This year’s workshop is dedicated to the memory of our multiphase flow research colleagues:

Tuesday, August 6, 2019 – Marriott at Waterfront Place – Salon E
- Welcome and Introduction
William Rogers, Multiphase Flow Science Team, National Energy Technology Laboratory - Commemoration of Dr. Daw and Dr. Halow
Charles Finney, Oak Ridge National Laboratory - NETL Multiphase Flow Research Overview (PPTX: 99MB) (PDF: 4MB)
Madhava Syamlal, Senior Fellow Computational Engineering, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Session 1: Chair – William Rogers
- Interactions of Particles with Flow Structures in Turbulent Channel Flows (PDF: 5MB)
Amir Abdollahi Mofakham, Goodarz Ahmadi and John McLaughlin, Clarkson University - Identifying Multiphase Turbulence Models Using Sparse Regression with Embedded Form Invariance (PDF: 9MB)
Sarah Beetham and Jesse Capecelatro, University of Michigan - Homogeneously Sheared Particle-Laden Turbulence in Two-Way Coupled Eulerian-Eulerian and Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulations (PDF: 6MB)
M. Houssem Kasbaoui, Arizona State University - Particle Dispersion and Deposition in Inhomogeneous Turbulent Flows (PPTX: 10MB)
Vivek Srinivasan, Danesh Tafti, Virginia Tech
Session 2: Chair – William Fullmer
- Drag Calculation Coupling with Clustering Phenomenon for Gas-solid Circulating Fluidized Bed Risers (PDF: 3MB)
Zeneng Sun, Xiaoyang Wei, Chao Zhang, Jesse Zhu, University of Western Ontario - Offline Evaluation of Agglomeration Tendency with a Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed of Identical Wet Particles: Model Development and Integration with MFiX (PPTX: 15MB)
Jaber Shabanian¹ , Marc A. Duchesne¹ , Allan Runstedtler¹ , Madhava Syamlal² , and Robin W. Hughes¹ , ¹Natural Resources Canada, CanmetENERGY, ²National Energy Technology Laboratory - A Thermal Radiation Model for Numerical Simulation of Reacting Fluidized Beds with MFiX-TFM, MFiX-DEM and MFiX-PIC (PPTX: 12MB)
V M Krushnarao Kotteda, Michael Stoellinger, University of Wyoming - Data-Driven Smart Proxy for Computational Fluid Mechanics (PPTX: 11MB)
Shahab D. Mohaghegh¹, ², Mehrdad Shahnam³ , Ayodeji Aboaba¹ , Yvon Martinez ¹ , Chris Guenther ³ , Yong Liu³ , Anthony Morrow¹ , and Ashley Konya¹ , ¹West Virginia University, ² Intelligent Solutions, Inc., ³ National Energy Technology Laboratory
Session 3: Chair – Mehrdad Shahnam
- Keynote Presentation: Gasification Research at Sotacarbo (PPTX: 230MB) (PDF: 3MB)
Andrea Porcu, Sotacarbo - Società Tecnologie Avanzate Carbone SpA - Coal and Biomass Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier - Design and Operation (PPTX: 1.7GB) (PDF: 2MB)
Ali Sivri, Amoolya Lalsare, Cosmin E. Dumitrescu, and Jianli Hu, West Virginia University - Progress on Microwave Doppler Solids Flow Sensor Technology for Chemical Looping (PPTX: 18MB) (PDF: 2MB)
Benjamin Chorpening, Michael Spencer, Jared Charley, Sam Bayham, Douglas Straub, National Energy Technology Laboratory - Hydrogen-Rich Syngas Production Through Synergistic Methane-Activated Catalytic Biomass Gasification (PPTX: 1MB)
Amoolya Lalsare, Yuxin Wang, Qingyuan Li, Ali Sivri, Roman J. Vukmanovich, Cosmin E. Dumitrescu, Jianli Hu, West Virginia University
Session 4: Chair – Jeff Dietiker
- Synchrotron X-ray Imaging for High-Speed Characterization of Multiphase Flows (PDF: 1MB)
Theodore Heindel, Iowa State University - Benchmarking CFD Simulation in Multiphase Systems Using Advanced Radioisotope and Non-radioisotope Measurement Techniques (PPTX: 390MB) (PDF: 4MB)
Binbin Qi, Omar Farid, and Muthanna H. Al-Dahhan, Missouri University of Science and Technology - Euler-Euler Modelling and Validation of a Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed Using Advanced Measurement Techniques (PPTX: 4MB)
Sebastián Uribe, Muthanna Al-Dahhan, Missouri University of Science and Technology - CFD-DEM Simulations of Proppant Particle Transport in Rough Walled Rock Fractures (PPTX: 315MB) (PDF: 3MB)
Amir A. Mofakham1 , Goodarz Ahmadi¹,² , and Dustin Crandall² , ¹Clarkson University, ²National Energy Technology Laboratory - Some Accuracy Related Issues in Two-Fluid Hydrodynamic SubGrid Modeling of Gas-Solid Riser Flows (PDF: 4MB)
Christian C. Milioli, Joseph Mouallem, Seyed R.A. Niaki, Norman ChavezCussy, Fernando E. Milioli, Universidade de São Paulo - Multi-Scale Modeling and Simulation of Steam Reforming and Chemical Looping Reforming
Juray De Wilde, Université Catholique de Louvain
Reception – Bourbon Prime Lounge
Tuesday, August 7, 2019 – Marriott at Waterfront Place – Salon E
Session 5: Chair – Mary Ann Clarke
- Influence of Operating Parameters on Mixing and Elutriation in Fluidized Bed Pyrolysis Reactors (PDF: 1MB)
Zachary Mills¹ , Liqiang Lu² , Xi Gao² , Gavin Wiggins¹ , Charles Finney¹ , Jim Parks¹ , ¹Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ²National Energy Technology Laboratory - Computational Study on Biomass Fast Pyrolysis: Hydrodynamic Effects in a Laboratory-Scale Fluidized Bed (PPTX: 17MB) (PDF: 2MB)
Emilio Ramirez¹,², Charles Finney¹ , Tingwen Li³ , Mehrdad Shahnam⁴ , C. Stuart Daw¹ , ¹Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ²University of Tennessee, ³SABIC Americas, ⁴National Energy Technology Laboratory - CFD Simulation of Hydrodynamics, Heat Transfer, RTD, and Chemical Reaction in a Pilot-Scale Biomass Pyrolysis Vapor-Phase Upgrading (VPU) Reactor (PPTX: 228MB) (PDF: 35MB)
Xi Gao¹ , Tingwen Li² , Kristin Smith³ , Katherine Gaston³ , National Energy Technology Laboratory, ²SABIC Americas, ³National Renewable Energy Laboratory - CFD Modeling of KiOR’s Proprietary Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis Reactors Using Barracuda™ (PPTX: 47MB) (PDF: 4MB)
Bruce Adkins, Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Funding Opportunities in Multiphase Flow at the National Science Foundation (PPTX: 35MB) (PDF: 2MB)
William Olbricht, Particulate and Multiphase Processes, National Science Foundation
Session 6: Chair – Subhodeep Banerjee
- DEM for Non-Spherical Particulate Systems (PDF: 2MB)
Vivek Srinivasan and Danesh Tafti, Virginia Tech - Direct Numerical Simulations of Flow Around Assemblies of NonSpherical Particles (PPTX: 6MB)
Sathish Sanjeevi, TU Delft, National Energy Technology Laboratory - Fluid Forces in Aspect Ratio 10:1 Ellipsoidal Particle Suspensions (PPTX: 5MB)
Ze Cao and Danesh Tafti, Virginia Tech - Direct Numerical Simulation of Spray Atomization in Realistic Gas Turbine Injectors
Marios Soteriou, United Technologies Research Center - Efficiently Modeling Primary Liquid Atomization using an EulerianLagrangian Hybrid Model in ANSYS Fluent (PDF: 4MB)
Muhammad Sami, Jochen Schuetze, Paul Hutchinson, and Shailesh Ozarkar, ANSYS Inc. - On the Mechanisms of Hinze Scale Bubble Deformation and Breakup in Strong Turbulence (PPTX: 86MB) (PDF: 2MB)
Ashik Ullah Mohammad Masuk, Ashwanth Salibindla, Shiyong Tan, Rui Ni, Johns Hopkins University
Session 7: Chair – Avinash Vaidheeswaran
- Advanced Measurement Techniques for the Validation of a Single Pseudophase CFD Model to Predict the Thermal Behavior of Nanofluids (PPTX: 3MB)
Sebastián Uribe, Muthanna Al-Dahhan, Missouri University of Science and Technology - How Fast Do Bubbles Rise in High Energy Turbulence? (PPTX: 122MB) (3MB)
Ashwanth Salibindla, Ashik Masuk, Rui Ni, Johns Hopkins University - Local Validation of TBR Hydrodynamics Using Advanced Measurement Techniques (PPTX: 6MB)
Sebastián Uribe, Muthanna Al-Dahhan, Missouri University of Science and Technology - Reversibility of Granular Rotations and Translations Under Cyclic Compression (PPTX: 105MB) (PDF: 6MB)
Zackery A. Benson, Anton Peshkov, Michelle Girvan, Derek C. Richardson, Wolfgang Losert, University of Maryland - CFD DEM Analysis of a Dry Powder Inhaler with Containerized MFIX On Cloud (PPTX: 27MB) (PDF: 2MB)
V. Kumar ¹ , V. Kotteda¹,², A Bhadhan¹ , ¹University of Texas El Paso, ²University of Wyoming
Session 8: Chair – William Rogers
- Developing a High-Fidelity CFD Model for CO2 Separation by Adsorption (PPTX: 327MB) (PDF: 3MB)
Subhodeep Banerjee, National Energy Technology Laboratory - STEV: A Stabilized Explicit Variable-Load Solver with Machine Learning Acceleration for the Rapid Solution of Stiff Chemical Kinetics (PPTX: 13MB)
Kyle Buchheit, Opeoluwa Owoyele, Terry Jordan, Dirk Van Essendelft, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Thursday, August 8, 2019 – Marriott at Waterfront Place – Salon E
- Welcome to the NETL Multiphase Flow Science Session
William Rogers, National Energy Technology Laboratory - MFiX and Exascale Computing – Development Update (PPTX: 16MB)
Jordan Musser, National Energy Technology Laboratory - MFiX Suite Development Update (PDF: 5.5MB)
Jeff Dietiker, National Energy Technology Laboratory - MFiX Suite Quality Assurance Program (PPTX: 148MB) (PDF: 5MB)
Avinash Vaidheeswaran, National Energy Technology Laboratory¹ - Nodeworks: Optimization Toolset and Uncertainty Quantification Toolset (PPTX: 73MB) (PDF: 5MB)
Justin Weber, William Fullmer, Aytekin Gel, National Energy Technology Laboratory - Tracker, an Opensource Particle Tracking Velocimetry Application Applied to Multiphase Flow Reactors (PPTX: 114MB) (PDF: 4MB)
Justin Weber, Michael Bobek, Steven Rowan, Jingsi Yang, Ronald Breault, National Energy Technology Laboratory
- The Center for Multiphase Flow Research and Education (CoMFRE)
Theodore Heindel, Iowa State University - A Fluid-Consumption-Based Particle Transport Efficiency
Zhifeng Zhang, Antoine Pruvot, Pablo Cisternas, And James McAndrew, Air Liquide