2013 NETL Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science
Tuesday, August 6, 2013 – Governors Ballroom, Lakeview Resort
Registration (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
- Welcome and Introduction (Governors Ballroom)
William Rogers, Leader - Multiphase Flow Team U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory - NETL Multiphase Flow Research Overview
Madhava Syamlal, Focus Area Leader – Computational and Basic Science Focus Area U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Session Chair – Rahul Garg
- Application of a Filtered Euler-Lagrange Formalism to Large-Scale Simulations of Dilute and Dense Fluid-Particle Flows
Jesse Capecelatro and Olivier Desjardins, Cornell University - Heat Transfer in Fluidized Bed-Tube Heat Exchanger
Amit Amritkar and DaneshTafti, Virginia Tech - Development of OpenMP Parallelization for MFIX-DEM
Handan Liu and Danesh Tafti, Virginia Tech - A Novel Two Grid Formulation for Fluid-Particle Systems Using the Discrete Element Method
Surya Deb and Danesh Tafti, Virginia Tech - Finite Size Domain Complete Set of Trial Functions Method of Moments (FCMOM) Approach in Solving PBE-CFD for Poly-Dispersed Flows
Emadoddin Abbasi and Hamid Arastoopour, Illinois Institute of Technology - Extended Conditional Quadrature-Based Moment Methods for Polydisperse Gas-Particle Flows with Size-Conditioned Velocity
Bo Kong and Rodney O. Fox, Iowa State University - Uncertainty Quantification Tools for Multiphase Gas-Solid Flow Simulations using MFIX
Alberto Passalacqua, Xiaofei Hu and Rodney O. Fox, Iowa State University - A Comparison of QUICKER with Conventional Meta-Modeling Methods for Input Uncertainty Propagation
Adam Donato1, Ranga Pitchumani1, Aytekin Gel2, 1 Virginia Tech, 2 Alphemi Consulting LLC - Reliable Predictive Computational Fluid Dynamics Models for Coal Gasifier Simulations with Uncertainty Quantification
Aytekin Gel1, Mehrdad Shahnam2 and Arun K. Subramaniyan 3, 1Alphemi Consulting, LLC, 2NETL, 3GE Global Research - Validation of a Multiphase Turbulence Model Using Mesoscale DNS of Gravity-Driven Gas-Particle Flow
Rodney O. Fox1, Jesse Capecelatro2, Olivier Desjardins2, 1Iowa State University, 2Cornell University
Reconvene and Afternoon Introduction (Governors Ballroom)
Session Chair – Tingwen Li
- A Multiphase Turbulence Theory for Gas-Solid Flows Using Favre-Averaging
Thomas J. O’Brien, Research Scientist Emeritus, NETL - Using Cylindrical Coordinates in the Simulation of Dense Particle-Gas Multi-Phase Flows
Akhilesh Bakshi, Christos Altantzis, and Ahmed. F. Ghoniem, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Stability-Constrained Multi-Fluid CFD Models for Multiphase Systems
Ning Yang and Jinghai Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences - Towards GPU-Accelerated Parallel Solvers for Multi-Phase Flows with Adaptive Cartesian Mesh
Vladimir Kolobov and Robert Arslanbekov, CFD Research Corporation - Advanced Chemical Modeling Through Surrogate Response Models and Uncertainty Quantification in C3M
Dirk Van Essendelft1, Tingwen Li1, Terry Jordan1, Philip Nicoletti1, Kiran Chaudhari1, Richard Turton2,1, Nathan Weiland1, Nicolas Means1, 1NETL, 2West Virginia University - A Three Dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation Method for Solving Heat Transfer of Particulate Flows
Zhi-Gang Feng, Miguel E. Cortina Ponton and Gem Musong Samuel, University of Texas at San Antonio - A Novel Sub-Pore Modeling Methodology for CO2 Capture in Meso-Porous Particle Systems
Nagendra Krishnamurthy and Danesh Tafti, Virginia Tech - Development of a Two-Fluid Drag Law for Clustered Particles Using Direct Numerical Simulation
Mohammad Mehrabadi and Shankar Subramaniam, Iowa State University - An Arbitrary-Langrangian-Eulerian Method for the Direct Numerical Simulation of Particle-Bubble Interactions
Pengtao Yue, Virginia Tech - Direct Numerical Simulation of Particle Rotation Effects in Gas-Solid Flows Using an Immersed Boundary Lattice Boltzmann Method
Qiang Zhou and L.S. Fan, Ohio State University
Wednesday, August 7, 2013 – Governors Ballroom, Lakeview Resort
Reconvene and Introduction (Governors Ballroom)
Session Chair – Balaji Gopalan
- 3D Imaging of Segregation in Granular Shear Flows
Wolfgang Losert and Matthew Harrington, University of Maryland - High Resolution Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography with Applications to Multi-Phase Flow Systems
Qussai Marashdeh1 and Liang-Shih Fan2, 1Tech4Imaging, LLC, 2Ohio State University - Modeling Three-Phase Separation Using MFIX
Tadek Dabros, Natural Resources Canada, CanmetENERGY - Gas-Liquid Flows Involving Multicomponent Fuel Evaporating Spray
O. Samimi Abianeh, C. P. Chen, S. Mahalingam, The University of Alabama in Huntsville - Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations of Horizontal Wellbore Cleaning and Cement Placement Processes in Drilling andCompletions Applications for Petroleum Engineering
Mayank Tyagi, Muhammad Zulqarnain, Doguhan Yilmaz, Louisiana State University - DEM Simulations of Falling Particles Flowing in Crossflow Around a Heated Cylinder
Aaron Morris1, Zhiwen Ma2, Sreekanth Pannala3, Christine Hrenya1, 1The University of Colorado at Boulder, 2National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 3Oakridge National Laboratory - Validation of Filtered Two-Fluid Models for Gas-Particle Flows in Bubbling Fluidized Beds
Shailesh Ozarkar1, Xiaokang Yan2, Shuyan Wang2, Chris Milioli2, Fernando Milioli2, Sankaran Sundaresan2, 1ANSYS Inc., 2Princeton University - Numerical Simulations Studying Size Segregation in a Rotating Drum
Mohit P. Tandon, Aditya Karnik, and Simon Lo, CD-Adapco - Application of Particle Transport, Deposition and Removal in Environmental and Biological Flows
Goodarz Ahmadi, Clarkson University - Development of a Microwave Sensor for Measurement of Solids Mass Flow in Chemical Looping
David Greve1, Jared Charley2 and Benjamin Chorpening2, 1Carnegie Mellon University, 2NETL
Lunch (Reflections Ballroom) and Posters (Reflections Library)
Session Chair – Bill Rogers
Reconvene and Afternoon Introduction (Governors Ballroom)
- Enabling Process Innovation Through Computation – EPIC
Krishnaswamy Nandakumar, Louisiana State University - Industrial Applications of CFD for Clean Coal Plant Design Optimization, Reliability Improvement and Emissions Reductions
Ken A. Williams, CPFD Software LLC - Investigation of a Turbulent Fluidized Bed and Riser in an Interconnected Dual Fluidized Bed Reactor System
N’dri A. Konan, E. David Huckaby and Justin Weber, NETL - Investigation of the Effects of Mesh Topology on CFD Simulations of a Chemical Looping Air Reactor
Yong Liu, Justin Weber, N’dri Arthur Konan, Michael J. Gallagher, Jr., Ronald Breault, E. David Huckaby, NETL - Distributor Plate Modeling with Computational Particle Fluid Dynamic’s (CPFD) Barracuda, Compared to Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography (ECVT)
Justin M. Weber, Ky J. Layfield, Dirk Van Essendelft and Joseph Mei, NETL
Posters (Reflections Library)
- Competing Bottlenecks in DEM-CFD Parallel Simulations of Bubbling Beds
Peiyuan Liu and Christine M. Hrenya, University of Colorado - An Experimental Study Using High Speed Imaging of Clustered Particles for a More Accurate Drag Law in MFIX
Ahmad Abbasi Baharanchi, Seckin Gokaltun, Norman Munroe, George Dulikravich, Florida International University - A Model for Two-Dimensional CFD Simulation of Pseudo-2D Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds
Tingwen Li1, Yongmin Zhang2, Mehrdad Shahnam1, Chris Guenther1, 1NETL, 2China University of Petroleum - 2013 NETL Small Scale Challenge Problem
Balaji Gopalan, NETL
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Phone: (412) 386-6044
FAX: (412) 386-6486
E-mail: vog.eod.lten@yksrovay.ylrebmik
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