NETL 2009 Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science
Euro-Suites Hotel, Morgantown, WV
April 22-23, 2009
- Kinetic Theory of Polydisperse Granular Flows and Validation Data
Christine Hrenya, Colorado University - Quadrature-Based Moment Methods for Polydisperse Gas-Solid Flows
Rodney Fox, Iowa State University - Fluid-Particle Drag Force in Bidisperse Suspensions
Sankaran Sundaresan, Princeton University - Modeling Particle-Fluid Momentum Transfer in Polydisperse Gas-Solid Flows through Direct Numerical Simulations Based on the Immersed Boundary Method
Shankar Subramaniam, Iowa State University - Multiphase Interactions in Riser-Section of CFB: Towards Realistic Model for Analysis and Prediction
M. N. Bogere, University of Puerto Rico - FCMOM: From Population Balance Equations to the Boltzmann Equation for Bidimensional Systems (Hard Disks)
M. Strumendo, H. Arastoopour, and D. Gidaspow, Illinois Institute of
Technology - Application of Coarse Grained Drag Law in Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Fluidized Beds
Nicholas Jones, ExxonMobil - Issues in Chemical Looping Combustion
Tom O’Brien, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL - Multiphase Simulation of Entrained Flow Gasification - Modeling Needs
Lanre Oshinowo, ConocoPhillips - Fluidization & Chlorination Modeling: An Industrial Perspective from Millennium Inorganic Chemicals
Sibashis (Shibu) Banerjee, Millennium Inorganic Chemicals... Presentation - NOT AVAILABLE - Modeling and Simulation of Laboratory Scale Dense-Phase Solids Transport Systems
Paul Chapman, Alstom Power - Implementation of Cartesian Cut-Cell Technique into the Multiphase Flow Solver MFIX
Jean (Jeff) Dietiker, West Virginia University Research Corporation - Recent Advances in Reduced-Order Modeling for Transport Phenomena
Paul Cizmas, Texas A&M University - Coarse-Grid Simulation of Riser Flows
Sankaran Sundaresan, Princeton University - Meso-Scale Structure and Multi-Scale Strategy in Simulating Multi-Phase Systems---from Physical Modeling and Parallel Computation to Industrial Application
Jinghai Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Follow-Up to 2006 NETL Multiphase Workshop
Madhava Syamlal, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL - Computation and Measurements of Mass Transfer and Dispersion Coefficients in Fluidized Beds
Dimitri Gidaspow, Illinois Institute of Technology - Capacitance Imaging
L. S. Fan, Ohio State University - An Experimental Study of the Rheological Behavior of Dense Assemblies of Granular Materials
Gabriel Tardos, CCNY (City College) - Welcome Anthony Cugini, Director of Office of Research and Development, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL
- Measurement of Particle Number Density and Volume Fraction in a Fluidized Bed using the Shadow Sizing Method
David Roelant & Seckin Gokaltun, Florida International University - Model Validation Challenge Problem: Riser Testing at NETL
Larry Shadle, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL - The Effects of Particle Size on Riser Hydrodynamics
Ray Cocco, Particulate Solid Research, Inc. - High Speed Particle Imaging of Dense Particle Flow Fields
Frank Shaffer, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL - Reduced Models for Gas-Solids Flows: Coarse Discrete Element Method and Phase-Space Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
Sreekanth Pannala, Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Granular Flow in a Rough Annular Shear: Validating DEM Simulations with Experiments
C. Fred Higgs III, Carnegie Mellon University - Granular Flow in a Rough Annular Shear: Validating DEM Simulations with Experiments
Joe McCarthy, University of Pittsburgh - Rheological Behavior of Dense Granular Materials: DEM Simulations and Order Parameter Model
Shankar Subramaniam, Iowa State University - Frictional Flow of Dense Granular Materials
Sankaran Sundaresan, Princeton University
NETL Conference Services Information
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Phone: (412) 386-6044 FAX: (412) 386-6486
E-mail: vog.eod.lten@yksrovay.ylrebmik
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