. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Pts 1-4; 2012. p. 2287-91.
Rokkam R. Computational fluid dynamic modeling of fluidized-bed polymerization reactors [Doctoral Dissertation]: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; 2012. p. 132.
Razavi Behzad Saeedi, Hosseini Seyyed Hossein. Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies of Hydrodynamic Parameters in a Two-Dimensional Conical Spouted Bed. Asian Journal of Chemistry. 2012 Aug;24(8):3571-8.
Murray J. A., Benyahia S., Metzger P., Hrenya C. M. Continuum representation of a continuous size distribution of particles engaged in rapid granular flow. Physics Of Fluids. 2012;24:19.
Murgia S., Vascellari M., Cau G. Comprehensive CFD model of an air-blown coal-fired updraft gasifier. Fuel. 2012 11//;101(0):129-38.
Miller D. C., Syamlal M., Cottrell R., et al. Annual Report: Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative (CCSI) (30 September 2012). 2012. (NETL) National Energy Technology Laboratory: NETL-PUB-820. p. 39.
Li Yongchao, Che Defu, Liu Yinhe. CFD simulation of hydrodynamic characteristics in a multiple-spouted bed. Chemical Engineering Science. 2012 10/1/;80(0):365-79.
Li T. W., Guenther C. A CFD study of gas-solid jet in a CFB riser flow. Aiche Journal. 2012 Mar;58(3):756-69. 10.1002/aic.12619.
Li F., Song F., Benyahia S., Wang W., Li J. MP-PIC simulation of CFB riser with EMMS-based drag model. Chemical Engineering Science. 2012 Sep 12;82:104-13.
Kumar Apurv, Hodgson Peter, Fabijanic Daniel, Gao Weimin. Numerical solution of gas-solid flow in fluidised bed at sub-atmospheric pressures. Advanced Powder Technology. 2012 Jul;23(4):485-92.
Jalalinejad Farzaneh, Bi Xiaotao T., Grace John R. Effect of electrostatic charges on single bubble in gas-solid fluidized beds. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 2012 Sep;44:15-28.
Igci Yesim, Pannala Sreekanth, Benyahia Sofiane, Sundaresan Sankaran. Validation Studies on Filtered Model Equations for Gas-Particle Flows in Risers. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012 Feb 1;51(4):2094-103.
Hu Xiaoying, Wang Tao, Song Jinghui, Dong Changqing, Ieee. Research on wear mechanism of dense phase area in fluidized bed. 2012 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference; 2012.
Holloway William, Sundaresan Sankaran. Filtered models for reacting gas-particle flows. Chemical Engineering Science. 2012 Sep 12;82:132-43.
Herzog Nicoleta, Schreiber Matthias, Egbers Christoph, Krautz Hans Joachim. A comparative study of different CFD-codes for numerical simulation of gas-solid fluidized bed hydrodynamics. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 2012 Apr 6;39:41-6.
Gaspar Branco da Silva Fernanda Ribeiro, de Souza Marcos, de Souza da Costa Alexandre Marconi, de Matos Jorge Luiz Mario, Paraiso Paulo Roberto. Experimental and numerical analysis of soybean meal drying in fluidized bed. Powder Technology. 2012 Oct;229:61-70.
Garg Rahul, Galvin Janine, Li Tingwen, Pannala Sreekanth. Open-source MFIX-DEM software for gas-solids flows: Part I-Verification studies. Powder Technology. 2012 Apr;220:122-37.
Feng Z.-G. Final Technical Report on Use of an Accurate DNS Particulate Flow Method to Supply and Validate Boundary Conditions for the MFIX Code. 2012. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Morgantown, WV, USA, Antonio University Of Texas At San. p. 26.
Dutta A., Constales D., Heynderickx G. J. Applying the direct quadrature method of moments to improve multiphase FCC riser reactor simulation. Chemical Engineering Science. 2012 Dec;83:93-109. 10.1016/j.ces.2012.04.036.
Dietiker Jean-Francois, Li Tingwen, Garg Rahul, Shahnam Mehrdad. Cartesian grid simulations of gas-solids flow systems with complex geometry. Powder Technology. 2013 Feb;235:696-705.
Di Carlo Andrea, Foscolo Pier Ugo. Hot syngas filtration in the freeboard of a fluidized bed gasifier: Development of a CFD model. Powder Technology. 2012 May;222:117-30.
da Silva Fernanda Ribeiro Gaspar Branco, de Souza Marcos, da Costa Alexandre Marconi de Souza, Jorge Luiz Mario de Matos, Paraiso Paulo Roberto. Experimental and numerical analysis of soybean meal drying in fluidized bed. Powder Technology. 2012 10//;229(0):61-70.
Cordiner S., De Simone G., Mulone V. Experimental-numerical design of a biomass bubbling fluidized bed gasifier for paper sludge energy recovery. Applied Energy. 2012 9//;97(0):532-42.
Brenner Thomas A., Fontenot Raymond L., Cizmas Paul G. A., O'Brien Thomas J., Breault Ronald W. A reduced-order model for heat transfer in multiphase flow and practical aspects of the proper orthogonal decomposition. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 2012 8/10/;43(0):68-80.
Benyahia Sofiane, Sundaresan Sankaran. Do we need sub-grid scale corrections for both continuum and discrete gas-particle flow models? Powder Technology. 2012 Apr;220:2-6.
Azizi Salar, Mowla Dariush, Ahmadi Goodarz. Numerical evaluation of turbulence models for dense to dilute gas-solid flows in vertical conveyor. Particuology. 2012 10//;10(5):553-61.
Molina, I., Burgisser, A., and Oppenheimer, C. (2012) Numerical simulations of convection in crystal-bearing magmas: A case study of the magmatic system at Erebus, Antarctica, Journal of Geophysical Research, v.117, B07209.
Publication Year 2011
Xue Q., Heindel T. J., Fox R. A CFD model for biomass fast pyrolysis in fluidized-bed reactors. Chemical Engineering Science. 2011 Jun;66(11):2440-52.
Sundaresan S., Tardos G. I., Subramaniam S. Final Technical Report on Rheological Behavior of Dense Assemblies of Granular Materials. 2011. Princeton University Princeton, NJ, USA. p. 297.
Sun X., Rink N. Final Technical Report on Development of a Hydrogasification Process for Co-Production of Substitute Natural Gas (SNG) and Electric Power from Western Coals. 2011. (NETL) National Energy Technology Laboratory, Company Arizona Public Service. p. 1207.
Reuge Nicolas, Caussat Brigitte. Modeling of Silicon CVD into Agglomerates of Sub-micrometer-size Particles in a Fluidized Bed. Chemical Vapor Deposition. 2011 Dec;17(10-12):305-11.
Passalacqua A., Fox R. O. Advanced continuum modelling of gas-particle flows beyond the hydrodynamic limit. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2011 Apr;35(4):1616-27.
Musser J. M. H. Modeling of heat transfer and reactive chemistry for particles in gas-solid flow utilizing continuum-discrete methodology (CDM) [Doctoral Dissertation]: West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA; 2011. p. 313.
Moraveji Mostafa Keshavarz, Sokout Fatemeh Sadat, Rashidi Alimorad. CFD modeling and experimental study of multi-walled carbon nanotubes production by fluidized bed catalytic chemical vapor deposition. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2011 8//;38(7):984-9.
Li Tingwen, Dietiker Jean-Francois, Zhang Yongmin, Shahnam Mehrdad. Cartesian grid simulations of bubbling fluidized beds with a horizontal tube bundle. Chemical Engineering Science. 2011 Dec 1;66(23):6220-31.
Li T. High-Resolution Simulations of Gas-Solids Jet Penetration Into a High Density Riser Flow. In: Knowlton T., editor. 10th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds and Fluidization Technology - CFB - 10; 2011; Sun River, OR, USA: ECI Digital Archives; 2011.
Kim Yong Nam, Wu Changning, Cheng Yi. CFD simulation of hydrodynamics of gas-solid multiphase flow in downer reactors: revisited. Chemical Engineering Science. 2011 11/1/;66(21):5357-65.
Igci Yesim, Sundaresan Sankaran. Verification of Filtered Two-Fluid Models for Gas-Particle Flows in Risers. Aiche Journal. 2011 Oct;57(10):2691-707.
Hrenya C. M., Cocco R., Fox R., Subramaniam S., Sundaresan S. Final Technical Report on Development, Verification, and Validation of Multiphase Models for Polydisperse Flows. 2011. (NETL) National Energy Technology Laboratory, Colorado University Of. p. 559.
Holloway William, Benyahia Sofiane, Hrenya Christine M., Sundaresan Sankaran. Meso-scale structures of bidisperse mixtures of particles fluidized by a gas. Chemical Engineering Science. 2011 Oct 1;66(19):4403-20.
Heske C., Moujaes S., Weimer A., et al. Technical Report on High Efficiency Generation of Hydrogen Fuels Using Solar Thermochemical Splitting of Water. 2011. UNLV Research Foundation Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: DOE/GO/13062/Final. p. 400.
Hernandez-Jimenez F., Third J. R., Acosta-Iborra A., Muller C. R. Comparison of bubble eruption models with two-fluid simulations in a 2D gas-fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2011 Jun;171(1):328-39.
Farzaneh Meisam, Sasic Srdjan, Almstedt Alf-Erik, Johnsson Filip, Pallares David. A novel multigrid technique for Lagrangian modeling of fuel mixing in fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Science. 2011 11/15/;66(22):5628-37.
Darabi Pirooz, Pougatch Konstantin, Salcudean Martha, Grecov Dana. DEM investigations of fluidized beds in the presence of liquid coating. Powder Technology. 2011 Dec 25;214(3):365-74.
Ceccio S., Curtis J. Final Technical Report on A Study of Vertical Gas Jets in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed. 2011. (NETL) National Energy Technology Laboratory, Michigan Regents Of The University Of.
Bogere M. Final Technical Report on Dense Multiphase Flow Simulation: Continuum Model for Poly-Dispersed Systems Using Kinetic Theory. 2011. (NETL) National Energy Technology Laboratory. p. 25.
Baker A. E., Bland A. S. B., Hack J. J., et al. Technical Report on High Performance Computing Facility Operational Assessment, FY 2011 Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility. 2011. (ORNL) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sciences Center for Computational: ORNL/TM-2011/314. p. 130.
Publication Year 2010
Wu Xuezhi, Jiang Fan, Xu Xiang, Xiao Yunhan. CFD simulation of smooth and T-abrupt exits in circulating fluidized bed risers. Particuology. 2010 8//;8(4):343-50.
Wang X. Y., Liao L. L., Fan B. G., et al. Experimental validation of the gas-solid flow in the CFB riser. Fuel Processing Technology. 2010 Aug;91(8):927-33.
Sundaresan S. Final Technical Report on Closures for Course-Grid Simulation of Fluidized Gas-Particle Flows. 2010. Princeton University Princeton, NJ, USA. p. 261.
Pu Wenhao, Zhao Changsui, Xiong Yuanquan, et al. Numerical simulation on dense phase pneumatic conveying of pulverized coal in horizontal pipe at high pressure. Chemical Engineering Science. 2010 Apr 15;65(8):2500-12.
Passalacqua A., Fox R. O., Garg R., Subramaniam S. A fully coupled quadrature-based moment method for dilute to moderately dilute fluid-particle flows. Chemical Engineering Science. 2010 Apr;65(7):2267-83.
Liu Daoyin, Chen Xiaoping. Lateral solids dispersion coefficient in large-scale fluidized beds. Combustion and Flame. 2010 11//;157(11):2116-24.
Li T. W., Mahecha-Botero A., Grace J. R. Computational Fluid Dynamic Investigation of Change of Volumetric Flow in Fluidized-Bed Reactors. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2010 Aug;49(15):6780-9.
Kim Kibum, Moujaes Samir F., Kolb Gregory J. Experimental and simulation study on wind affecting particle flow in a solar receiver. Solar Energy. 2010 Feb;84(2):263-70.
Kashyap Mayank, Gidaspow Dimitri. Computation and measurements of mass transfer and dispersion coefficients in fluidized beds. Powder Technology. 2010 10/25/;203(1):40-56.
Hosseini Seyyed Hossein, Ahmadi Goodarz, Rahimi Rahbar, Zivdar Mortaza, Esfahany Mohsen Nasr. CFD studies of solids hold-up distribution and circulation patterns in gas-solid fluidized beds. Powder Technology. 2010 6/28/;200(3):202-15.
Holloway William, Yin Xiaolong, Sundaresan Sankaran. Fluid-Particle Drag in Inertial Polydisperse Gas-Solid Suspensions. Aiche Journal. 2010 Aug;56(8):1995-2004.
Gerber S., Behrendt F., Overmann M. An Eulerian modeling approach of wood gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor using char as bed material. Fuel. 2010 Oct;89(10):2903-17.
Filtvedt W. O., Javidi M., Holt A., et al. Development of fluidized bed reactors for silicon production. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2010 12//;94(12):1980-95.
de Souza Braun Meire Pereira, Mineto Andreza Tangerino, Navarro Helio Aparecido, Cabezas-Gomez Luben, da Silva Renato Cesar. The effect of numerical diffusion and the influence of computational grid over gas-solid two-phase flow in a bubbling fluidized bed. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. 2010 Nov;52(9-10):1390-402.
Brenner Thomas A., Fontenot Raymond L., Cizmas Paul G. A., O'Brien Thomas J., Breault Ronald W. Augmented proper orthogonal decomposition for problems with moving discontinuities. Powder Technology. 2010 10/25/;203(1):78-85.
Breault Ronald W., Guenther Chris. Mass transfer coefficient prediction method for CFD modeling of riser reactors. Powder Technology. 2010 Oct 25;203(1):33-9.
Benyahia Sofiane, Galvin Janine E. Estimation of Numerical Errors Related to Some Basic Assumptions in Discrete Particle Methods. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2010 Nov 3;49(21):10588-605.
Publication Year 2009
Syamlal M., Guenther C., Gel A., Pannala S. Advanced coal gasifier designs using large-scale simulations. In: Simon H., editor. Scidac 2009: Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing; 2009.
Reuge N., Cadoret L., Caussat B. Multifluid Eulerian modelling of a silicon Fluidized Bed Chemical Vapor Deposition process: Analysis of various kinetic models. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2009 May 15;148(2-3):506-16.
Passalacqua A., Marmo L. A critical comparison of frictional stress models applied to the simulation of bubbling fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Science. 2009 Jun 15;64(12):2795-806.
Pannala Sreekanth, Daw C. Stuart, Finney Charles E. A., Benyahia Sofiane, Syamlal Madhava, O'Brien Thomas J. Modeling the Collisional-Plastic Stress Transition for Bin Discharge of Granular Material. In: Nakagawa M., Luding S., editors. Powders and Grains 2009; 2009. p. 657-60.
Li T. W., Pougatch K., Salcudean M., Grecov D. Mixing of secondary gas injection in a bubbling fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Research & Design. 2009 Nov;87(11A):1451-65.
Kim Kibum, Siegel Nathan, Kolb Greg, Rangaswamy Vijayarangan, Moujaes Samir F. A study of solid particle flow characterization in solar particle receiver. Solar Energy. 2009 10//;83(10):1784-93.
Hosseini S. H., Zivdar M., Rahimi R. CFD simulation of gas-solid flow in a spouted bed with a non-porous draft tube. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification. 2009 11//;48(11-12):1539-48.
Hartge Ernst-Ulrich, Ratschow Lars, Wischnewski Reiner, Werther Joachim. CFD-simulation of a circulating fluidized bed riser. Particuology. 2009 Aug;7(4):283-96.
Gidaspow D., Jiradilok V., Kashyap M., Chalermsinsuwan B. Final Technical Report on Gasificaton Transport: A Multiphase CFD Approach & Measurements. 2009. Technology Illinois Institute Of. p. 82.
Dan Sun, Shuyan Wang, Gougdong Liu, Shuai Wang, Yongjian Liu, Lixin Wei. Simulations of flow behavior of gas and particles in a spouted bed using a second-order moment method-frictional stresses model. Chemical Engineering Science. 2010 5/1/;65(9):2635-48.
Cadoret L., Reuge N., Pannala S., et al. Silicon Chemical Vapor Deposition on macro and submicron powders in a fluidized bed. Powder Technology. 2009 Mar 5;190(1-2):185-91.
Publication Year 2008
Yin Chungen, Rosendahl Lasse A., Kaer Soren K. Grate-firing of biomass for heat and power production. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 2008 12//;34(6):725-54.
Xie Nan, Battaglia Francine, Pannala Sreekanth. Effects of using two- versus three-dimensional computational modeling of fluidized beds: Part II, budget analysis. Powder Technology. 2008 2/15/;182(1):14-24.
Wang Shuyan, Shen Zhiheng, Lu Huilin, Yu Long, Liu Wentie, Ding Yonlong. Numerical predictions of flow behavior and cluster size of particles in riser with particle rotation model and cluster-based approach. Chemical Engineering Science. 2008 Aug 16;63(16):4116-25.
Tsimring L. S. Final Technical Report on Modeling for Process Control: High-Dimensional Systems. 2008. University of California University of California, San Diego, USA: DOE/ER/14138-1; TRN: US201003%%182. p. 5.
Shadle L. J., Ludlow C. J., Spenik J. L., Seachman S. M., Guenther C. P. Jet penetration into a riser operated in dense suspension upflow: experimental and model comparisons. In: Werther J., Nowak W., Wirth K., Hartge E., editors. 9th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds (CFB9); 2008; Hamburg, Germany, May 13 - May 16, 2008: Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology IX; 2008. p. 307-12.
Services Southern Company. Technical Report on Power Systems Development Facility Gasification Test Campaign TC22. 2008. Southern Company Services Incorporation Wilsonville, Al, USA. p. 64.
Reuge N., Cadoret L., Coufort-Saudejaud C., Pannala S., Syamlal M., Caussat B. Multifluid Eulerian modeling of dense gas-solids fluidized bed hydrodynamics: Influence of the dissipation parameters. Chemical Engineering Science. 2008 Nov 16;63(22):5540-51.
Nemtsov D. A., Zabaniotou A. Mathematical modelling and simulation approaches of agricultural residues air gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2008 9/15/;143(1-3):10-31.
Jung J. W., Gamwo I. K. Multiphase CFD-based models for chemical looping combustion process: Fuel reactor modeling. Powder Technology. 2008 Apr 21;183(3):401-9.
Igci Yesim, Andrews Arthur T., Sundaresan Sankaran, Pannala Sreekanth, O'Brien Thomas. Filtered two-fluid models for fluidized gas-particle suspensions. Aiche Journal. 2008 Jun;54(6):1431-48.
Cizmas Paul G. A., Richardson Brian R., Brenner Thomas A., O'Brien Thomas J., Breault Ronald W. Acceleration techniques for reduced-order models based on proper orthogonal decomposition. Journal of Computational Physics. 2008 8/10/;227(16):7791-812.
Bryden K., Hess J. R., Ulrich T., Zemetra R. Final Technical Report: DOE/ID/14215 2008. University Iowa State: DOE/ID/14215; TRN: US200902%%226. p. 45.
Benyahia Sofiane. Verification and validation study of some polydisperse kinetic theories. Chemical Engineering Science. 2008 12/1/;63(23):5672-80.
Battaglia F. Final Technical Report on Detailed Reaction Kinetics for CFD Modeling of Nuclear Fuel Pellet Coating for High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors. 2008. University Iowa State: DOE-ID14661-1; TRN: US0900513. p. 11.
Banerjee S., Chen A., Patel R., et al. Final Report on Enhanced Productivity of Chemical Processes Using Dense Fluidized Beds. 2008. Chemicals Millennium Inorganic: TRN: US200809%%686. p. 106.
Publication Year 2007
Xie N. Computational analyses for modeling fluidized bed gasification processes [Doctoral Dissertation]: Iosa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA; 2007. p. 174.
Whitty K. Final Technical Report on Investigation of Fuel Chemistry and Bed Performance in a Fluidized Bed Black Liquor Steam Reformer. 2007. University Of Utah Salt Lake City, UT, USA. p. 179.
Weber Michael W., Hrenya Christine M. Computational study of pressure-drop hysteresis in fluidized beds. Powder Technology. 2007 8/25/;177(3):170-84.
Sun Jin, Battaglia Francine, Subramaniam Shankar. Hybrid two-fluid DEM simulation of gas-solid fluidized beds. Journal of Fluids Engineering-Transactions of the Asme. 2007 Nov;129(11):1394-403.
Sun J. Mutiscale Modeling of Segregation in Granular Flows [Doctoral Dissertation]: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; 2007. p. 170.
Pannala Sreekanth, Daw C. Stuart, Finney Charles E. A., Boyalakuntla Dhanunjay, Syamlal Madhava, O'Brien Thomas J. Simulating the dynamics of spouted-bed nuclear fuel coaters. Chemical Vapor Deposition. 2007 Sep;13(9):481-90.
Malony A. D. Technical Report on Performance Engineering Technology for Scientific Component Software. 2007. University of Oregon Eugene, OR: DOE/ER25561-Final; TRN: US200816%%658. p. 12.
Gel A., Pannala S., Syamlal M., O'Brien T. J., Gel E. S. Comparison of frameworks for a next-generation multiphase flow solver, MFIX: a group decision-making exercise. Concurrency and Computation-Practice & Experience. 2007 Apr 10;19(5):609-24.
Galvin J. E. On The Hydrodynamic Description of Binary Mixtures of Rapid Granular Flows and Gas-Fluidized Beds [Doctoral Dissertation]: University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA; 2007. p. 523.
Fan R., Fox R. O. Segregation in polydisperse fluidized beds: Validation of a multi-fluid model. Chemical Engineering Science. 2008 Jan;63(1):272-85.
El Kawi O. S. Abd, Atwan E. F., Abdelmonem S. A., Abdalla A. M., Elshazly K. M. Hydrodynamic and thermal modelling of gas-particle flow in fluidized beds. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. 2007 Sep 4;5.
Dartevelle S., Valentine G. A. Transient multiphase processes during the explosive eruption of basalt through a geothermal borehole (Namafjall, Iceland, 1977) and implications for natural volcanic flows. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2007 10/30/;262(3-4):363-84.
Dartevelle S. Technical Report on From model conception to verification and validation, a global approach to multiphase Navier-Stoke models with an emphasis on volcanic explosive phenomenology. 2007. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Los Alamos, NM, USA: LA-14346; TRN: US200909%%265. p. 92.
Cadoret L., Reuge N., Pannala S., Syamlal M., Coufort C., Caussat B. Silicon CVD on powders in fluidized bed: Experimental and multifluid Eulerian modelling study. Surface & Coatings Technology. 2007 Sep 25;201(22-23):8919-23.
Benyahia Sofiane, Syamlal Madhava, O'Brien Thomas J. Study of the ability of multiphase continuum models to predict core-annulus flow. Aiche Journal. 2007 Oct;53(10):2549-68.
Publication Year 2006
Weber Michael W., Hrenya Christine M. Square-well model for cohesion in fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Science. 2006 Jul;61(14):4511-27.
Sundaresan Sankaran, Andrews Arthur T., Igci Yesim. Coarse-graining of two-fluid models for fluidized gas-particle suspension. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 2006 Mar 26;231.
Sun J., Battaglia F. Hydrodynamic modeling of particle rotation for segregation in bubbling gas-fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Science. 2006 Mar;61(5):1470-9.
Sousa Jr Ruy, Colmati Flavio, Gonzalez Ernesto Rafael. Modeling techniques applied to the study of gas diffusion electrodes and proton exchange membrane biochemical fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2006 10/20/;161(1):183-90.
Seachman S. M., Yue P. C., Ludlow J. C., Shadle L. J. Solids Fraction Measurement with a Reflective Fiber Optic Probe (569c). AIChE 2006 Annual Meeting; 2006; San Francisco, CA, Nov. 12 - Nov. 17, 2006: AIChE Conference Proceedings; 2006. p. 6.
Pannala S., Daw S. C., Boyalakuntla D. S., Finney C. E. A. Technical Report on Process Modeling Phase I Summary Report for the Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Development and Qualification Program. 2006. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA: ORNL/TM-2006/520; AF3610200; NEAF260. p. 49.
Makkawi Y. T., Wright P. C., Ocone R. The effect of friction and inter-particle cohesive forces on the hydrodynamics of gas-solid flow: A comparative analysis of theoretical predictions and experiments. Powder Technology. 2006 Apr 25;163(1-2):69-79.
Jung J. W., Gidaspow D., Gamwo I. K. Bubble computation, granular temperatures, and reynolds stresses. Chemical Engineering Communications. 2006 Aug;193(8):946-75.
Holder G., Mathews J., Wilson T., et al. Final Technical Report on University/NETL Student Partnership Program 2006. (NETL) National Energy Technology Laboratory, University Of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. p. 39.
Guenther C. P., Breault R. W. A Detailed Look Inside a Transport Reactor (paper 20-2). 23rd Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference; 2006; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Sept. 25 - Sept. 28, 2006: International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, CD-ROM Proceedings; 2006. p. 12.
Fan R. Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Fluidized Bed Polymerization Reactors [Doctoral Dissertation]: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; 2006. p. 197.
Das Sharma S., Pugsley T., Delatour R. Three-dimensional CFD model of the deaeration rate of FCC particles. Aiche Journal. 2006 Jul;52(7):2391-400.
Dartevelle S. Technical Report on Geophysical Multiphase Flow With Interphase Exchanges Hydrodynamic and Thermodynamic Models, and Numerical Techniques, Version FMFIX-1.61, Design Document Attachment 1. 2006. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Los Alamos, NM, USA: MOL.20061005.0023; DC# 48387; TRN: US0700395. p. 63.
Cabezas-Gomez L., Silva R. C., Milioli F. E. Some modeling and numerical aspects of the two-fluid simulation of the gas-solids flow in a CFB riser. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2006 Oct-Dec;23(4):487-96.
Publication Year 2005
Yuan T., Cizmas P. G., O'Brien T. A reduced-order model for a bubbling fluidized bed based on proper orthogonal decomposition. Computers & Chemical Engineering. 2005 12/15/;30(2):243-59.
Whitty K. Annual Technical Report on Investigation of Fuel Chemistry and Bed Performance in a Fluidized Bed Black Liquor Steam Reformer. 2005. University Of Utah Salt Lake City, UT, USA. p. 83.
van der Lee L., Chandrasekaran B., Hulme I., Kantzas A. A non-invasive hydrodynamic study of gas-solid fluidised bed of linear low density polyethylene. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2005 Feb;83(1):119-26.
Miller A. L. Final Technical Report on Numerical Modeling of Reactive Multiphase Flow for FCC and Hot Gas Desulfurization Circulating Fluidized Beds. 2005. West Virginia University Research Corporation Morgantown, WV, USA: DOE/ER/45727-1; TRN: US200712%%217. p. 139.
Krier D. Technical Report on Magma Dynamics at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. 2005. Bechtel SAIC Company LCC, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA: ANL-MGR-GS-000005 REV 00; DOC.20050829.0006; DC#44674; TRN: US0504601. p. 114.
Dufek J., Bergantz G. W. Transient two-dimensional dynamics in the upper conduit of a rhyolitic eruption: A comparison of closure models for the granular stress. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 2005 5/1/;143(1-3):113-32.
Dartevelle S., Valentine G. A. Early-time multiphase interactions between basaltic magma and underground openings at the proposed Yucca Mountain radioactive waste repository. Geophysical Research Letters. 2005 Nov 30;32(22).
Dartevelle S. Technical Report on Comprehensive Approaches to Multiphase Flows in Geophysics - Application to nonisothermal, nonhomogenous, unsteady, large-scale, turbulent dusty clouds I. Hydrodynamic and Thermodynamic RANS and LES Models. 2005. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Los Alamos, NM, USA: LA-14228; TRN: US200612%%789. p. 128.
Chandrasekaran B. K., van der Lee L., Hulme I., Kantzas A. A simulation and experimental study of the hydrodynamics of a bubbling fluidized bed of linear low density polyethylene using bubble properties and pressure fluctuations. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 2005 Jun 24;290(6):592-609.
Breault R. W., Shadle L. J., Pandey P. Granular temperature, turbulent kinetic energy and solids fraction of cork particles at the wall in the riser of a CFB; 2005. In Cen, K (Ed.), Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology VIII (pp. 755-761). Hangzhou, China: Int Academic Publisers.
Benyahia S., Syamlal M., O'Brien T. J. Evaluation of boundary conditions used to model dilute, turbulent gas/solids flows in a pipe. Powder Technology. 2005 Aug 23;156(2-3):62-72.
Andrews A. T., Loezos P. N., Sundaresan S. Coarse-grid simulation of gas-particle flows in vertical risers. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2005 Aug 3;44(16):6022-37.
Publication Year 2004
Xu Y. An improved multiscale model for dilute turbulent gas particle flows based on the equilibration of energy concept [Master's Thesis]: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; 2004. p. 93.
Xie N., Battaglia F., Fox R. O. Simulations of multiphase reactive flows in fluidized beds using in situ adaptive tabulation. Combustion Theory and Modelling. 2004 Jun;8(2):195-209.
Weber M. W. Simulation of Cohesive Particle Flows in Granular and Gas-Solid Systems [Doctoral Dissertation]: University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA; 2004. p. 223.
Wang Xiaohua, Zhu Chao, Ahluwalia Rajesh. Numerical simulation of evaporating spray jets in concurrent gas-solids pipe flows. Powder Technology. 2004 2/16/;140(1-2):56-67.
Sundaresan S. Final Technical Report on Coarse-Grid Simulation of Reacting and Non-Reacting Gas-Particle Flows. 2004. Princeton University Princeton, NJ, USA. p. 215.
Sun J., Battaglia F. Effects of Particle Rotation on the Hydrodynamic Modeling of Segregation in Gas-Fluidized Beds. ASME 2004 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition; 2004; Anaheim, California, USA; 2004. p. 745-53.
Lu H. L., He Y. R., Liu W. T., Ding J. M., Gidaspow D., Bouillard J. Computer simulations of gas-solid flow in spouted beds using kinetic-frictional stress model of granular flow. Chemical Engineering Science. 2004 Mar;59(4):865-78.
Gera Dinesh, Syamlal Madhava, O'Brien Thomas J. Hydrodynamics of particle segregation in fluidized beds. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 2004 4//;30(4):419-28.
Dartevelle S., Rose W. I., Stix J., Kelfoun K., Vallance J. W. Numerical modeling of geophysical granular flows: 2. Computer simulations of plinian clouds and pyroclastic flows and surges. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 2004 Aug 18;5.
Dartevelle S. Numerical modeling of geophysical granular flows: 1. A comprehensive approach to granular rheologies and geophysical multiphase flows. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 2004 Aug 18;5.
Calo J. M. Final Report on Spouted Bed Electrodes (SBE) For Direct Utilization of Carbon In Fuel Cells. 2004. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Brown University Providence, Rhode Island, USA. p. 59.
Bockelie M., Swensen D., Denison M., Sarofim A., Senior C. Final Report on A Computational Workbench Environment For Virtual Power Plant Simulation. 2004. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Pittsburgh, PA, and Morgantown, WV, USA, Reaction Engineering International Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. p. 444.
Publication Year 2003
Whitty K. Annual Technical Report on Investigation of Fuel Chemistry and Bed Performance in a Fluidized Bed Black Liquor Steam Reformer. 2003. University Of Utah Salt Lake City, UT, USA. p. 75.
Syamlal M., O'Brien T. J. Fluid dynamic simulation of O-3 decomposition in a bubbling fluidized bed. Aiche Journal. 2003 Nov;49(11):2793-801.
Sundaresan S. Technical Report on Coarse-Grid Simulation of Reacting and Non-Reacting Gas-Particle Flows. 2003. Princeton University Princeton, NJ, USA. p. 98.
Srivastava A., Sundaresan S. Analysis of a fractional-kinetic model for gas-particle flow. Powder Technology. 2003 Jan 8;129(1-3):72-85.
McKeen Tim, Pugsley Todd S. Simulation of Cold Flow FCC Stripper Hydrodynamics at Small Scale Using Computational Fluid Dynamics. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. 2003 2003;1.
McKeen T., Pugsley T. Simulation and experimental validation of a freely bubbling bed of FCC catalyst. Powder Technology. 2003 Jan 8;129(1-3):139-52.
Loezos P. N. An investigation into dense and dilute gas particle flow [Doctoral Dissertation]: Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA; 2003.
Holder G. D. Technical Report on University/NETL Student Partnership Program: 3rd year. 2003. (NETL) National Energy Technology Laboratory, University Of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. p. 1038.
Gelderbloom S. J., Gidaspow D., Lyczkowski R. W. CFD simulations of bubbling/collapsing fluidized beds for three Geldart groups. Aiche Journal. 2003 Apr;49(4):844-58.
Fan R., Marchisio D. L., Fox R. O. Application of the direct quadrature method of moments to polydisperse gas-solid fluidized beds. Powder Technology. 2004 Jan;139(1):7-20.
Faletra P., Clark T., Jones R., et al. Journal of Undergraduate Research, Volume III, 2003. 2003. Federal Energy Technology Center Morgantown, WV, USA. p. 157.
Energy Assistant Secretary for Fossil. Technical Report on Clean Coal Technology Programs: Program Update 2003 (Volume 1). 2003. Technology & Management Services Inc.: DOE/FE-0459-1; TRN: US200903%%176. p. 224.
Dartevelle S. Numerical and granulometric approaches to geophysical granular flows [Doctoral Dissertation]: Michigan Technological University; 2003. p. 116.
Cizmas P. G., Palacios A., O'Brien T., Syamlal M. Proper-orthogonal decomposition of spatio-temporal patterns in fluidized beds. Chemical Engineering Science. 2003 10//;58(19):4417-27.
Cizmas P. Final Technical Report on A Reduced Order Model Of Two-Phase Flow, Heat Transfer and Combustion In Circulating Fluidized-Beds. 2003. Texas Engineering Experiment Station College Station, Texas, USA. p. 71.
Boyalakuntla D. S. Simulation of Granular and Gas-Solid Flows using Discrete Element Method [Doctoral Dissertation]: Carnegie Mellon University; 2003. p. 184.
Publication Year 2002
Xie N. Simulations of multiphase reactive flows in fluidized beds using in situ adaptive tabulation method [Master's Thesis]: Iosa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA; 2002.
Srivastava A. Dense Phase Gas-solid Flows in Circulating Fluidized Beds [Doctoral Dissertation]: Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA; 2002. p. 406.
Loezos P. N., Sundaresan S. The role of meso-scale structures on dispersion in gas-particle flows. In: Grace J. R., Zhu J., de Lasa H. I., editors. 7th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds, May 5 - May 8, 2002; 2002; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering; 2002. p. 427-34.
Cizmas P. Annual Technical Report on A Reduced Order Model Of Two-Phase Flow, Heat Transfer and Combustion In Circulating Fluidized-Beds. 2002. Texas Engineering Experiment Station College Station, Texas, USA.
Publication Year 2001
Guenther C., Syamlal M. The effect of numerical diffusion on simulation of isolated bubbles in a gas-solid fluidized bed. Powder Technology. 2001 May 23;116(2-3):142-54.
Corporation The Foster Wheeler Development, (NETL) The National Energy Technology Laboratory. Final Report for CRADA No. 97-F001. 2000. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Morgantown, WV, and Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Foster Wheeler Development Corporation Livingston, NJ, USA: DOE/NETL-2001/1137; Contract CRADA 97-F001; TRN: AH200101%%10. p. 94.
Bockelie M., Swensen D., Denison M. Technical Report on A Computational Workbench Environment For Virtual Power Plant Simulation. 2001. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Pittsburgh, PA, and Morgantown, WV, USA, Reaction Engineering International Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: TRN: US200212%%38. p. 20.
Agrawal K., Loezos P. N., Syamlal M., Sundaresan S. The role of meso-scale structures in rapid gas-solid flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2001 Oct 25;445:151-85.
Publication Year 2000
Toseland B. A. Technical Report on Engineering Development of Slurry Bubble Column Reactor (SBCR) Technology. 2000. Air Products and Chemicals Inc., Allentown, PA, USA. p. 53.
Agrawal K. The role of meso-scale structures in rapid granular and gas solid flows [Doctoral Dissertation]: Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA; 2000. p. 179.
Publication Year 1999
Brown M. Science and Technology Highlights of ORNL's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program, Number 1, 1999. 1999. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA: ORNL/STH-1999/1; TRN: AH200130%%81. p. 157.
Publication Year 1998
Syamlal M. MFIX Documentation: Numerical Technique. 1998. Federal Energy Technology Center Morgantown, WV, USA, EG and G Technical Services of West Virginia Inc., Morgantown, WV, USA: DOE/MC/31346--01; ON: DE98057983; TRN: AHC29817%%200. p. 84.
Gera D., Gautam M., Tsuji Y., Kawaguchi T., Tanaka T. Computer simulation of bubbles in large-particle fluidized beds. Powder Technology. 1998 7/15/;98(1):38-47.
Publication Year 1997
Joyce E. L. National laboratories` capabilities summaries for the DOE Virtual Center for Multiphase Dynamics (VCMD). 1997. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Los Alamos, NM, USA: LA-UR--96-4842; ON: DE97003590; TRN: 97:001683. p. 52.
Inc. Advanced Fuel Research. Technical Report on Fossil fuel conversion -- Measurement and modeling. 1997. Federal Energy Technology Center Morgantown, WV, USA, Advanced Fuel Research Inc. East Hartford, CT, USA: DOE/MC/30040--2; ON: DE98058980; TRN: AHC29819%%51. p. 216.
Publication Year 1996
Final Report on Development of a high-performance coal-fired power generating system with pyrolysis gas and char-fired high temperature furnace (HITAF). 1996. Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Foster Wheeler Development Corp. Livingston, NJ, USA: DOE/PC/91154--T11; ON: DE96010134. p. 238.
Publication Year 1995
Syamlal M., Nicoletti P. A. Final Report on Multiphase Flow Modeling - Validation and Application CRADA MC94-019. 1995. Federal Energy Technology Center Morgantown, WV, and Pittsburgh, PA, USA: DOE/FETC-99/1081; CRADA MC94-019; ON: DE00003027. p. 5.
Technical Report on MFIX Validation Studies, December 1994 to November 1995, CRADA No. PC94-026. 1997. Federal Energy Technology Center Morgantown, WV, USA: DOE/FETC--97/1042; ON: DE97002161; CRN: C/PETC--94-026.
Publication Year 1994
Syamlal M. MFIX Documentation: User`s Manual. 1994. Morgantown Energy Technology Center Morgantown, WV, USA, EG and G Technical Services of West Virginia Inc., Morgantown, WV, USA: DOE/METC--95/1013; ON: DE95012201; TRN: 95:004613. p. 95.
Publication Year 1993
Syamlal M., Rogers W., O`Brien T.J. MFIX Documentation: Theory Guide. 1993. Morgantown Energy Technology Center Morgantown, WV, USA: DOE/METC--94/1004; ON: DE94000087. p. 54.
Nicoletti P. A., Rogers W., Sams W. N., Syamlal M., Venkatesan S. MFIX. Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchanges. 1993. Morgantown Energy Technology Center Morgantown, WV, USA: ESTSC--000799SGIIP00.
Publication Year 1991
Gray D., Stiles J. M., Celik I. Final Report on Theoretical and numerical studies of constitutive relations for frictional granular flow. 1991. Morgantown Energy Technology Center Morgantown, WV, USA, West Virginia University Morgantown, WV, USA: DOE/MC/24207-3009; ON: DE91002089. p. 168.
Publication Year 1990
Gray D., Stiles J. M. Technical Report on Theoretical and numerical studies of constitutive relations for frictional granular flow. 1990. Morgantown Energy Technology Center Morgantown, WV, USA, West Virginia University Morgantown, WV, USA: DOE/MC/24207-2852; ON: DE90009662.