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Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences visits NETL

Professor Jinghai Li and Dr. Xiaowei Wang from Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IPE/CAS) visited NETL on July 14th. Professor Li is …

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C3M 2015-2 Release Announcement

Dear MFIX user, We are pleased to announce the release of the new version of C3M (2015-2). Please download the latest version. Please see the release notes ...
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New release of the mfixgui (0.1)

Dear MFiX user, We are pleased to announce a new release of the mfixgui (0.1). The mfixgui has been designed to act as a front end tool ...
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2015 NETL Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science – Invitation

Dear Colleagues, You are cordially invited to participate in the U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory’s (NETL) 2015 Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science. ...
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C3M 2015-1 Release Announcement

Dear MFIX user, We are pleased to announce the release of the new version of C3M (2015-1). Please download the latest version. Please see the release notes ...
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2015 Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science – ABSTRACT DATE EXTENDED to June 15, 2015

Please "SAVE THE DATE" for the U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory's (NETL) 2015 Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science.  Pending approval, this conference ...
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MFIX2015-1 Release Announcement

Dear MFIX user, We are pleased to announce the release of the new version of MFIX (MFIX2015-1). Please download the latest version. Please see the release notes ...
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2015 NETL-IWTU Fluidization Workshop

On March 19, 2015, DOE's Office of Fossil Energy (FE), Environmental Management (EM), National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), and Idaho National Laboratory Integrated Waste Treatment Unit ...
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