2010 Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science
May 4-6, 2010
Table of Contents
- Welcome
Chris Guenther, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL
Ronald Breault, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL
Robert Romanosky, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL - Workshop Overview
Ronald Breault
Chris Guenther
Session 1: Fundamentals
- Introduction
Madhava Syamlal, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL - Keynote Address
[PDF-3,436KB] Olivier Simonin, Institut de Mecanique de Fluides de Toulouse - Experiments and Model Development Polydisperse, Gas-Fluidized Systems
[PDF-1,570KB] Christine Hrenya, University of Colorado ; R. B. Rice, V. Garzo, S. Tenneti, R. Garg, S. Subramaniam and J. Chew - Fully Three-Dimensional Simulations of Riser Flow with a Third-Order Quadrature-Based Moment Method
[PDF-413KB] Alberto Passalacqua, Iowa State University; R. Fox - Mesoscale Structures in Bidisperse Fluidized Suspensions
[PDF-4,430KB] William Holloway, Princeton University; S. Benyahia, C. Hrenya & S. Sundaresan - Interaction of Particles with Carrier Gas revealed by Particle-resolved Direct Numerical Simulation: Improved Drag Laws and Models
[PDF-3,990KB] Shankar Subramaniam, Iowa State University; S. Tenneti, R. Garg, K. Devendran, M. Mehrabadi, R. Fox and C. Hrenya - “Do We Need Sub-grid Drag Models for Coarse Continuum and Discrete Simulations of Gas-Solids Flows?”
[PDF-2,620KB] Sofiane Benyahia, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL - Use of a DNS Method to Reduce Uncertainties in Two-Fluid Models [PDF-457KB] Efstathios (Stathis) Michaelides, University of Texas at San Antonio; Zhi-Gang Feng
- Discrete Element Simulation and Modeling of Granular Flow in Silos and Hoppers
[PDF-3,990KB] Shankar Subramanian, Iowa State University; Vidyapati, J. Sun, G.Tardos & S. Sundaresan - Granular Rheology in the Quasi-static, Intermediate and Rapid Flow Regimes: Towards a Comprehensive Model
[PDF-2,950KB] J. Sun, Princeton University; J. Sun, S. Chialvo & S. Sundaresan - Improvements to the Eulerian/Lagrangian Multiphase Coupling Algorithm for Polyhedral/polygonal Control Volume Mesh Topologies
[PDF-2,530KB] Jeff Franklin, Airflow Sciences Corporation - The Effect of Particle Shape on Particle-Phase Stress
[PDF-4,540KB] Jennifer Sinclair Curtis, University of Florida - Coupled MFIX-DEM: Verification and Validation
[PDF-1,560KB] Janine Galvin, U.S. Department of Energy; S. Pannala, R. Garg, J. Li - Clustering in Macroscale Two-Phase Flows
[PDF-23,981KB] Madhusudan Pai, Stanford University; S. Subramaniam, H. Pitsch
Session 2: Road Map
- NETL Welcome and Introduction
Madhava Syamlal, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL - Presentation 40 with 20 for Q & A
Robert Lyczkowski, Independent Contractor
Session 3: Applications
- Introduction
Chris Guenther - Key Note Address: Challenges in Modeling Multiphase Reactors for More Efficient Technologies
[PDF-4,760KB] Mike Dudukovic, Washington University, St. Louis - Applications of the FCMOM to In-Homogeneous Systems (PBE) and to Kinetic Theory
[PDF-2,800KB] Matteo Strumendo, Illinois Institute of Technology; .H. Arastoopour, D. Gidaspow & M. N. Bogere - Multiscale Multiphysics Simulations of Entrained Flow Gasification
[PDF-2,340KB] Mayank Kumar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; A. Ghoniem, C. Zhang - CFD Simulations of the Chemical Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels
[PDF-1,730KB] Thomas O’Brien, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL; K. Mahalatkar, J. Kuhlman, E. David Huckaby - Use of CFD as a Design Tool for Scale-Up of Fluidized-bed Reactors
[PDF-2,090KB] Ranjeeth Kalluri, RTI International; J. Huang, A. Jamal, R Gupta - Modeling Entrained Flow Coal Gasifiers
[PDF-1,590KB] Michael Bockelie, Reaction Engineering International - Toward Comprehensive Numerical Simulation of Gas-Solid Systems From Dilute to Dense Flows; With Focus on Eulerian-lagragian Methods
[PDF-1,560KB] Peter Spicka, ANSYS, Inc; M. Braun, B. Popoff - Reaction Mechanism for Entrained-Flow Coal Gasification
[PDF-543KB] Stephen Niksa, Niksa Energy Associates, LLC - CFD Modeling of Ice Flows
[PDF-1,990KB] Mohamed Sayed, Canadian Hydraulics Centre - CFD for Sorbent-based CO2 Capture Systems
[PDF-864KB] E. David Huckaby, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL; R. Garg, M. Shahnam - Applications of CFD in the Oil Sands Industry
[PDF-3,450KB] Kevin Reid, Syncrude Canada Ltd. - High Resolution Numerical Simulations of Coal Gasifiers Using High Performance Computing
[PDF-6,450KB] Aytekin Gel, U.S. Department of Energy; J. Li, C. Guenther, M. Syamlal, S. Pannala - Validation of Large-Eddy Simulations of an Entrained-Flow Coal Gasifier Using the Data Collaboratory Approach
[PDF-1,790KB] Charles Reid, University of Utah; P. Smith
Session 4: Experimental
- Introduction
Ronald Breault - Key Note Address
[PDF-1,190KB] John Grace, University of British Columbia - Pressurized Coal Pyrolysis and Gasification at High Initial Heating Rates
[PDF-5,140KB] Tom Fletcher, Brigham Young University - Measurement and Analysis of the Gas-Solid Hydrodynamics of Geldart Group B Powders in a 12-inch Diameter by 60-foot tall CFB
[PDF-6,100KB] Ray Cocco, Particulate Solid Research, Inc.; J. Chew, C. Hrenya, Hays, R. Kerri, T. Knowlton - Application of the Particle in Cell Approach for the Simulation of Bubbling Fluidized Beds of Geldart A Particles
[PDF-343KB] Todd Pugsley, The University of Saskatchewan, Canada; Shayan Karimipour - Experimental and Modeling Investigations of Ignition and Char-Combustion During Oxy-fuel Combustion of Pulverized Coal
[PDF-1,240KB] Chris Shaddix, Sandia National Laboratories; M. Geier, E. Hecht - Kinetics of Gasification for CFD
[PDF-1,920KB] Sarma Pisupati, The Pennsylvania State University - LDV Measurements and Analysis of Gas and Particulate Phase Velocity Profiles in a Vertical Jet Plume in a 2D Bubbling Fluidized Bed
[PDF-1,160KB] Alexander Mychkovsky & Steven Ceccio, University of Michigan - Rheological Behavior of Dense Assemblies of Granular Materials During Flow: Experiments and Simulations
[PDF-1,480KB] Gabriel Tardos, The City College of New York; M. Langroudi - Pilot Scale Entrained Flow Gasification Facilities
[PDF-1,840KB] Robin Hughes, Canmet Energy; B. Anthony, E. Chui - Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography: An Imaging Tool for Multiphase Flow Systems
[PDF-2,710KB] Qussai Marashdeh, Tech4Imaging, LLC; L.S. Fan & F. Wang - Comparing Methods to Extract Solids Fraction From High Speed Images of Polyethylene Beads in a Fluidized Bed Riser
[PDF-3,430KB] Lawrence Shadle, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL; D. Casleton, A. Ross - Particle Imaging of Riser Flow Fields at NETL and PSRI: A New View of Riser Flow Behavior
[PDF-5,110KB] Franklin Shaffer, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL; B. Gopalan, R. Breault, L. Shadle, R. Cocco, R. Kerri, R. Hays, T. Knowlton - A New Approach to Decomposition of Particle Velocity and Calculation of Granular Temperature Using High Speed PIV Data
[PDF-1,880KB] Balaji Gopalan, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL; F. Shaffer - Kinetics of Coal/Biomass Co-gasification
[PDF-3,010KB] Nathan Weiland, West Virginia University; Bryan Morreale - An Experimental Determination of Jet Penetration into a CFB Riser
[PDF-2,310KB] Chris Ludlow, U.S. Department of Energy, NETL; J. Spenik, L. Shadle - Closing Remarks
Ronald Breault, Chris Guenther & Madhava Syamlal
U.S. DOE NETL Event Management
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Phone: 304-285-4750 Fax: 304-284-4459
E-mail: vog.eod.lten.rp@rolyat.aihtnyc
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NOTE: The papers listed above are in Portable Document Format (PDF). It is recommended to use the Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 or newer from Adobe Systems, Inc. to view the Proceedings.