A. Bakshi, M. Shahnam, A. Gel, T. Li, C. Altantzis, W. Rogers, A.F. Ghoniem, "Comprehensive multivariate sensitivity analysis of CFD-DEMsimulations: Critical model parameters and their impact on fluidization hydrodynamics", Powder Technology, July 17 2018, 10.1016/j.powtec.2018.06.049
Abstract: The development of CFD-DEM is critical for investigating particle phenomena and their coupling with reactor transport. However, there continues to be considerable uncertainty in the selection of model parameters because of limitations in: (a) experimental measurements ofmulti-particle interactions, and (b) computational resources which have restricted most numerical studies to 2D simulations, in very small-scale systems (<50k particles) and/or to local sensitivity analysis.
Keywords: CFD-DEM, gas-solid fluidization, pulsating reactor, multivariate sensitivity, linear spring-dashpot model, spring stiffness