Solids model
Solids settings
Enabling the SOLIDS solver and specifying options common to both DEM and PIC models. The following inputs must be preceded by the “solids.” root
Description |
Type |
Default |
types |
Specified name(s) of the SOLIDS types or None to disable the SOLIDS solver. The user defined names are used to specify DEM and/or PIC model inputs. |
String |
None |
molecular_weight |
Value of constant solid molecular weight |
Real |
0 |
specific_heat |
Specify which specific heat model to use for solid. Available options include:
String |
None |
specific_heat.constant |
Value of species molecular weight. [required if fluid.specific_heat = ‘constant’]. |
Real |
0 |
reference_temperature |
Value of the reference temperature used for specific enthalpy |
Real |
0 |
species |
Specify which species can constitute the fluid phase [defined species must be a subset of the species.solve arguments]. |
String |
None |
newton_solver.absolute_tol |
Define absolute tolerance for Damped-Newton solver |
Real |
1.e-6 |
newton_solver.relative_tol |
Define relative tolerance for Damped-Newton solver |
Real |
1.e-6 |
newton_solver.max_iterations |
Define max number of iterations for Damped-Newton solver |
int |
100 |
Below is an example for specifying the solids solver model options.
solids.types = my_solid0 my_solid1
solids.reference_temperature = 298.15
solids.specific_heat = mixture
solids.species = Fe2O3 FeO
DEM model settings
Enabling the DEM solver and specifying model options.
Description |
Type |
Default |
dem.solve |
Specified name(s) of the DEM types or None to disable the DEM solver. The user defined names are used to specify DEM model inputs. |
String |
None |
dem.friction_coeff.pp |
Friction coefficient :: particle to particle collisions [required] |
Real |
0 | |
Friction coefficient :: particle to wall collisions [required] |
Real |
0 |
dem.spring_const.pp |
Normal spring constant :: particle to particle collisions [required] |
Real |
0 | |
Normal spring constant :: particle to wall collisions [required] |
Real |
0 |
dem.spring_tang_fac.pp |
Tangential-to-normal spring constant factor :: particle to particle collisions |
Real |
0.2857 | |
Tangential-to-normal spring constant factor :: particle to wall collisions |
Real |
0.2857 |
dem.damping_tang_fac.pp |
Factor relating the tangential damping coefficient to the normal damping coefficient :: particle to particle collisions |
Real |
0.5 | |
Factor relating the tangential damping coefficient to the normal damping coefficient :: particle to wall collisions |
Real |
0.5 |
dem.implicit_drag |
Apply fluid-particle drag force by implicit velocity update. |
int |
0 |
dem.tan_history |
Include tangential history force in the collision model. |
Bool |
False |
dem.tan_history.max_contacts |
When tangential history is enabled, the maximum number of contacts per particle that are tracked at any point |
Int |
10 |
dem.rolling_friction |
When tangential history is enabled, the rolling friction model to be used. [ACRO11, BVB+19, WK12, ZWY+99]
String |
None |
dem.rolling_friction_coeff |
Rolling friction coefficient when using a rolling friction model |
Real |
0 |
The following inputs use the DEM type names specified using the dem.solve input to define restitution coefficients and are proceeded with dem.restitution_coeff. These must be defined for all solid-solid and solid-wall combinations.
Description |
Type |
Default |
[solid0].[solid1] |
Specifies the restitution coefficient between solid0 and solid1. Here the order is not important and could be defined as [solid1].[solid0] |
Real |
0 |
[solid0].wall |
Specifies the restitution coefficient between solid0 and the wall. Order is not important and this could be defined as wall.[solid0] |
Real |
0 |
Below is an example for specifying the inputs for two DEM solids.
dem.solve = sand char
dem.friction_coeff.pp = 0.25 = 0.15
dem.spring_const.pp = 100.0 = 100.0
dem.spring_tang_fac.pp = 0.2857 = 0.2857
dem.damping_tang_fac.pp = 0.5 = 0.5
dem.restitution_coeff.sand.sand = 0.85
dem.restitution_coeff.sand.char = 0.88
dem.restitution_coeff.char.char = 0.90
dem.restitution_coeff.sand.wall = 0.85
dem.restitution_coeff.char.wall = 0.89
Implicit drag
By default, the fluid-particle drag force is applied explicitly to particles,
where \(u_p\) is the p-th particle velocity at the indicated time level, \(\beta^n\) is the drag coefficient, \(u_f^{n+1}\) is the fluid velocity, \(\mathcal{F}_p\) are all non-drag forces (e.g., gravitational, buoyancy, collision etc.), and \(m_p\) is particle mass. Terms exist at different time levels due in part to how the fluid and particle models are coupled and partly because particles typically sub-step in time. Specifically, a time step advances the fluid from \(t^n\) to \(t^{n+1}\), then particles take multiple smaller time steps to traverse the same total time. In the above equation, prime markers differentiate quantities updated at each DEM sub-step.
The updated particle velocity, \(u_p^{n^{\prime}+1}\), is substituted into the drag expression when implicit drag is enabled.
By using the updated velocity, the drag force computed for the fluid and particles is inconsistent, and interphase momentum is not conserved. However, implicit drag may be needed for numerical stability when the particle density is much less than the fluid (such as bubbles).